Chapter 3

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Apparently a jet with a group called the X-Men were meeting us outside of New Orleans to take me and Remy to the school Logan's been talking about.

Logan was the guy who was smoking the cigar in our apartment.

"Remy, what if I hurt someone?" I urgently whispered as I held his hand tightly.

"You won't, hun. But worryin' bout it will make things worst." He rubbed comforting circles on the back of my hand with his thumb as we neared the black jet.

I took a deep breath as we entered the the large machine.

There was a woman with long white hair and olive skin, another one with short red hair, and a man that wore sunglasses. They all wore matching spandex suits.

"I'm Storm." The olive skinned woman held her hand out for me and Remy. Remy shook her hand but I didn't want to hurt the woman.

Storm let her hand drop to her side when she realized I wouldn't shake her hand.

"Its not that I don't want to shake your hand. It's that I don't want to hurt you." I was quick to try to explain the reason but Remy tightened his grip on my hand to relax me.

"It's perfectly fine. I understand." Storm smiled softly.

"Jean Grey." The red head did the same to Remy and didn't to me, but I gave her a smile. "This is Scott." Jean put a hand on the man's shoulder and kissed his cheek.

"I'm Embry and he's my brother, Remy."

"What's your mutations?" Storm asked.

"I absorb potential energy and turn it into kinetic energy." Remy replied in his southern accented voice. Then everyone's fell to me.

"I... My mutation isn't useful." I spoke quietly, my eyes looked anywhere but anyone else's eyes. I didn't want them to judge me or make me leave if they thought my mutation was dangerous.

"I'm sure that's not true, Embry." Jean spoke softly.

Remy looked down at me, in which nodded for him to reply for me.

"Embry can make things disintegrate when she touches them."

"But it mostly happens when I'm upset or something. I don't mean to. I've spent a lot of my time trying to keep it hidden-"

"It's perfectly fine, Embry. You don't have to explain yourself to us." Jean smiled to me.

"Let's get strapped in and headed to the school." Storm said.


"I think we should go back home." I whispered to Remy as we walked towards the large mansion-school looking thing.

"It'll be just fine, Embry." Remy murmured softly to me as he pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"Don't worry about not fitting in, Embry." Scott said.

I nodded and suppressed a sigh.

I was very shy when it came to meeting new people and I was super nervous. Being nervous lead to anxiety and my emotions being on end never ended well.

I didn't want my mutation to get anyone killed.

As the group made their way to Professor Charles Xavier's study, many kids passed us.

"Professor?" Jean knocked twice on the door before opening it.

I was the second to last person to go into the study, Remy stayed behind me.

"Embry LeBeau. Its wonderful to meet you." An older man with no hair and almond shaped eyes was sitting at the desk in the middle of the study.

I didn't realize he was handicap until I saw him move with a wheelchair.

"I'm Professor Charles Xavier." He held his hand out for me as he neared where I stood.

"I-I don't want to hurt you." I shook my head. He kept the smile on his face as he dropped his hand.

"You have a magnificent gift, Embry-Lynn." Xavier wore his soft smile as he looked up at me.

"I thought a gift was something you could return." I spoke quietly as I looked down at my hands.

Remy elbowed my side a little while Logan grinned, I think.

"Don't be afraid of hurting someone with your mutation, Embry. But it's been a long day for you, I bet. Why don't you show them to their rooms, Jean?"

"I don't want to be too far from Embry." Remy said. I was thankful he had said that because I wouldn't have in front I all these new faces and I don't want to be away from him, especially in a new surrounding.

"Your rooms are right next to each others'." Xavier said.

"Right this way, guys." Jean looked back to Remy and I as she left out the door.

Remy nudged my side when I didn't move.


"Here's your room, Remy." Jean opened one door and then went to the door to the left of it and opened that as well.

"Thanks, sweetheart." Remy winked to Jean before he went into his room with his suitcase in hand.

"Hey, Embry?" Jean put a hand on my upper arm just as I was about to follow behind Remy. "If you ever need anyone to talk to, come to me, okay?" Jean spoke softly with a smile on her face. "I know what it feels like to be afraid of your mutation."

"I will." I nodded and closed the door behind me.

"You need to quit bein' so antisocial, amoureux." Remy was unzipping his suitcase to get a pair of sweats out.

"I don't want to be in a different room from you, Remy. You know how I am." I held Remy's elbow as I put my forehead against his bicep. "I don't like being around people."

"We're right next to each other, darlin. Don't worry." Remy cupped my face and kissed my forehead. "Now go on to bed, amoureux."

I bit my bottom lip as I looked towards the door.

Remy sighed, knowing what I was thinking, probably.

"I'll walk ya to your room that's just next door." Remy wrapped an arm around my thin waist and led me towards my new room. "Sweet dreams, babe."

"Good night, Remy." I wrapped ny arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.

Hey guys!!! How'd you like the chapter?? Here's a picture of the gorgeous Megan Fox as Embry-Lynn.

Press the star and comment opinions!!

<3 Kacey <3

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