Chapter 14

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I've been gone for about thirty minutes and I didn't bother to bring my phone, so I went to the Spark, a bar Remy and I frequently visited.

"Where's LeBeau?" The bartender asked as he handed me a beer. I preferred beer over any other alcoholic beverage, but I rarely drank anything like that.

"He's at home." I reply with a half smile, trying to be nice. I lifted the bottle to my lips and took a big gulp of the liquid.

"He's judging you." The voice whispered. I squeezed my eyes shut and rubbed them. "He thinks you're weird."

"Creepy girl."

"Please, quit." I whispered, needing them to stop.

"What did you say?" The bartender asked. I just shook my head, wiping my sweaty palms on my thighs.

I then squeezed my knees with my hands, trying desperately to calm my emotions.

"Here." I managed to pull out a ten and threw it on the counter before leaving. I didn't want to cause any damage.

My head started spinning and I started seeing double. I reached out to use the brick wall for support but it was farther away than I thought and I stumbled into it, cracking my forehead in the process.

I fell to the ground and I felt something wasn't right.


Third Person P.O.V.

Logan wanted to immediately follow after Embry but Remy advised him to give her some room.

But after three minutes, Logan couldn't wait.

Embry smelt like coconut and vanilla, something Logan didn't know he liked until he met Embry.

Her scent was still in the air and Logan found himself in the bar, almost ten minutes after Embry had left abruptly.

But just before he went into the bar, the wind blew the smell of blood his way. Logan's senses immediately sharpened as he followed the trail. There was some blood on the brick wall and droplets on the sidewalk, but then they just disappear.

And Logan could smell a rugged animal scent mixed in with her sweet smell.

"Victor." He growled.

Embry's P.O.V.

My head was hurting so much. I didn't have a low tolerance for alcohol and I barely drank the first and only bottle I had.

I opened my eyes to see a woman in a white lab coat with her back to me.

"Where am I?" I asked, crinkling my eyebrows and looking around the room. I couldn't see much since it was dark, minus the bright light directly above my head.

"I haven't seen you in years, Embry-Lynn."

I went stiff at the sound of his voice. The man came into sight, wearing a seemingly friendly smile. But I knew him better than that.

"I-I didn't think you were still after me. Remy said you were but I-I hadn't seen you for months." I stuttered slightly, trying desperately to get my hands to touch the arms of the chair I was in but the were cuffed so that my hands hung off the front.

"Victor still works for me." Stryker said just as Victor walked in behind him.

My breath became heavy as panic filled my blood. My stomach clenched from fear and I didn't know what was going to happen.

"Victor made the bartender spike your drink at the bar." Stryker pushed a swivel chair over to me and sat down in it. The back of his hand ran over my cheek. "It was such a shame to lose you all those years ago, Embry-Lynn. You know I valued you more than anyone."

"You let him hurt me!" I screamed with a sudden outrage. "You told me Victor wouldn't ever hurt me!"

"Well, I can't always control the animal in him." Stryker shrugged his shoulder lightly while Victor laughed.

Tears formed in my eyes as I squeezed them shut.

"Logan will kill you." I spoke through a clenched jaw.

"Oh I've met him before. I made him into the very weapon he is-"

"He's not a weapon!" I shouted, opening my eyes to glare at him. Stryker locked his jaw, but the back of his hand connected with my cheek. The force made my head turn.

"You should know better than to yell at me." Stryker then turned to the woman in the lab coat. "I don't want you to hurt her too much. She's more valuable to me than your life."

"Yes sir." The woman nodded.

"Victor will be staying here in case she gets out of hand."

"Yes sir."

Stryker left and Victor made his way over to me, long nails tapping along the back of the chair.

"Little Jimmy's taken on to you, huh?" Victor sat in the chair Stryker had previously been in, his hand resting on my knee.

I tried to move away but he kept me close to keep me frightened.

"Those scars seem to be doin well." Victor commented, using his long index nail to pull the neckline of my shirt down.

"Don't touch me." I growled, my hand managed to touch his other hand and he pulled it back with a hiss.

"Bitch." Victor's hand was around my throat in a flash, gently squeezing. "You know I could kill you so easily."

Tears escaped my eyes and I found myself unable to breath.

"But," He paused and let me go. I sucked in a deep breath, letting my head fall forewords. "The boss wants you alive. He doesn't care what I do to you, long as you live." Victor used one hand to tilt my face up. "My brother sure did pick a pretty face this time."

"I need to get to work on her now, Victor." The woman in the lab coat said, coming towards me with a syringe. "He wants tests ran before sun rise." She flicked the syringe a few times before Victor moved.

"I'll be back later to keep you company, Embry-Lynn." He closed the door behind him and I couldn't refrain from sobbing.

Exciting chapter huh?

What should Victor do?

What should Logan do?

Or Remy for that matter?

Please answer the questions!!^^ I would love to incorporate some of your guys' ideas in with the story!!!


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<3 Kacey <3

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