Her Life

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Chapter 2

"Hey, I made coffee"
I said after hearing the door open, I didn't look away from the window. I had a one night stand, I am at the stage where I know who I want to fuck. I never deprive myself of sex.
Xhanti" I am more of a tea type of guy"
I turned around and looked at him, he was naked. I stared at him for a good two minutes then walked to the kitchen.
Xhanti" Good Morning Khensani"
Me" Good morning"
Xhanti" Izapha"
Me" I'd rather not"
Xhanti" Why?"
Me" I don't repeat certain things. My heart lives in my honeypot, I only open once then fall in love"
Xhanti" Okay"
" I want you to fall in love"
Me" Never ends well"
Xhanti" Okay, we don't know each other. You have your reasons and I understand but, you cannot punish me for your past because that has nothing to do with me"
"I want to get to know you, so if ignoring how much I want to burry my face in your chest and take you in this kitchen will make you feel comfortable then I'll do that"
Me" Tell him that"
He looked at his dick then smiled;
"Down John"
He looked back at me
"He has a mind of his own "
Me" Whatever hahaha"
Xhanti" Masambe, my flight is at 1pm, I want to spend my morning getting to know you and then you'll decide if I am worth it"


Xhanti went back to Joburg yesterday and he didn't call me, just texted when he landed and that was it. I didn't really care because I don't expect much from men anymore. I hated being in this place without Mhla, it's so quiet. So I decided to call Hlela, she is my friend who isn't associated with Mhla's dad.
Hlela" We can watch a movie"
Me" I feel like visiting a vineyard"
"I'll drive"
Hlela" Okay, I'll Uber to your place, then we can go"
Me" I'll invite Nana"
Hlela" No ngxaki, I'll see you after 10 am"
I hung up then told Nana and she said she will meet us there. I quickly took a shower then wore blue stone washed skinny jeans, a white oversized blouse and Air Jordan low. I took heels because I knew they'd complain about my shoes. Hlela arrived right after I finished doing my make up and we left.

Playing Summer Walker's You Don't Know me.
Hlela" Baby girl, you are not about to depress me"
Me" Then play whatever you want to play"
Hlela" I thought you had sex, how are you still sad?"
Me" she hasn't called"
Hlela" Did you call him?"
Me" Fuck no"
Hlela" Why?"
Me" Why should I?"
Hlela" Because you want to speak to him, yintoni le nonsense undibuza yona"
She changes the music and play Beyonce's Yonce. I roll my eyes and sing along, by the time we arrive at Steenberg, Nana is already there waiting to for us. We all hugged them went inside, my phone rand interrupting whatever Hlela was saying;
"It's Mhla"
Nana" Okay, we will sign in"

Me" Hello Boy"
Mhla" Hey Mommy"
Me" I miss you"
"Are you having fun?"
Mhla" I miss you too and yes, we are having fun. Uthi Tata I won't call you later because today he's getting married"
Me" Hahaha I'll call your granny if you want to speak to me later"
Mhla" No Mommy, I will call you ngomso"
Okay that hurts
Me" Okay ke ndoda, enjoy the wedding"
Mhla" I love you"
Me" I love you a million more times"
He ended the call, I stood outside for a minute then decided to call Xhanti. He picked up after the second ring.

Xhanti" Hey"
Me" Mhla just let go of my hand and I am freaking out"
Xhanti" Njani?"
Me" Metaphorically, he doesn't need me to call him tonight and my son always wants me to call him before bed. He doesn't need me anymore and I am not okay"
Xhanti" That's a good thing"
Me" How?? I don't get how my son being independent can be a good thing"
Xhanti" That means you have your hand back and you can actually live again, you can stay longer at places because your son no longer needs you to be there to tuck him in. He's growing up and that's because you created a safe space for him"
Me" I am still sad"
Xhanti" Hahaha I can tell, where are you?"
Me" Steenberg vineyard"
Xhanti" Send me your banking details"
Me" Why?"
Xhanti" I want you to book a flight and come visit me"
Me" It's cool, I'll buy my own tickets"
Xhanti" No you will not, just send me your details and I'll see you tomorrow"
Me" I have a job you know?"
Xhanti" I know you took leave for the next two weeks, remember you told me"
Me" Fine, I'll see you tomorrow"
Xhanti" Enjoy your day beautiful"
" I'll call you tonight"
Me" Hahaha whatever"
Xhanti" Sho ke"
Me" Bye"


After what I would call an amazing day, we went back to my place to pack and buy my tickets. I packed so much sexy underwear, I had to pause and giggle at how stupid I was being.
Hlela" What do you know about him?"
Me" I know he is originally from PE like every, and is currently in Joburg for work"
Nana" I thought Bonke mentioned he's married"
Me" Xhanti?"
Nana" Yea, he's married"
"Actually I am lying because I am not sure, I could ask B again"
Hlela" Wait, before you do; does his marital status matter?"
Nana" It should"
Hlela" Are you speaking as a married woman or just a woman in general because you are biased"
Nana" What? How am I biased?"
Hlela" Nafuti, what if Bonke is someone else's soulmate? There's no guarantee that you two are actually meant to stay together forever"
Nana" Okay, but why did he marry me if he still wants to search for his soulmate?? I don't understand why you are about to normalize adulterous behavior yet just two months ago you were crying your lungs out because your husband is cheating on you"
Me"Woah! Woah!!!!!"
Hlela" Really??? That's why I say you are being biased because being cheated on doesn't mean I am suddenly an enabler but it also doesn't mean I owe every woman out there the same courtesy as I offer my friends. Langa cheated on me, that's on Langa not the woman he cheated with. She isn't married to me, he is and it was his job to not humiliate me not her job. We give men way too much credit and judge woman harshly. Cheated is a two way street. I cried because my husband cheated on me, I was hurt and still am because I know he will probably do it again. But I will never blame another woman for Langa being a whore"
Nana" Then don't project on my marriage"
Hlela" God forbid we actually make Bonke a villain in anyway, it's a fucken example. Had I wanted to say something true, then I'd probably speak about how he is sleeping with gay men!"
Nana" Okay. I am leaving"
Hlela" You can dish, but you cannot handle it xa iza kuwe. Don't speak about my marriage and I won't speak on yours"
Me" Okay, ladies, we are not about to argue"
"Nafuti, just apologize and she will do the same"
Nana" I am sorry"
Hlela" Yea, I am sorry for what I said"
" I am going home, I need to sleep"
Me" Goodnight baby, text me when you get home"
Nana" You want a lift?"
Hlela" No, my husband is fetching me"
" My marriage isn't perfect but I will never do or say the things you say kum. I don't forgive you for what you just did, I am sorry for stooping to your level"
She took her bag and she was out. Nana stared at me;
"You kept quiet while she spewed shit about Bonke that wasn't true"
Me" What was I supposed to say?"
Nana" Tell her to stop talking shit"
Me" hay Nafuti you went there and she retaliated, you thought she would just keep quiet kodwa you are coming for her marriage?"
Nana" You also believe Bonke is gay"
Me" His sexual preferences have nothing to do with me, I love you both and your marriage isn't any of my business. You need to respect Hlela's marriage just like we respect yours"
Nana" Here's some free advice seeing that we are dishing it; Your son isn't Sizwe's child and maybe you should start with that DNA test before you accuse my husband of anything"
Me" Get out of my house"
" Get the fuck out of my house!!!!"
Nana" It's a fucken apartment and I will gladly get out"

Friendships hey

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