Happy birthday

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Chapter 18

" I didn't forget your birthday. I didn't also expect us to be fighting like this right now, there's someone setting up a picnic right now at the beach. I wanted you to move away from the window so you wouldn't see it. I fucked up and I tried to cover it up, epic fail that was but I don't want to ruin your birthday. I can go but I want to be here with you and celebrate your day"
He tried to hold my hand and I moved away;
" It hurts me to know that I am constantly ruining our marriage. I have been fucking up since the day I met you, but this one? I am sure I didn't impregnate anyone. I would never do that to you Sunny, I would never betray you like that. I just need to get those results. I once begged you to let me love you, do you honestly think I would just embarrass you like this?"
Me" You still fucked her"
Xhanti" I am sorry"
" I don't have anything else to add to it because if I say anything else then I'll just be deflecting from what actually happened or just try to invalidate your feelings by making up some lie"
My phone rang, we both looked at it and it was Sizwe. Oh Thixo!
Me" I should answer it's probably the kids"
Xhanti" Let it go to voicemail, we will call them back"
Me" Uhamba nini? Will you even be here for the entire day?"
Xhanti" Your parents have the kids, why can't you come with me?"
Me" Because I have a job"
Xhanti" What do you want me to do?"
Me" Be my husband! That's all I want from you. Be present for your son, show up Xhanti. Surely presidents get the day off or a week. I need to fight for me because honestly, I don't know if I want this anymore. The ball is in your court"


He wasn't lying about the picnic but asked them to pack up everything. Overheard him speaking on the phone, I called my children and they sang for me. Well Mhla sang but Ntlanga did a good job just shouting. Messages from my friends poured in and Sizwe also sent one. Xhanti's mother surprisingly called me too so did my own parents and siblings. I haven't seen Xhanti since our fight, I didn't mind because I wanted to get away from him anyway. So when Hlela suggested the four of us (Hlela, Lexie, Nana and I) go to Zimbali just for the weekend. I quickly got up and packed, no one needs to ask me twice. I checked the weather and as always Durban wasn't disappointing. My phone rang and it was Nana;
"Should I pick you up?"
She asked and I was almost done packing but I also didn't feel comfortable going away without at least letting Xhanti know.
Me" Nah, I'll wait for Xhanti"
Nana" Okay baby. Please don't miss the flight"
Me" I won't, let me quickly call him"
She ended the call and I called Xhanti but it went straight to voicemail so I texted;
" I am going to Zimbali with the girls for the entire weekend. I need this, I guess I really have to start putting my happiness before yours. PS I am wearing shorts to the airport"


I didn't know we were inviting husbands and Hlela didn't mention that when she spoke about the trip.
Me" This is weird right?"
Hlela" What is?"
Me" Xhanti isn't here"
Hlela" He's already at the house, he planned this entire trip"
Me" Today?"
Hlela" Nope, think a month back, Hans is here. You know he's never around"
Me" We fought and I thought he forgot my birthday"
Hlela" Have sex with your man and fight again when we all return home"
Me" Does he want to have sex with me?"
Hlela" He does. You are fucken hot. You are the mother of his child and you are his wife. Let that man have sex with you"
Me" He cheated"
Hlela" So did Langa, and you told me to fight for my marriage. Look how that worked out, just focus on the now"
Me" I don't know. You are making points that he should be making and you and Langa both wanted to fight for your marriage. Xhanti isn't even trying wethu"
" Let's just drop it, and focus on this"
Hlela" Let's just have fun"


The ride to our accommodation was shit funny because we were all getting along. And we had already started drinking,  Xhanti's security checked out bags upon arrival and the conditions were simple; Everyone had to sign a NDA (Non disclosure agreement) and every picture being posted had to be approved if it included Xhanti and I.
Lexie" Are we allowed to post bikini photos? Or at least Vlog"
Xhanti giggled
Xhanti" Vlog, however before posting the content my team has to approve"
Hans" Can we celebrate Khensani now?"
Xhanti" Yea, everyone has an hour to freshen up and we will have an early dinner outside. I have everyone's favorite chef preparing our food"
Hlela" I voted for you"
Langa" She's drunk"
Hlela" Definitely"
They left us alone, I didn't know what to say to him. So instead I just thanked him.
Xhanti" Izobona"
He led me to what I assume is our bedroom during this weekend and my God!!! There were two Gucci bags, a Jimmy Choo box and a Stella McCartney bags. A Dior jacket and a bunch of Levi's jeans and Yeezy shirts. I fell in love when I saw the Versace bags and boots.
"Happy birthday"
I gave him a hug and then kissed him, he giggled.
Xhanti" Follow me outside because there's more"
I was like a child in candy store and my parents have just said you can have anything you want. Yes, that's how excited I was. When I saw a white BMW with a red ribbon, I swear I screamed.
Me" No! Fuck! Is this mine?"
Xhanti" You said you wanted a new car"
Me" Thank you!"
" I need you naked right now"
Xhanti" Hahaha you don't have to ask me twice"

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