Teenage love affair

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Chapter 22

Xhanti and I went out for supper at the hotel lobby he was staying at. I spent my entire day with my mother just bonding, then I reserved a table for Xhanti and I.
Xhanti" You look so weird haha"
Me" What??? What's wrong with what I am wearing?"
Xhanti" Nothing, I have never seen you dressed like this before"
He's dramatic, I was in a plain white top and a long black skirt with sandals
Me" These are my clothes from when I was still married to Sizwe hahaha, my mother doesn't like me throwing away clothes"
Xhanti" I am so happy to see you smile baby"
" You had me worried"
Me" I am sorry"
Xhanti" You don't have to apologize, I should apologize because the entire thing is my fault"
Me" I ruined that interview, I hated everything they were saying. That just pissed me off"
" I hated losing my shit like that, especially since I have been trying to be the best wife. You and I have worked so hard to get to where we are and it took me one interview to ruin everything I convinced you to stay for"
Xhanti" You didn't ruin anything. Even if the general public wasn't supportive of you, I support you. And I told you if you don't want me running for 2nd term then I won't"
Me" I meant it when I said I support you"
"I just got overwhelmed and I needed a break from everything because let's be honest, it's been a lot to take in and I didn't have time to wrap my head around everything. I was 31 when you became president and now I will be 35 during your second term, I am ready"
Xhanti" Mhla suggested that Ntlanga also moves with my mother and I told him I'll ask you"
Me" No"
" I can't lose both my children"
Xhanti" You are not losing them but Ntlanga starts school next year and we want them to have normal lives right?. PE is going to do exactly that. You and I are moving into a bigger house, we are pregnant and we are good. This is all the kids want and surely we can try to grant them this, keep them away from the media"
Me" How when the media is always posting them"
Xhanti" My team is taking care of that"
" I promised you that I will always protect you"
Me" I had so much wine that day, I hate that part too. Like I feel like I continue to ruin things for us"
Xhanti" Khensani"
Me" Fine"
Xhanti" Thank you. Can we go home tomorrow?"
Me" I need to do something first, I need to take the boys to the beach. Just us"
Xhanti" Okay, I have a meeting and I have to be in Zimbabwe. So I'll see you on Saturday"
" Unless you want to tag along"
Me" Nope, I'll just stay here with the boys and we can all hopefully fly out Sunday morning"
Xhanti" Don't book a flight!!! We have a state jet!"
Me" Hahaha whatever!"
" I love you so much"
Xhanti" I love you too baby"


The following day I borrowed my Dad's car and went to fetch the boys from Sizwe's house. Mbali was there, I greeted and made small talk.
" Thank you for letting Ntlanga also stay here"
I said and she nodded
Mbali" I really don't mind, I hope you are okay. Your mother mentioned that you passed out because of exhaustion and stress"
Me" Yea, I rested and now it's time to get back out there"
Mbali" I used to hate you"
Me" Huh?"
Mbali" Hahaha I know it's random but I really hated you because I thought Sizwe was in love with you. I didn't understand your relationship with him, you didn't make it any better when we got engaged. Over the years I just accepted that we don't have to like each other but we will have to tolerate each other because we are stuck together"
Me" And what changed?"
Mbali" Your interview"
" You are a mother first that's why you were so hard on me because you were protecting your son. I admire that, we will never be friends but I will always admire you on that. How you protect our children, how you go above and beyond for everyone. I respect you. My daughter loves you and loves spending time with your parents, especially loves it when you vacation with them. I hated you for all the wrong reasons and for that, I am sorry"
Me" And I hope you know that I don't love Sizwe. He went from being my husband to my big brother, that's where it stands. We have never done anything after we divorced not even a kiss. I didn't like you because he moved on while I was still trying to figure out what to do next. He was sure of you and that you two will marry, and I was annoyed because you are 3 years younger than me. Actually jealous because my son worshipped you. I respect you Mbali, it may not seem like it but I do"
We hugged. For the first time in 10 years Mbali and I hugged.
Me" I'll see you around"
Mbali" They are probably getting impatient"
I walked to Mhla's room and they were watching a movie. I think Sizwe took his other children out because they were not here, we finally made our way to the beach after stopping for picnic equipment and food.
Mhla" Mommy, Can I go in?"
Me" Yes, just don't go far"
Ntlanga was cuddling up with me, I caressed his head and humming his favorite lullaby.
Me" Mommy loves you"
Ntlanga" Mama"
Me" Mhmm"
Ntlanga" I want to stay here with granny"
Me" Granny Mali? Or Granny Nzame?"
Ntlanga" Granny Mali, then sleepover granny Nzame"
I giggled because that's impossible. My parents are in MillPark and Xhanti's mother is all the way in Greenbushes because she has a farm. The distance is ridiculous but if he lives with my parents then he's not far from Mhla but I am sure Xhanti would want him with his mother.
Me" Okay boy, but we only move next year. Not now, we have to finish school first then you move here"
Ntlanga" Okay"
" I miss Aunt Lexie's chocolate cake"
This one is only speaking about moving because his brother told him what he should say. Mhla being manipulative while looking out for his brother hahaha I'll let it slide.
Me" I'll ask her to bake for us"
Ntlanga" Thank you mommy"
Mhla came back and we ate, I decided to tell them about the new baby. Tough crowd but they pretend to be happy.
Mhla" Last one ngoku Mama"
Me" Yes, last one then I focus on you"
Ntlanga" I wanna go home, I miss my toys"
Mhla hit his head with his hand and I laughed at him.
Me" We all going home tomorrow. Do you want to sleep over at Granny Nzame' house and we watch Frozen together?"
Mhla" Okay Mommy"
I was good with my children, happy that they didn't bring up seeing me at my worst.


Being back in Cape Town was exactly what the doctor ordered. Lexie came to fetch the boys because she was baking and Hlela's child was also there. This meant Xhanti and I were home alone, I love this for us because I can have sex with my husband and be loud. We were like two teenagers who just discovered sex.
" Let's go out"
He said and I stared at him because njani.
Me" It won't be fun baby, everyone will be staring at us"
Xhanti" Trust me"
Me" Wait, first do that thing with your tongue"
tenderly kissed my honeypot . I moaned and looked into his eyes as he kissed it again, this time sucking the lips and making me moan, he repeated this several times and then he moved his attention to my clit. He had to slightly bend down over the edge of the couch, and his mouth felt so good on me.
" Ohhh! Baby"
just as he stuck two moist fingers into me and he continued to suck on my clit. It felt so amazing, my body was bucking out of control, he slowed his pace and without breaking stride he turned me around so that he was on the couch with me. My hand found a way to his head and I pulled it towards my honeypot, and he knew that I was getting close. He sucked harder, and he fingered me even faster. My honeypot making sucking sounds around his fingers. I moaned his name so loud.
" I am so close Xhanti!!!! God!!"
I reversed our roles, and soon he was on the bottom and my head was getting ever closer to kissing his cock. I kissed his pubes and then I was kissing my way up his dick. When I got to the tip I licked it all the way around and back up again, making him struggle not to thrust it upwards into my mouth. I knew that he wanted the sensation to last. I hungered for his cum, so I sucked just the way he liked it. Soon his hips were thrusting and pushing his cock into my throat, and I took it without choking (practice makes perfect after all). He gently pulled back on my hair and I didn't stop. That was his sign to me that he was close, so I sucked deeper, better, until he was so close that his body was bucking. He was pressing my head down. Then I took all of his juice in after his eruption, and I licked everything.
"Fuck! I love you"
Was what he said before we kissed and took it to the bedroom.

We decided we should get out of this house because we have had waaay to much sex.
" Get dressed and I'll make some calls"
We had just took a shower together and I fell on our way out. That's when we decided to get out of this house.
Xhanti" Get dressed Sunny"
Me" I don't know where we are going"
Xhanti" a braai with my friends"
Me" Okay"
I decided on a black leather short skirt and a black blouse.
Xhanti" No, change"
He pointed at his dick and I laughed so loud.
Me" Babe, I don't know what you want"
Xhanti" Come here"
He kissed me and I smiled at him.
" I love you Dr Rhulani"
Me" I love you too Mr President"
Xhanti" Please wear something else before I fuck you again"
Me" Fine hahaha"
Xhanti" Not jeans"
I knew Xhanti and I were going to be annoying tonight. We skipped a lot of things while we were dating and now it seems like we were back in our honeymoon phase. Like on our way to the braai, he fingered me and we have never done that before. I gave him head while he was driving. It was exciting, by the time we arrived at the braai we couldn't keep our hands off each other. I was wearing a dress and he convinced me to wear the sluttiest underwear I have.
Ludwe"  Why do you two look so tired?"
Me" It's been a long day"
Xhanti" What she said"
Zolisa" Right hahaha"
I think they already knew I was pregnant because there was no alcohol, Ludwe is Xhanti's deputy but he's slightly older than Xhanti. Zolisa is his best friend and also a member of the opposition party. Their wives were awesome people but they did not seem to like me. Yet tonight we were all having fun, maybe I misjudged them because I was also shocked they've bought from my store.
Xhanti" We are having a baby"
Me" I am sure they know"
Xhanti" Yea but I am about to ask them for something else"
Me" What's that?"
Xhanti" We are going to Bora Bora for our 5th anniversary and no children allowed. We would love it if you all join us"
Ludwe" Whose paying for this?? The state?"
We all laughed
Xhanti" Damn! You caught me, fine we are going to Cofimvaba nge taxi"
"On a serious note though; We are paying for the 4 day accommodation but everyone has to pay for their flights"
Me" Thank you"
Xhanti" Yes, they are coming too"
I laughed so hard because I was worried for a second there. I leaned over and whispered;
"Meet me in the bathroom"

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