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Chapter 9

I loooooooooove brunch! Whoever created brunch definitely had me in mind. I may not be able to drink but I can sure as hell enjoy the concept of brunch.
Lexie" Mommy"
It was freaken hot, I decided on a floral wrap dress with white All Stars and a bow deco straw hat.
Me" Baby! How are you?"
She was wearing bum shorts and a black blouse with gladiator sandals:
Lexie" No complaints and you?"
Me" I miss champagne, is that a real complaint?"
Lexie" I understand it"
" I invited Nana and Hlela, so we just waiting on them"
We were in her backyard at their home in Clifton, she married this wealthy German businessman who takes care of her to a point that she studied law. Never used that degree because even when they divorce she will still be well off, their prenup is a gold mine.
Me" Haven't seen Nana since Hlela called Bonke gay"
Lexie" Wait what?! When was this now?"
Me" Haha we went to Steenberg and then back to my place, think it was a day after the champagne luncheon"
Speak of the devil, Hlela walked in wearing a cute white bohemian dress and sandals. Carrying a bottle of Dom Perignon rose and flowers.
Hlela" Molweeeeeni"
She gave Lexie the things she brought then hugged me, minutes later Nana walked in she was also wearing a wrap dress but with heels.
Me" Hey"
Nana" You are pregnant!"
Me" Hahaha yes"
Lexie" Apparently you've been ghosting them"
Me" Can you feed us before you make us fight?"
True Lexie style, there was a catering group and a bartender to fix our drinks. We just sat there and got served, we just took pictures for the gram
Me" Sizwe was here yesterday for work, so we met up and he is surprising his wife with a new car. I asked him why he never bought me car and he says he pays taxes those will pay for my new car"
They all laughed
Hlela" Do you know he is the horse everyone seems to be betting on?"
Me" That's what Sizwe said, that's scary"
Nana" Xhanti?, I asked him to let me write about him and his achievements, he refused"
Lexie" We'll because you work for a lifestyle magazine babe, I don't think that would be a great angle for him"
Hlela" He needs it though because Langa was saying he won't vote for Xhanti because he's not even 35 yet and he's not ready for so much responsibility"
" Also you being a secret is working against him because people are worried they don't have a First Lady"
Me" That's insane. Anyway change of topic"
Hlela" My baby shower"
Me" Yeeees!!!!"
Nana" Not to pick a fight but why?"
Hlela" What do you mean?"
" You mean why am I having a baby shower when I am not carrying the baby?"
She nodded and I knew then things are about to go south.
Hlela" Because that boy is mine and Langa's, I know I didn't carry him but I am as much of his mother than any other person who carried full term without complications. I will celebrate that we are about to have a baby because we deserve to celebrate it, I will be in that room when my son is born and I will hold him and take him home with me"
Lexie" I think surrogacy is taboo in the black community and that's why she is curious"
Me" True, however we need to move pass certain things and accept that's where we are as a society. Also because Hlela's son will marry my daughter"
Hlela" Hahaha but of course, we are keeping it in this circle"
Me" Speaking of keeping things in the circle. My pregnancy is something we are keeping under wraps until I give birth"
Nana" As your friend, please give me a chance to write to about you guys. I will send you a draft before we publish it, I just want the exclusive and I will help you control the narrative"
" You know I can do it because I know you better than any journalist out there"
Lexie" Nana are you begging??? This is new "
Hlela" I need to record this because this never happens"
Me" Email me your ideas and I'll speak to Xhanti"


Play Ed Sheeran's This and you'll be describing this moment. This very second, with Xhanti on one knee and asking me to marry him.

Wait let me rewind <<<<<<<<<

After brunch I went to pack for PE because I needed to tell my parents officially about my pregnancy. My manager understood that Xhanti wanted to protect my privacy during the pregnancy so he was fine with me working from home, but coming in every Monday to touch base. I was fine with that arrangement. I took an Uber to the airport, and thank the Lord my flight didn't delay. Lunje fetched me and I was shocked that he had a car, my parents spoil this kid.
Me" You drive a BMW?"
Lunje" Yea, you do too"
Me" Bought mine with my own money"
Lunje" And I am happy for you"
I laughed because he gets on my nerves nyani
Me" I am pregnant"
Lunje" You really love making babies hey?"
Me" This is my second child and Mhla.... Voestek why am I explaining myself"
Lunje" Guilt"
Me" Just drive and shut up"
He laughed and I wanted to punch him in the chest, my parents live in Millpark but it felt like he was driving us to East London. That's how much he gets on my nerves.
Lunje" Congratulations Kenny"
Me" Thank you"
He helped me with my bags and we went inside, both my parents were at home watching tv. My Dad looked at me and hid his face.
Mama" I said this! Nditshilo"
Dad" Nonzame"
"Tshini! Izapha, come give me a hug"
I went to sit next to him then hugged him, she laughed at us because my Dad was ignoring her complaints.
Mama" How's everything? Is the baby fine?"
Me" Yea, we went to the doctor just last week"
Dad" I didn't even know you were seeing someone because according to Mhla, you lay on the bathroom floor and cry about failed relationships"
I think I swallowed my spit with the wrong hole because I almost died at that very moment. I cleared my throat then asked Lunje for water.
Me" *sigh* what did he say?"
Mama" A lot"
I took the water from my brother and gulped it all then looked at my father;
Me" I am seeing someone but he wanted us to remain private"
" We didn't plan Bean, I swear Bean was a surprise for the both of us"
Dad" Why a secret? Is he married?"
Me" No, he's not. He is running for president"
Mama" President yaphi?"
" Hewethu! Are you dating a gangster?"
Me" Do gangsters run for president?"
Dad" Yes! Who is the father of your baby?"
Me" I need us to circle back to gangsters being presidents"
Lunje" Yea, me too, I need details on that"
Dad" Focus! Is Sizwe the father?"
Me" Yhooo!!! You all need to let Sizwe go. We are just friends now. My boyfriend is Xhanti Mali"
Lunje" See I kept that secret for you?"
I wanted to kick him, but yeah I appreciate that he didn't spill the beans.
Dad" Xhanti Mali?"
Me" The presidential candidate Xhanti Mali"
Mama" Suxoka!"
Me" Why would I lie about that?"
Mama" No offense but you don't look like his type"
I laughed so loud, louder than intended.
Me" What's his type?"
Mama" Lulu what do you call those girls kanene?"
"Like your friends Lexie and Hlela"
Lunje" He has been linked to models and influencers"
Me" Oh, well yea, he is with me now"
Dad"Don't quit your job! Don't sell your home, rent it out. Get a prenuptial agreement that states your assets prior to the marriage belong to Mhla and he is to share it with your unborn baby"
Me" Why would I quit my job? Why are you being weird because he didn't even ask me to marry him"
Dad" He will and he will win because he finally has everything that was standing in his way before"
Me" You are making my relationship sound like PR strategy and that's unfair because you both don't know him"
Mama" Just take your Dad's advice on this one"
Me" Fine!"
" I am inviting him to meet you guys tomorrow, so will he get this atmosphere because then I will cancel"
Dad" Not here, I don't want journalists in my home. We can go out for supper"
Me" I think you should all stay here. It's cool"
Mama" Hehake!"
Me" I married Sizwe at 19 and not once did him and I have an objections from you despite our age. Yet now at 30 I am head over hills with the father of my baby, I finally found someone who loves me and I am met with so negative energy"
Dad" Because you seem to not know what you are doing Khensani. Your boyfriend is running for president, your life will change. Our lives will change, he's not running for president of a stokvel! He is about to run an entire country! And you seem to have your head in the clouds and not thinking what this could mean for everyone!"
Me" This is why I stay in a hotel whenever I am here because we always fight! You both think I am stupid and somehow incapable of making sound decisions"
Mama" This isn't about you Khensani! You kept your partner a secret and your pregnancy. You waltz in and you want us to go meet him, did we all forget tradition?"
" Why would he be an exception because when you were dating Sizwe we were never part of that even though we knew about it. When he wanted to marry you, they did things accordingly. I ask you again; why is he not allowed to be treated like everyone else?"
Me" I am out"
Dad" I do not think you realize the magnitude of this and you are setting yourself up for something that requires you to sit and think about everyone who might be impacted"
I requested my Uber and took my things, went to book myself into a hotel and went straight to bed.

The following morning, I woke up because of my ringtone and it was Xhanti.
" Hey Babe"
He said and I smiled because well it's Xhanti.
Me" Hey, are you here already?"
Xhanti" Yea, arrived yesterday and had to run a few errands"
" Can we meet for breakfast?"
Me" Yea, where?"
Xhanti" Grass roof, I will pick you up. Tell me uphi"
Me" Boardwalk hotel"
Xhanti" I'll be there at 11 am sharp"
Me" Alright"
We ended the call, I went to take a shower then went through my perfume because I wanted to smell happy today. I obviously decided on Chanel Coco Mademoiselle, smelling good means feeling good. I wore a white maternity fannel dress with sandals because it was shit hot. It was really hot, so I also wore a bucket hat and shades. Xhanti called to say he's downstairs. He was quiet throughout the trip, his hand was on my lap.
"Are you okay?"
I asked
Xhanti" Yes, just had a busy morning"
Me" Wanna talk about it?"
He kissed my cheek, we arrived at the restaurant and he led the way to the farm side.
Me" Siyaphi?"
Xhanti" There"
He pointed at the picnic setup, I giggled then gave him a hug.
Me" Walk faster, I am hungry"
Xhanti" Hahaha you are beautiful"
Me" You are so sweet"
I sat down and he stood there looking at me;
Xhanti" I love you, I didn't plan to love you but I do. I love how you put your family first, how protective you are of everyone around you. I wanna marry you, I want to show you off to the world. I want you next to me all the time, I want to take away all your worries and just make you happy all around. Khensani even the moments you get on my nerves, I want you to hold you close and let you annoy me all day. I can't wait to meet our child, I want you to spend the rest of your life with me. I love you and I would really love it, if you marry me"
"Will you marry me?"

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