Who knew

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Chapter 4

After spending an entire week with Xhanti, it was time for me to go back to reality. I started in PE because I promised my son an ice cream date and my parents that I would visit. So I had to just fulfill those promises, plus after spending the entire week on my back with my legs wide open I was in a great mood.

I went to fetch a car at Avis then drove straight to my parents place, I grew up well off, my step dad is a prosecutor and my mother is a nurse. I have a brother Lunje, he's 23 years old and he is a brat.
Me" Molweni"
Dad" Tshini, this is a surprise"
Me" Hahaha uyandazi ngoba unexpected"
He gave me a hug
Dad" Unjani? Where's Mhla?"
Me" I still have to fetch him, I thought we could all have supper"
Dad" We were expecting you on Friday njena, your mother and I have plans for tonight"
Me" What plans?"
Dad" They don't involve you, nangoku ndiyaphuma"
Me" Haybo! What a cold welcome"
Tata" Injalo xa ungatsho buyeza "
Me" Wow, let me just go visit my son"
Dad" Sizwe ukakho kwi honeymoon yakhe?"
Me" No, they supposed to go after Christmas, then I take Mhla or he remains this side with his parents"
Dad" Makaze ngapha, Nonzame wants us to all go to St Francis for Christmas"
Me" Sounds like a plan but I'll speak to Sizwe"
Dad" Okay, well ndiyaphuma. I'll see you later"
Me" Okay, I'll go straight to the guest house then come over tomorrow"

I drove to Sizwe's parents house and I saw my mother's car in the driveway. Tshini Thixo!  I really need new parents. I parked behind her car then knocked once and opened the door.
Mhla came to me running, I gave him a big hug.
Me" Hello little one, hello baby boy"
Mhla" Are we going for Ice cream now?"
Me" Yes, wear your shoes"
Mhla" But Granny is taking us to a jazz concert"
Me" Or you could spend the day with me"
Mhla" Nope"
I giggled then walked to the living room, Sizwe's parents were chatting with my mother.
Me" Why is no one excited to see me kanti?"
Mom" Sincume gqithi during the wedding, sidiniwe thina"
They all giggled, I gave each and everyone a hug then sat next to Sizwe's father.
Me" Nawe Tata uyakwi Jazz?"
Mom" Khasiyeke Khensani"
"Hewethu waphoswa, bekukho uLanga Mavuso emtshatweni"
Mhla" She wasn't invited"
I stared at him then back to my mother
Me" What he said"
Mom" Hahaha don't worry we will send you the videos on WhatsApp"
They all laughed, the divorce didn't affect our parents. They remained friends and never took any side during the divorce.
"Join us, your Dad is on his way there to get us good seats. I can ask him to buy you a ticket"
Sizwe's father said and I smiled at him.
Me" I can't, Sizwe is on his way here, we need to speak about the you know what issue"
Mom" Okay, that's our cue to leave. Masambe Mhla"

Sizwe arrived minutes after they left, he gave me a hug and his wife just smiled at me. I don't like her, not because she is married to him. She wanted Sizwe to change how we do things, because she didn't trust us. Mhla stays with me, Sizwe is in PE. Long weekends we visit Sizwe or he comes to Cape Town. School holidays he spends them in PE because my parents are also that side, the last weekend of the holidays we always spend it somewhere just the three of us. We may be divorced but we always made sure that Mhla sees us together getting along. So she hated that, tried to join us on Family trips, yes now it will be different because they are married so she can tag along but then she was just a girlfriend and I wasn't comfortable exposing my son to her.
Me" Hey, I hope you guys don't mind me eating. I was starving"
Sizwe" What are you eating?"
Me" What I think is your wedding cake, there's more in the fridge"
He giggled and Mbali just stared at us, she wanted to be part of this ngelo xesha.
Sizwe" When are you going back?"
Me" Sunday morning, so we can just go to Addo or something"
Mbali" Why not just go to the beach?"
Me" Mhla plays at the beach, my place is literally opposite the beach"
Sizwe" Why can't we do Kruger?"
Me" At this point noba siyeniphi, the goal is to have the discussion"
Mbali" What discussion?"
Sizwe" I want Mhla to live with us permanently, it's my turn now. Khensani will be doing her masters next year and working so she doesn't want Mhla to feel neglected"
Mbali" And we will have a new born by then"
Me" Okay, we can drop this ngoku. My son will stay with me. It's fine, school can wait"
Sizwe" Kenny"
I looked at him and he touched my shoulder;
" I told you I got you, and we are doing this. Just let me do this for him"
I smiled at him, then got up to give him a hug.
Me" Thank you, I need to go sleep. It's been a long day"
" You can drop off Mhla if your parents want to have some privacy"
Sizwe" That won't happen, we will see you Friday"
I said my goodbyes and left them, drove to the guesthouse then called Xhanti after taking a bath.


Xhanti" I thought I would only hear from you tomorrow"
Me" Turns out everyone had plans and they only expected me to get here on Friday"
Xhanti" Then come back"
Me" Hahaha No, that's insane"
Xhanti" Ndize kuwe?"
Me" Hahaha stay where you are "
Xhanti" I miss you, it's so quiet apha without you"
Me" I miss you too"
Xhanti" Don't forget your appointments tomorrow"
Me" What appointments?"
Xhanti" Calling your man, tshini imagine having to remind you"
Me" I will call you "
"When am I seeing you again?"
Xhanti" Worried a bit about that, I have to meet with campaign managers for two weeks just to strategize so I will not be available. I don't even wanna lie and say I will call you oko because it's such an important thing to me and I don't know if you will be okay with it"
Me" Will you be in Joburg?"
Xhanti" I think Mpumalanga"
" And you'll be back at work so I can't expect you to be around for that"
Me" Yea, I understand"
Xhanti" Don't let this discourage you"
Me" I told you, I am yours and I meant it"
Xhanti" Uyalala?"
Me" Yea, I am tired"
Xhanti" Goodnight babe"
Me" Goodnight, I'll call you tomorrow"


The next couple of weeks were shitty yet busy, we went on our trip and Mhla understood the move. Wasn't pleased at first until I told him that he will be with his grandparents and he can rotate which house he wants to be in all year around and visit me during holidays. Because selling point however was he needed to be there for his new sister. Sizwe and I were okay again, we just created more boundaries in order to keep our relationship. My friendships were stable, Nana barely spoke with me the entire month but Hlela and I were still good. And Xhanti? Well we were still enjoying our relationship, he really disappeared for more than two weeks but he called or texted. I wanted to google him so much but decided against it, Hlela however did it and she promised there was nothing bad about him and what Xhanti said to me about privacy actually made sense.

" Masambe"
Hlela texted and I replied; "What do you have in mind?"
She replied " Himitsu" and I messaged back "👍🏾"
It's Friday so I knew after supper we will probably go out. I wore a black printed tshirt and a denim skirt with black old skool Vans and a bucket hat. I took a jacket and left, Hlela was already at the restaurant when I got there.
Me" Hey baby"
Hlela" You look so beautiful!"
Me" What about wena! I love your dress"
She was wearing a short black dress, it was a simple dress but Hlela made it look like she was going to the met gala with her wet hair and red lipstick.
Me" Where's Langa?"
Hlela" At home, surprisingly"
Me" Are you two okay?"
Hlela" Are we still sleeping in the same bed?"
" No but we are fine, he cooked izolo and wanted to watch a movie with me"
Me" Is that bad?"
Hlela" I don't know anymore, but as long as he's trying then I am staying"
Me" I love this for you"
" Hopefully sex is next"
Hlela" I don't know about that"
Me" Move back to your bedroom and maybe it will happen"
Hlela" We will see friend"
We took pictures while waiting for our food, I uploaded them to Instagram. We finally ate then decided to go dancing, we went to her house in Newlands. We were equally tipsy, her husband opened for us.
Me" Goodnight guys"
Langa" Hahaha Goodnight"
Hlela" Use the guest room, I'll be there just now"
Me" Nope, I wanna call my man and talk dirty. Stay away from that room"
I looked at Langa then winked, he just laughed. I left and went to the bedroom, to think Hlela and I met in the parking lot at the gym. And we have been friends ever since. I took off my clothes then washed my make up off, then went straight to bed to call my man.

Xhanti" Hey"
Me" Busy?"
Xhanti" Yea but I can talk"
I yawned and he laughed, I was ready to pass out shame but I wanted to speak to him too.
Me" I am sleeping over kwa Hlela"
Xhanti" Babe, I need you to delete your Instagram stories"
" Or do the private thing"
Me" why?"
Xhanti" I'll explain when you get here"
" I need this, I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important"
Me" Okay"
I don't know what he said because I am sure I slept for a few minutes.
Xhanti" Yandiva?"
Me" Yea"
Xhanti" Do you consent?"
Me" Yes"
Xhanti" I don't think you under what this means for you. We will talk when you get here"
Me" Goodnight"
Xhanti" I love you "
Me" I love you too"

"If I win tomorrow and I become president of my political party, I will run to be president of the country. I need you to be sure that you are ready for whatever comes next. Google me, do your research and if you still want me then tell me. I'll let my publicist deal with the rest"

Is what he said but she was alright asleep and didn't hear any of that.

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