Final chapter

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Chapter 24 + 25

" Let's go!!"
As a mother of three, I am always shouting at my two boys to hurry the fuck up. While I am trying to get the little to shut the fuck up.
Ntlanga" Where's my book Dad?"
Xhanti" I'll get one of the interns to drop it off"
Okay, Ntlanga is now 6 years old, Mhla 12 and my newest addition is 5 months. We call her Zintathu, because zintathu imonkey zam hahaha.
Mhla" I need new socks"
Me" For what?"
Mhla" I am out of clean socks mom"
Me" You'll find them all waiting for you after school and that problem will be solved"
Yes, last year was somewhat of a lot for my family but Zintathu healed us. Her arrival was God's perfect timing yet again. Remember how the boys wanted to move because they were tired of the spotlight, Zintathu changed that immediately. They (well Mhla) decided for the two of them that they should maybe give Xhanti and I another chance.
Xhanti" Is everyone now ready?"
Mhla" Are you taking us?"
Xhanti" Do you want me to?"
Ntlanga" No, can't we go with Aunt Palesa?"
Xhanti" Or I take you and drop you off on the corner"
Mhla" Cool"
Ntlanga" I'll go with mom"
Mhla accepted and adjusted to a lot of things, after the trip with Sizwe we finally explained to him that we are never getting back together. We can both love him and still love other people. He finally let Xhanti take him places without me being around, he went to games with Xhanti and would go to Parliament with him or whatever Xhanti was needed. Ntlanga on the other hand, wasn't comfortable with the spotlight and he hated everything about our lives. My son hated the bodyguards following him around at crèche, then hated the attention when he started school because journalists were there to take pictures of him and he cried because the entire thing was overwhelming. Needless to say, we home schooled him thus taking away his normal experience with primary. Now he goes to a tutor in the morning then I fetch him and he does his work while I work or sits with the Au pair.
Me" Okay, Dad is car pulling and I will see you at 11 baby. Have a great day boys"
Ntlanga" Mom"
Me" I'll fetch you my boy, I promise you"
He was reluctant but he took his things and followed after Xhanti.
Me" Love you Mhla"
Mhla" Love you too mom"

The girls decided that we were due for an early supper, I jumped at the chance because Lord knows I missed dressing up and looking like a normal person. I have been in sweatpants and oversized tshirts.
" Where are you going?"
Xhanti asked while I was raiding my closet. I paused and looked at him;
Me" Out"
" I called the babysitter, she will be here at 6 but I don't mind taking Zintathu with me"
Xhanti" Myeke"
Me" I pumped, I need to have some alcohol"
Xhanti" Take Gavin and Carl with you"
Me" Carl and he waits outside"
Xhanti" Nope, he has a table inside and you let him drive"
Me" You stay up so I can have my way with you"
Xhanti" That I can do"
" I love you Sunny"
Me" I love you too babe"

I have been waiting for an opportunity to wear these Jimmy Choo's and today was the day. They had this big bow on the back of the shoe and one at the front, Hlela said we are not going anywhere fancy so my shoes were the only fancy thing about my outfit. So I decided on blue ripped skinny jeans and a black blouse, I did my makeup and fixed my hair. Since I was already plain, my D&G pink floral bag made this outfit come to life, grabbed a jacket then Carl and I left.

Hlela said while laughing
Me" Voestek hahaha hello my baby"
We hugged, we literally arrived at the same time. While we made small talk, Lexie's Maserati parked next to us.
Me" The rich bitch of Western Cape"
Hlela" Wasn't that my nickname"
Me" Wena you are Cape Town, but yena she is the entire western cape tshomi"
Lexie walked over to us and we all hugged, Carl came back to get us. He has to search the restaurant and do a clean sweep then I can come inside.
Hlela" I love having a bodyguard"
Lexie" He's not your bodyguard"
Me" Hahaha you are delusional"
" I need bubbles"
Hlela" I already ordered and starters, we can eat family style"
Lexie" That sounds good"
"How's Ntlanga?"
Me" I am exhausted"
Hlela" Thought home schooling was going well"
Me" Yea but he still wants to be around other kids but he gets anxiety attacks whenever people approach because he thinks they are photographers"
Lexie" I can imagine how traumatic that day was for him"
" Hans was saying you guys should consider taking him to boarding school"
Me" Not when he is in grade 1, I would never survive knowing that my son is far away from me"
Hlela" But what if that's what best for him?"
Me" I know but would you?"
Lexie" I did unwillingly and it took pieces of me, but I am grateful too. I know I wasn't what was best for Ursula and if she had stayed with me, I would have ruined her life"
Me" I hear you but I just can't Lex, what if he thinks I don't love him?. What if he doesn't turn out like Mhla and Zintathu? Then I will have to deal with that because I sent him away"
Hlela" You and Xhanti will deal with that Sunny, you are not alone. It takes a village baby, and you guys have that village. Your son is miserable and he is missing out on the fundamentals of being a child because he is paying for his father being the president. Ntlanga never asked for that, you keep him here and he hates you because you made a decision that suits you and not what he needs"
Lexie" It won't be easy but do what's best for him. Ask him what he wants and you make a plan that will benefit everyone. You are an awesome mother Khensani, never doubt that. You are the epitome of what we all aspire to be"
Hlela" Woah! Hahaha I get we are being serious but I don't want her mess"
Me" Hahaha voestek wena"
Lexie" Couldn't even let me finish"
"I love you guys"


" Morning Sthandwa sam"
He kissed my neck then came to sit next to me. I was watching the sunrise , Xhanti was finally home from campaigning all day for his second term. Old me would be angry at the fact that Xhanti just got home at 5 am, but we grew as a couple and we communicate. We have come so far together.
Me" Morning babe"
"What does your day look like?"
Xhanti" A few meetings today but I should be home before supper"
Me" So I spoke to Ntlanga about what we all spoke about and he wants to start packing"
Xhanti" Did they find a school for him?"
Me" Yea"
Xhanti" Are you okay?"
Me" No"
Xhanti" Masambe"
Me" Undisaphi?"
Xhanti" Just come"
Me" Zintathu yena?"
Xhanti" Just come"
He grabbed his car keys on the way out, I kept giggling and asking him where he is taking me.

The most appropriate song for this would be Ed Sheeran's Sunburn, he drove us to Nana and Bonke's home. I stopped laughing and I was just confused about the entire thing.
" I met you right over there"
He pointed at where we stood the first time we met and I smiled.
" I convinced you to go home with me and you agreed"
Okay I didn't know where this was going but I knew that I was about to cry.
Xhanti" My intentions were not pure and I knew that lines would get blurred. I wanted more than what I had initially planned, I wanted you Sunny. I never stopped"
He drove us to my old apartment building and we parked outside.
Xhanti" I never told you this but the day you called me to tell that Mhla no longer needed you was surprising to me. I loved how you were freaking out because your son can now fall asleep without you calling him first. I immediately thought I wanted to hold you and assure you that you'll be fine. I wanted to take away that pain and I hated myself for losing the plot yet again. That's when I decided I wanted you to be the mother of my children, I knew if you google me, you'll see all the articles about me possibly losing because I was a bachelor and you would think I just wanted you to win the election. Maybe that was my initial idea but you changed that and I hated how malicious I was, hated using you because you deserved so much better than me"
" So I gave you the chance to walk away by telling you the truth and I was shocked that you stayed. I love you Khensani, because you are beautiful inside and out. All the things the world threw at us, you handled them with grace. Even at your worst you got up and showed up, I don't deserve you and I know that but I will always be grateful that you chose me"
Me" I love you"
Xhanti" When I met you I was running away from the shadows and you saved me from myself. Because of you, I am a father to three amazing children"
Me" Xhanti"
I reached for a hug and I sobbed.
" You are the best thing about me"
Xhanti" Thank you for sticking besides me, now it's my turn to take care of you"
Me" You were worth it"
" Take me home"
Xhanti" Ah! let's go back to the broke people who complain and cry all day"
Me" Hahaha start using a condom"
Xhanti" Don't ruin this hahaha"
Me" Whatever hahaha"

I used to cry on my bathroom floor blaming myself for all my failed relationships. I met someone who had questionable intentions and he fell in love me. Once we both let go of all the doubt and just focused on loving each other, we found the happiness we have always craved. Love is beautiful, love is patient and love is hard but it's worth it.

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