Ignorance is bliss

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Chapter 8

"Please open for me"
It was a text from Xhanti, I got out of bed and went to buzz him in then went back to bed. I returned to Cape Town this morning and went straight to work, he did not mention he would come here. Last he spoke to me was when I told him about the baby and he sent me that text.
"Are you okay?"
He asked, I lowered my laptop then looked at him;
Me" Yea, I have a lot of work to do"
Xhanti" Can you take a break and go out for supper with me?"
Me" Okay"
Xhanti" We will go to somewhere private I promise"
Me" Okay"
I went to wash my face and brush my teeth, I heard him chatting on the phone probably making reservations. I went through my closet, I didn't even know siyaphi, nor did I even want to go out but I am hungry soo. I was still not showing and I was about to milk what is left of my body before it changes. I wore an oversized white T-shirt with a black blazer and biker shorts with knee high boots. I wore hoop earrings and a chain, grabbed my shades because I didn't want anyone spotting my puffy eyes.
Me" I am done"
He stared at me, "the Negro was too stunned to speak" was exactly what was written on his face. I am shocked that he thought I would change my style or fashion because of his political aspirations. Shooketh to the core.
Xhanti" Okay"
In the car I played Essence by Wizkid ft Tems, on loud because I didn't want to speak to him. I just did a few videos of myself singing along, I just showed off his hand qha.
"Griselda Blanco"
I laughed at Lexie's comment, I replied;
" Snow queens and all"

We arrived at the restaurant and there were no cars, just ours. I didn't think he would but he rented the entire place out for us.
Xhanti" You can relax now"
We kissed, I forgot what it's like to kiss this man. I wanted him to take off my clothes and have me on this table but I stopped myself.
Me" Thank you for this"
Xhanti" It's nothing"
" I am sorry about everything, you really didn't have to go through that alone"
Me" I think I needed a break from us just to think"
Xhanti" I feel like I lost you"
Me" You didn't lose me, I just felt like you manipulated me"
Xhanti" But I didn't"
Me" Okay"
Xhanti" Can we just enjoy this moment? Just us? Forget about everything else. Celebrate our child, please babe and when we get home you can fight me again"
Me" You'll be honest about everything?"
Xhanti" Yes"
Me" Fine"

We were back to our bubble, he stayed the entire week here. We went to the doctor together and I did my first scan, and he took me out for ice cream afterwards.
Xhanti" I am going to PE nge Easter weekend, I want you to meet my parents"
Me" Well, I will be that side too, Sizwe and I usually do an Easter Egg hunt with Mhla. So I'll use that time to also tell him about the baby"
" You won't meet him, until I speak to Sizwe, we have rules about this sort of thing"
Xhanti" I understand. Can we keep the pregnancy a secret?"
Me" Yea, you can trust me to do that"
Xhanti" Have you ever slept with your ex husband? Since your separation"
Me" No, Sizwe and I respected our divorce. We remain good friends"
Xhanti" Okay"
" Is there something I should know?"
Me" Like?"
Xhanti" Any secrets that might come out because of black twitter"
Me" No, I don't think so. I don't have any secrets. You already know about my mother dating a married man in varsity and my little brother thinks he's in an episode of Rich Kids of Port Elizabeth, otherwise nothing else"
Xhanti" Izohlala apha"
I went to sit on his lap, he touched my face then kissed me.
" I love you"
Me" I know, I love you too"
Xhanti" I want you to know I will protect you. You and your son will always be protected from whatever comes our way"
Me" I hope it never comes that"
Xhanti" If it does, both our lives will change drastically and I need to know that I can rely on you to be next to me"
I kissed him
Me" I am yours"
" Xhanti"

He looked at me and giggled, we kissed his hand finally slips underneath my shorts, his fingers lightly brushing over my pubic hair, occasionally flicking over my now very sensitive clit. A moan finally escapes me, as I turn around to face him, to give his hand an easier access to me. We are both breathing faster now, me from what his doing to me, and him from seeing what he can do to me. His fingers start working faster now, inflicting pleasurable torture on me. Xhanti slips one inside, which I'm sure he wouldn't have found difficult at all because of how aroused I am now. He doesn't slow down, he pulls me in closer, parting my legs with the other hand. I am clutching on tightly to him now, and am so close to my release.
"Cum for me"
I am definitely in love with this man.


The next morning it dawned on me that Xhanti was leaving, I wasn't ready for him to leave.
" Can't you stay here for another week?"
I said to him and he kissed my shoulder, I turned around to face him and he pulled me closer.
Xhanti" I can't baby"
" I promise you I will be back before you know it"
Me" Okay"
I buried my head in his chest, and he pulled me closer.
Xhanti" Move in with me"
I kept quiet trying to process this ridiculous ask, this is my house, it took me years to pay this place off and it's finally mine. Cannot just move and sell it.
" Think about it, when the baby comes, and I will respect whatever you decide"
I moved my head away from him then looked at him;
" So when are your elections?"
I asked and he laughed
Xhanti" I get the feeling you don't vote"
" Three months from now"
Me" Wait, 6 months from now you can be the president?"
Xhanti" Yes"
Me" Of the country?"
Xhanti" Yes"
Me" Are you winning?"
He kissed my forehead
Xhanti" Well, I don't know because I am not a family man and I am still young, those things seem to be working against me "
Me" You are a family man"
I pointed at my stomach
" I don't want you to win, my life changes with yours and I am not ready for that. I love you so much that I know I will have to give up everything I worked for just for your dreams. I don't want that though"
Xhanti" I will never ask that of you, our relationship is ours. Not the public, we doing things at our own pace"
Me" I'll make an appearance at your rally with Mhla if Sizwe agrees"
" I however need to get ready for work"
Xhanti" You'll be four months pregnant by then and you'll be showing"
Me" Leave that to me"
Xhanti" I meant it when I said I wanted a private relationship. The pressure that comes from this is unmatched and I will not let you go through things you are not ready for"
Me" I understand"
Xhanti" I don't think you do, and that worries me"

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