New guy and old guy

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Chapter 3

Full disclosure; I am still angry about what went down yesterday but today is a new day. So, Namaste hoes.

"Where are you?"
I asked Sizwe, yes I may be angry at Nana but surely that rumor started somewhere so then I'll go straight to the source.
Sizwe" What do you mean?"
Me" Are you alone?"
Sizwe" Yea"
Me" Did you tell Bonke you don't think Mhla is your son?"
Sizwe" What are you on about?"
Me" Nana was here izolo and she said I need to do a DNA test on Mhla and stop making you take care of umntana that isn't yours"
He kept quiet then I cleared my throat;
"Did you say that?"
Sizwe" You dumped me two minutes after giving birth to him, so yes I obviously found that weird"
Me" You seem to forget why you and I ended, you are the victim in this story and it amuses me. I never speak about why I left you and that's because you are a great father and I don't hate you, but you find it easy to spew out all that shit about my son and I"
Sizwe" You left me 7 years ago and I accepted it. I am married, we are civil"
" I am sorry for that, I'll speak to Bonke"
Me" I will fight you for my son, you fix this because I am sure Bonke isn't the only one who actually believes that Mhla is not your son. Do that test if it will make you happy but just don't hurt my child because of things that happened between us"
Me" Don't call me that"
Sizwe" Mamela, I hate that you are even crying ngoku"
" I am sorry, I hate nalento ba every time xa uthetha nam funeka ubeno msindo. Please calm down"
Me" This one hurts Sizwe, I don't even get why you would say that ngam. I don't understand why you always hurt me, I swear I think you hate me"
Sizwe" Mfondini, hay hay Kenny"
Me" Whatever bra, from now on I think it's best you just let your wife communicate with me about Mhla"
" Don't call me again"

If I would have to narrate my story with Sizwe then I have to play Adele's Easy On Me.

Sizwe and I started dating in high school, I think I was in grade 8 and he was in grade 10, he took a gap year after high school. We had just discovered sex, so we spent every weekend exploring that. He left for varsity and I stayed behind, we saw each other during the holidays. I didn't feel the distance because we spoke everyday and our parents knew about our relationship. So it was always written in stone that him and I would get married. He asked me to marry him after my matric dance, I obviously said yes, we decided to get married after my first semester In varsity. It was a small ceremony, my Dad rented us an apartment outside campus because we were both studying. Nothing changed between us, we were still great. I remember telling him I am pregnant after my 21st birthday. We were both so excited about it plus he had just signed a contract at his job and he would finally make good money. Meaning we would stop asking for money from our parents. I don't know when things changed, I don't think he hated me. I think he grew tired of me though, like I annoyed him. To an extent that his mother assured me that pregnancy does that to couples, but we were sinking hard. I didn't even recognize him and honestly I hated who I was too. I was suddenly living for him, I needed him to like me again and to just look at me like he used to. Some days I would literally beg him to just stay home and he would but just keep to himself or we would fight about something so small yet we would just stop talking for an entire week. I remember begging him to at least cheat or whatever just so I know that he is still there. I cried every night because we were in one bed but it felt like we were miles apart. I hated how I lost him, I lost me and all we had was just this baby and it was keeping us together. So the day I gave birth, I knew I wanted to free him because we both didn't deserve to be this miserable and my son didn't deserve to be in a home with people who hate each other this much. We divorced when Mhla was a month old, he wanted his parents to raise Mhla for me so I can live my life. He honestly thought that my son was a burden and I needed him to be taken away so I can live some life that he thought I wanted. He was wrong, I just wanted to be his wife and have babies, that was all that I ever wanted. He could have just asked me if I was happy, instead he hated himself for stealing my imaginary childhood. He didn't though, I guess we both hated each other for all the wrong things and by the time we realized this it was waaay too late. 

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