Meet the new addition

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Chapter 15

" You need to push!"
The doctor said, this is my second baby so I was a professional at this. During my first run, I had Sizwe next to me throughout the entire thing. He stayed even after I asked him for a divorce.
" I...need Xhanti here"
I screamed back because my contractions were and really coming quicker. I started crying because his phone has been off and I called the ambulance for myself because besides him, I didn't know anyone else in his circle. And now I am here, alone about to have this baby, I want him here. I need him.
" Please"
Another involuntary push and I started crying because my daughter has no one. When I gave birth to Mhla the waiting room was filled with people.
" I want my husband!"
The nurses were trying to calm me down, one told me that they called my next of kin and he is already here with my parents.
" Should I bring him in?"
My next kin of kin has always been Sizwe and I knew it was him. I never got around to changing that.
Me" My Dad"
I said with my voice so cracked because I couldn't believe Xhanti wasn't here for this.
Doctor" You need to calm down. Your blood pressure is too high and I know you are going through the worst thing at this moment but I need you to calm down because you are strong and you can do this. I just need one big push from you"
My Dad walked in with the nurse and he held my hand. I
Dad" Xhanti won"
I gave that final push and everything was dark after hearing the baby screaming.


" The baby is fine, he is out of surgery. A nurse will call you to see him"
Doctor Wynberg said to Xhanti, Khensani's parents and her brothers Eric and Lunje.
Nonzame" How's Khensani?"
" Is she out of surgery?"
Everyone was shocked when Khensani's father spoke about how Kenny had a heart attack. Her baby stopped breathing too, he was asked out of the room while everyone scrambled to help them. Xhanti arrived 3 hours later while everyone was in their corner. His team received a call from a journalist who was asking Xhanti to comment on the birth of son and why he wasn't there. After that he rushed trying to find out which hospital Khensani was in, he didn't even notice the bodyguards that followed him until everyone else looked shocked when they saw the guns.
Doctor" Someone will be out soon to update you"
Xhanti" I don't understand because her doctor in Cape Town gave her medication for her high blood pressure. I don't understand how this could happen when we followed every single instruction"
Doctor" They are doing everything they can Mr President"
A nurse told Xhanti he can follow her to see his son, they were all shocked because they were expecting a little girl. The first scan said it was a girl.
" Can I do this alone?"
Xhanti asked one of his new bodyguards and they looked at each other.
" One has to follow you but will be outside"
He nodded, they all followed the nurse. Khensani's parents were shocked when Xhanti told Nonzame to follow him, they were sure his intentions for Khensani were never pure. And him not being there when she was giving birth didn't make things easier.
Xhanti" My mother should be here soon, please get someone to show her to wait her"
The nurse nodded, before ushering them to see his son. 4 days ago they were in bed together while Khensani was stressing about her friend Lexie and today she is the one fighting for her life.



" Can I hold him?"
I asked my doctor and he nodded; they helped me sit properly and then the nurse gave him to me.
Me" I almost died and I wake up to find you looking like your father"
" Not even a single feature from me?"
Xhanti" Hahaha he has your smile"
Me" He hasn't even smiled"
Xhanti" He did when he was sleeping"
"Yes I watch him sleep"
Me" Oh God! Daddy bear"
Xhanti" Mhla said he will babysit for us"
I panicked because I didn't want them to tell him I was still sick;
"Calm down, told him you were sleeping. Calm down, everything is fine and everyone else is fine"
Me" What's his name?"
Xhanti" Our parents decided to name him Ntlanga"
Me" Should have woken me up"
Xhanti" I like it"
Me" I guess I do too"
" I heard you won"
Xhanti" Yea"
Me" I am so proud of you"
Xhanti" They probably regret electing me because I found out you were here after the official announcement and I have been here for the last 3 days"
Me" You wanna go address your nation?"
Xhanti" Nope, want to be with my family"
" plus you are my entire world, that's more important"
Me" I love you"
" I love you and I am proud of you, the things you have achieved. I am happy for you"
Xhanti" I love you too future Mrs Mali"


1 week later

Ntlanga and I were discharged yesterday. We were back home, a new home, Mahlamba Ndlopfu that's what the presidential home in Pretoria is called. Xhanti and I both agreed we would actually just be in the house until we find a bigger place than his Sandhurst apartment.
" Can we get this done, so I can go sleep?"
I said to him, Mhla was fast asleep. We were doing a photo shoot to introduce our baby to the world. This needed to be done immediately because someone from the hospital leaked that I cried for Xhanti while in labor and that I almost died while he wasn't there. Not really the best start to his presidency. Everyone seemed to have an opinion and now we had to show that we are united as a family. And also I will need privacy and space as I take on the journey of motherhood and while writing my thesis.
Me" Why are you staring at me?"
Xhanti" Because you look beautiful!"
I decided to wear a South African designer, I have always been obsessed with Palesa Mokubung and blue Manolo Blahnik heels. He was wearing a tux, and our baby was the least pretentious of us because he was just in his baby clothes. We did the shoot, they were out of our house within an hour.
Xhanti" Can I kill Hlela?"
Me" why?"
Xhanti showed me a photo of us passed out with Ntlanga in the middle and the photo that we literally okayed to be posted on social media and sent out to news publications.
Me" Kill her baby"
Xhanti" She captioned it as "What they want you to see vs What is really going on" hahaha she could have at least blurred out the poo stains on my face"
We both laughed at ourselves. He was really the president of the country, our country and I will be his official First Lady 6 months from now when I walk down the aisle to get married again for the second time. I like this part of our lives, I love the happiness. And how peaceful it is.

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