Sneak peek

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I hope everyone remembers about the age jump. Ntlanga is Khensani and Xhanti's son, he moved in with Khensani's brother Eric when he was 6 years old and he grew up with that side of the family. Xhanti made sure that his face was scrapped from the internet as per agreement and no one ever knew what happened to him. Teachers were made to sign non disclosure documents and he was now Ntlanga Klaas (using Nonzame's maiden name) and just like that everyone wondered "Whatever happened to The President's son)


"Hey Mom"
she has the worst timing, but we have an agreement and I have to stick to it. She never really asks for much nor does she have any expectations. My parents respect my boundaries and my privacy.
Mom" You need to answer your phone"
Me" I had classes"
Mom" I miss you"
Ntlanga"I'll be home next week"
Mom" Promise?"
Ntlanga"It's a long weekend, I already told Mhla ndizoza"
Mom" You should call your father"
Ntlanga"We text, you know he's busy"
Mom" Ntlanga"
Ntlanga"I will call him"
Mom" He's getting sworn in for second term next month and I am sure he will appreciate your presence"
Ntlanga"I will be there for the family dinner afterwards but I don't want anything else"
Mom" Okay, I will respect that"
Ntlanga" I have to go mom"
" I love you"
Mom" I love you too, call us "
Ntlanga" I will"
Mom" I sent your allowance"
Ntlanga" Thank you, sleeping over at Granny Nzame' place this weekend. So I'll call you later"
Mom" I am proud of you"
Ntlanga" I really have to go mom, I will call you later"

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