Chapter 3

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A/N: I totally forgot I had to update today! Sorry!

Chris walks out of his house for school the next morning and is once again greeted by McKayla.

"Hey." She says.

"Hey." Chris repeats as they begin to walk, "How did everything with Carlie go last night? She said you two had fun."

"We did. She's really nice." McKayla says, "Speaking of nice, I never got a chance to thank you for sticking up for me yesterday in first period."

Chris shrugs, "Stewart was being a bully. It was the least I could do."

"Well still, thank you." McKayla says, "Anyway, how was work yesterday?"

"I work in the toy department at Walmart. How do you think it went?"

"That bad, huh?"

"Yeah. But in a couple weeks I'll have enough money saved up for a car and then - oh! You have to do our tradition with us!"

"What tradition?"

"Ange and Carlie and I help each other get fired from jobs we hate. Ange and I have done it a couple times and I've gotten Carlie fired once since we've been dating."

"What do we do?"

"Well...Okay, this is a good example. Few months back, Ange worked at this music store. As awesome as that may sound, his boss was a douche bag an the pay sucked. So one day I came in and we started dicking around on the instruments and may have broken a few things..."


"Thank you." Chris laughs, "So since I work with toys at Walmart, we should be able to get me fired in a pretty...entertaining way."

"What did you do to get Carlie fired?"

"She worked at some clothing store in the mall and we had sex in the fitting rooms."

"Oh my God!"

"Oh come on. Like you've never done something like that. Unless..." Chris trails before smirking, "Are you a virgin?" He asks, playfully elbowing her.

McKayla laughs, "Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. I haven't known you long enough to share such information."

"Alright, alright. Well if you have, good for you, you've experienced the best thing ever - besides music and chicken wings, of course. If you haven't, good for you, you're waiting for the right person."

"Ah, good to know you're not one of those 'it's a trap' kind of people."


"If you've had sex, you're a whore. If you haven't, you're a prude. It's a trap. Haven't you ever seen Breakfast Club? Use your brain, Christopher!"

Chris just laughs.

"And anyway, what makes you think it's my choice? I was not popular at my old school."

"Yeah why is that? Are you like some kinda freak show? Do you have like, an extra toe growing in between your boobs or something?"

"No!" McKayla exclaims, laughing, "I just wasn't well liked...neither was my brother..."

There's a pause. McKayla quite obviously didn't want to talk about her brother, so Chris decided to change the subject.

"You wanna hang out after school today? Carlie, Ange and I are gonna hang out at my place. It's my short day, so my shift doesn't start until six-thirty."

"Cool if I come over around four-thirty? I'm meeting with my new dance instructor after school."

"Yeah, just come over after." Chris says.

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