Chapter 19 (Trigger Warning)

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A/N: This may be triggering if you have attempted suicide, have thought of it, or have lost someone to it.

Chris picked McKayla up for school, as he always did. She got into the car. Her hair was down and sort of messy. Her eyes were bloodshot and bags were under them. Her nails were significantly shorter. She must have been biting them.

"You don't look good." Chris states.

"Well hello to you too." McKayla says, bitterly. She then sighs, "Sorry. I just don't feel very well."

"That seems to be happening a lot lately."

"Yeah. I must be coming down with something."

Chris pauses, trying to think of a response. Instead though, he just starts driving.

"Anything in particular you wanna listen to?" Chris asks.

"Got any Mötley Crüe?"


McKayla finds the correct CD and puts it in. McKayla then began biting her nails and lips while trying to mouth along the words to the song.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Chris asks.

McKayla glances at him for half a second, then resumes looking straight out the windshield.

"I'm fine." She says.


As soon as Chris and McKayla walked through the doors of the school, there was Jamie. He walks over with a smile. McKayla immediately straightens up and smiles, as if instinctively. Her smile look forced, plastered.

"Hey babe. Hey Chris." Jamie greets.

"Sup." Chris says with a nod.

"So. Are our plans for tonight still on?" Jamie asks McKayla, wrapping an arm around her.

"Of course they are!" McKayla says, a bit too enthusiastically.

"Great. C'mon, we should get to class. See you around, Chris." Jamie says before he and McKayla walk off.

Carlie appears and spots Chris.

"Hey." She says, walking up to him.

"Hey." Chris repeats before quickly kissing her.

"Did you drive McKayla to school again?" Carlie asks as they start walking down the halls.

"Yeah. That van is still driving around the neighborhood. There haven't been any reports of anything happening, but I don't want to take any chances." Chris says.

They walk passed Jamie and McKayla, who already appear to be deep in conversation.

"I'll do it this afternoon after school." McKayla says, "I swear."

"Okay, okay, okay. Just making sure it gets done." Jamie says.

Chris and Carlie continue walking. Angelo and Kelly approach them.

"Hey guys." Angelo says.

"Have either of you noticed McKayla's been acting kind of weirdly lately?" Kelly asks.

"Yes! I'm glad I'm finally not the only one that thinks so!" Chris says.

"Kelly and I will talk to her today after school while you guys are practicing with the band." Carlie says.

"Sounds good. Just text me after school and I'll pick you up." Kelly says.


McKayla acted weird all day.

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