Chapter 12

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McKayla hasn't been the same.

Today was the last day of school. Her friends stayed by McKayla's side ever since they heard about what happened. Even Carlie put aside her secret jealousy to comfort her friend. They could all tell that McKayla was going through a difficult time. Actually, now that all of them knew about the situation with McKayla's brother, they figured that McKayla had probably been going through a hard time from the minute she moved in next to Chris.

McKayla never gave an explanation as to why her dad left.

There wasn't really an explanation in his note either.

He was just gone.

It was the longest day ever, but soon enough, the school day -or year, rather, was over. Everyone walked out of the school, smiling; even McKayla. However, the smile was short lived.

They all piled into Chris' car and drove off, discussing their summer plans. They were all very excited to finally have the three months of freedom that they'd been awaiting for so long. McKayla, however, was silent.

"Kayla, you okay?" Chris asks.

McKayla sighs, "Yeah. I'm alright."

"I know someone with a birthday coming up." Carlie sings.

McKayla gives a small smile, "Guys, I appreciate it, but we really don't have to do anything."

"Oh, come on! You're gonna be seventeen! It's your last year before adulthood. We've gotta do something." Angelo says.

"You really don't have to..."

"We want to." Chris says.

They pull up to Chris' house and get out of the car. They walk into the house and Chris immediately goes to the kitchen.

"Mint Oreos?" He offers.

"Um, yes." McKayla says in a 'duh' voice.

Chris laughs and grabs the Oreos, then they head upstairs. Nick and Jenny were in school for another hour, and both of Chris' parents were working until around five, so they had the house to themselves for a while.

"So you really don't have anything planned for your birthday?" Angelo asks McKayla.

"Just my vocal lessons. Oh, I've got my dance lessons today too." McKayla says, reminding herself.

"Are we ever gonna see you dance? None of us have." Angelo says.

"What? Chris has." McKayla says.

"He has?" Carlie asks.

"You've never told them?" McKayla asks Chris.

"You've seen her dance?" Carlie asks Chris, not sounding happy at all.

"Yeah; she was great."

"When was this?" Carlie asks, her voice even sharper.

"The day after she told us about her brother. I went over to check on her and make sure she was okay."

"Look, I didn't mean to cause any conflict." McKayla says.

"No, it's fine. I should have told them." Chris says.

"So why didn't you?" Carlie asks.

"Should I leave?" Angelo asks, feeling sort of in the middle.

"And anyway, it's not like I showed you. I didn't even know you were there." McKayla says.

"She didn't even know you were there?! So you were just watching her?!"

"She was just so into it! I didn't want to bother her!" Chris defends, "It's like when I black out when I'm playing music. I just sort of...get in the zone, you know?"

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