Chapter 23

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The last few weeks of school sucked, as they always do. McKayla got her boot off and soon began dancing again. She and Chris pretty much acted like their almost-kiss on Prom Night never happened. Carlie returned from Connecticut sad but happy that she chose to be with her family. Motionless in White was in the process of recording and editing their demo and they would soon send it out.

Today, however, Chris' priorities were elsewhere.

Today, he and his friends were graduating from high school.

The five friends stood in the auditorium, waiting for the ceremony to start. Since they'd be seated in alphabetical order by last name, they'd have to separate. In the mean time though, they simply stood around and talked, wearing their royal blue caps and gowns. (A/N: West Scranton High School's colors are royal blue and white).

"God, I can't believe we're really graduating...I'm actually gonna miss this place." Kelly admits.

"Yeah. We're really growing up." Carlie says.

Chris nods, then looks to McKayla and changes the subject, "What time is your flight tomorrow?"

"Eight in the morning."

"So we won't get to see you before you leave?" Angelo asks.

"You'll see me today and the minute I get back. You'll all live."

The graduation ceremony was long, but it was great. Everyone was proud of themselves for graduating and ovverall, they were relieved. However, they were also a bit frightened for what awaited them beyon the walls of their high school; out in the real world.


After a very long day, Sophie and McKayla walked back inside of their house. They'd already began packing things up in the basement for their move. Now, remember, there really was an audition for a play production in Chicago. However, whether McKayla actually does get the part of not, they'll say she got the part so that McKayla and Sophie would have an excuse to leave. They were moving no matter what, so they'd already stated packing. It was heartbreaking...


McKayla read comic books as entertainment on the plane ride to Chicago the next morning. She was nervous for her audition, but excited all the same. She was looking forward to having the weekend in the place that she would soon call home, but was sad over all. She wished hse didn't have to leave her friends behind so soon.

After they got off the plane, Sophie and McKayla went to their hotel. They relaxed in their room and ordered lunch through room service then it was time for McKayla to get ready.

When they arrived at the theater where the auditions were being held, McKayla immediately became even more nervous. Most of the girls here looked like they'd been performing professionally since they were three.

McKayla began to wonder if maybe she wasn't cut out for all of this...

But then her phone beeped.

McKayla had a text message from Chris. It read:

Good luck today! You're gonna kill it!

McKayla smiled at the phone and made sure to put it on vibrate. She had a sudden confidence boost and began stretching.



"McKayla, Chris is here!" Sophie calls.

McKayla opens her bedroom door and sees Chris walking up the stairs. He smiles.


"Hey." McKayla says, hugging him.

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