Chapter 9

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A/N: The video is for McKayla's dance. I know that the song in the video wasn't out in 2004 so just pretend it's something else, haha.

The next day, Sunday.

Chris decided to go over to McKayla's house to check in on her after he ran a few errands. When he walked out of his house, there was a dark van in front of McKayla's house. As soon as Chris began to approach McKayla's house, the van sped off.

That was weird.

Chris goes to McKayla's door and knocks. A few seconds later, Sophie opens the door and smiles.

"Hi, Chris. Come on in. McKayla's down in the basement."

"Thanks." Chris says, stepping inside.

Chris headed to the basement and began to walk down the stairs. He could hear music playing, but it wasn't anything that he recognized. As Chris walked down and got a better look around, he noticed that the basement appeared to be McKayla's own personal little dance studio.

Not seeing Chris, McKayla was doing what looked like some kind of interprative dance, gliding and spinning to the rhythm of the music. She was only in a black leotard, which showed off her long legs - and her gunshot scar - very well. Her brown hair was put into a tight bun and ballet slippers were on her feet. The way her body moved was mesmerizing. Chris leans against the wall and watches her closely. She was off in her own little world and still hadn't noticed that Chris was even there.

Soon though - all too soon - the song ended, and so did McKayla, still deep in the moment. Once she finished, Chris finally decided to make himself known by suddenly bursting into a round of applause. McKayla jumps and turns around, wide-eyed.

Chris continues to applaud and smiles, "Woo! Go Kayla!" He cheers.

McKayla laughs and blushes, "Thanks. I figure I better start catching up on my interprative since I don't think I'll ever be able to really pursue ballet."

"Why's that?"

"I don't have the right body type. You have to be really tall and really thin; I still do it for fun but it probably won't ever be anything I can take super seriously." McKayla says, "Anyway. What are you doing here?" She asks before taking a sip out of her water bottle.

"I wanted to make sure you were doing okay. Yesterday was sort of rough for you..."

McKayla sets her water bottle down and gives a small smile, "I'm fine, Chris; but I appreciate your concern. You're a good friend."

Something about the way she said that annoyed Chris. He pushes it aside.

"So you're okay?" Chris asks.


"Good. You wanna go for a drive?"

"A drive? You got a car?!"

"Fuck yeah I did! I also have some double delight coffee and cream Oreos waiting for us at my place so put on some normal people clothes and meet me there."


McKayla changed into a Rob Zombie T-shirt and faded blue jeans with rips in both knees. She also wore her usual black converse. Her hair was, as usual, put into a ponytail on top of her head. She then met up with Chris at his place and they headed out.

They couldn't decide where to go, so they just...drove around a while until they reached a small forest that they decided to explore for a little while. McKayla, with a huge smile on her face, ran for the biggest tree she could find and immediately started climbing it.

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