Chapter 17

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The smell of shoe polish and pizza surrounded Carlie, Chris, Angelo, and Kelly. They were currently in the middle of their first game at the bowling alley. Kelly gets a strike and cheers.

"Nice job, babe!" Angelo says.

Meanwhile, Chris hadn't stopped talking about McKayla and Jamie.

"Jamie. What kinda name is that anyway? Isn't that a girl's name?"

"It's probably a nickname for James." Carlie says.

"How'd she meet him anyway?" Kelly asks.

"He works at the music store where Kayla takes her vocal lessons." Chris says.

"Well it's a good thing they're going out, right? You said she was upset about some guy not liking her. This is a good way for her to move on." Angelo points out.

Chris hadn't told anyone about the day McKayla stood on the bridge, as he promised to her. He had, however, told everyone to go easy on her because she'd been a bit depressed lately. He also mentioned why, including the whole thing about McKayla liking a guy.

Chris sighs, "Yeah, I guess you're right."

"We should see what they're doing tomorrow; maybe we could meet him. We could do like a triple date at a coffee shop." Kelly says.

Chris suddenly perks up, "You know, that is a great idea." He says before stepping up to bowl.


Chris arrives back at his house with Carlie later that day. When they get out of the car, they see McKayla on her front step with none other than Jamie. Now that he was looking at him in day light, Chris could get a better look at this Jamie character.

He was tall. Probably about Chris' height. He had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a simple gray shirt with a black vest over it, jeans, converse, and a dog tag necklace.

"Is that him?" Carlie asks.

"Yep." Chris says, "That's Jamie. We should go over and introduce ourselves."

"I don't know. They look like they're talking I don't want to interrupt them." Carlie says.

Jamie them steps forward and kisses McKayla.

"Oh, I definitely think we should go over and say 'hello'." Chris says, taking Carlie's hand and pulling her to McKayla's house.

McKayla and Jamie come apart and McKayla turns bright red when she sees Chris and Carlie because she knew they'd seen what just happened.

"Hey, guys." McKayla greets, sheepishly.

"Hey, Kayla! What's up?!" Chris asks, a little too enthusiastically. Carlie gives him a 'what is wrong with you?!' look.

"We just got back from bowling. Ange won." Chris adds.

"Cool. Um...Oh. Guys, this is Jamie. Jamie, these are Chris and Carlie. I told you about them."

"Yeah, McKayla's told me a lot about you two. It's really nice to finally meet you." Jamie says.

"We came over to see what you guys are doing tomorrow. We were thinking we could all do something together. You guys, us, and Angelo and Kelly." Carlie says.

"I'm not doing anything tomorrow. Jamie?"

"I'm free."

"Awesome! Meet us at Sheetz at three." Chris says, once again a bit too enthusiastically.

"Cool. I've gotta go, babe, but I'll call you." Jamie says before kissing McKayla's cheek, "It was nice meeting you." He says to Chris and Carlie. He then walks off.

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