Chapter 21

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"Now, you know the police said that we should probably get away in order to be safe." Sohpie says. She and McKayla were in the back of a cab since they didn't have a car at the moment. They were on their way home.

"So. Once your leg is healed and you can start dancing again, I have an idea..." Sophie says.


Chris had been glancing out the window all day, waiting to see if McKayla was home. Finally, she and Sophie arrive. Chris quickly throws on some shoes and runs outside.

"Hey!" He greets them, smiling.

"Hi, sweetheart." Sophie says, smiling as well.

"Hey, Chris." McKayla says. She was balancing on crutches, her left leg in a blue cast. She still had a few bandages on her arm and forehead, but other than that, she looked much better.

"Here, let me help you get inside." Chris says, guiding McKayla up the steps of her house and inside. Sophie follows, smiling.

They get inside and McKayla heads to her room - which was upstairs. She gets to the stairs and pauses.

"Here." Chris says. He takes her crutches and leans them against the wall, then turns around.

"Get on my back."

McKayla laughs, then wraps her arms around Chris' neck and jumps up onto his back. Chris grabs her legs and heads up the stairs.

"You're so light. What's up with that?" Chris asks.

"I dunno. I excersize a lot?"

Sophie laughs and follows them up the stairs, bringing McKayla's crutches. They get to McKayla's room and Chris sets her down. She hops to her bed and sits down. Sophie leans the crutches against the wall.

"I'll leave you two alone." Sophie says. She walks out and closes the door behind her.

Chris pauses, not sure what to say. He shoves his hands in his pockets. McKayla takes a minute to study him a moment. Chris had gotten a few more tattoos since he'd gotten his first ones the day after Christmas. He got tattooed for free since he worked at Electric City. McKayla liked them. Tattoos looked good on him; they suited him.

"So how are you holding up?" Chris asks, bringing McKayla out of her graze.

"I'm alright." She says.

"How's your mom doing?"

"She's...been better."

There's a pause.

"You know, as weird as it may sound, I'm actually really glad you broke up with Jamie." Chris says, "I don't know what it was about him; I just didn't like him."

McKayla purses her lips, "Well, he isn't going to be around anymore."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Like I said at the hospital: I just don't really want a boyfriend right now. I'm okay with being single for a while." McKayla says, "It just sucks that I have to be on crutches and do therapy and everything."

Chris sighs, then snaps.

"Well, you tried to kill yourself, McKayla. You can't expect everything to just go back to normal."

McKayla mentally scolds herself and sighs, "You're mad."

"Yes I'm mad!" Chris exclaims, beginning to pace, "How could you seriously think that no one cares about you enough to the point where you'd want to kill yourself?!

"Chris, I know you guys care about me - "

"Really? 'Cause I don't think you do. Do you have any idea how terrified I was when Carlie and Kelly came to my house, screaming that you were hurt?! I thought you were dead, McKayla! And then I find out that that was your actual intention?!...I was heartbroken..."

McKayla swallows the lump in the back of her throat and tries to stand on her good leg. Chris, despite his anger at the moment, immediately grabs her hands to help her balance. She looks up at him with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry." She says, "I never meant to hurt anyone. Especially you."

Chris sighs, calming down, "I guess I just don't understand why you did it. I mean...I can't imagine my life without you."

McKayla's face falls.

"What?" Chris asks.

"Chris...I wanted to tell everyone this at once, but I guess I can tell you now." McKayla starts, "Once my leg heals up and I can dance again, I'm going to really start putting my skills to work."

"What do you mean?"

" dance instructor knows this guy that helps produce plays for Broadway in Chicago." McKayla says, "The day after graduation, my mom and I are going to fly to Chicago so I can audition for one of this guy's upcoming summer productions. I mean, it's just an audition and it's not for a while now, but...if I were to get it, I'd be in Chicago for the entire summer...And if this guy likes me and wants to put me in any more of his productions...I'd be moving to Chicago."

Chris pauses, taking this in.

"It's no guarantee by any means but...if I get this gig, you guys can not get me fired from it."

Chris laughs, then hugs her, "I'm happy for you, Kayla. That's an amazing opportunity for you."

He didn't say it, but Chris really didn't want McKayla to go...


On McKayla's first day back at school, Chris came to her door instead of just waiting in his car like normal. He helped her get to the car before getting in himself.

They talked like they used to, which felt good. However, most of Chris' questions consisted of 'How are you?', 'What's been going on', and 'Are you doing okay?'. McKayla appreciated his concern, but it was all for the wrong reasons.

Of course, Chris didn't know that.

When they arrived at school, all of McKayla's friends were with her throughout the entire day. Even the people who weren't friends with her treated her with more kindness than usual; sympathy. They all had heard about what had happened.

Her friends always walked with her to her locker and her classes and always asked if she needed any help.

"You guys, I am temporarily crippled; I'm not helpless." McKayla would say.

At lunch, McKayla told the rest of her friends about everything in Chicago. They were sad to hear that their friend might be moving, but were happy for her nevertheless.


McKayla was lying to them, in a way.

See, this whole 'Broadway in Chicago' thing was all just an elaborate scheme...sort of. See, Jamie could still be out there, looking for McKayla. She had to get away, and she had to get to a big and far away city where she'd be hard to find. But, she also needed an excuse to leave without making her loved ones suspicious. And so came the Broadway in Chicago plan.

However, this isn't to say that the whole 'audition' thing was just a fluke. McKayla really would be auditioning for a Broadway in Chicago production. BUT, whether McKayla actually does get the part, she will tell her friends that she did.

In short, McKayla was moving to Chicago. Period.

A/N: Oh boy. There's only two chapters left! How will it all end?

Now, usually in the second-to-last-chapter of one of my stories (which would be the next chapter in this story) I tell you guys the name of the main love interest in the next story that I'm going to write. Except this a trilogy. So I'm pretty sure you already can guess who it is ;)

Leave me lots of nice votes and comments! This chapter was kinda confusing toward the end so if you have any questions, please ask me! I will answer them!

xoxo, Scissorhands.

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