Chapter 6

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A/N: I totally forgot today was Wednesday and that I needed to update. *facepalm&


Chris and McKayla step outside at the same time. They'd texted each other this time, agreeing to meet outside at the same time.

The sky was gray, the grass was a darker green than usual, and it was pouring. Chris and McKayla glance at each other, then run away from their houses as quickly as they can and run under a tree nearby. The leaves of the tree almost acted like a protective roof over them, keeping them at least somewhat dry.

"Well this sucks." Chris states.

"Yeah, but you know what they say: April showers bring May flowers."

"You did not just say that."

"I said it and I'm proud of it." McKayla states.

Chris laughs, then grows serious, "Okay, we have two options. We either walk -or run, rather -to school in the rain and get soaked, or we wait for the bus. Either way we'll get wet but at least if we go on foot we don't have to risk, you know, getting beat up or something."

"Then I guess we're running."

"Okay. You ready?"

"Let's do this."

Without really thinking, Chris takes McKayla's hand - a move that gave them both butterflies -and they run out into the rain. McKayla smiles and cheers. Chris couldn't help but laugh.

"You're enjoying this?!"

"No! But maybe if I act like I'm enjoying it for a long enough time, I actually will!" McKayla answers, "Fuck, its freezing!"

Chris thinks, then takes McKayla under another tree. He quickly slips his bag off his shoulders and unzips his black hoodie jacket before taking it off.

"Here. Take it." He offers to McKayla.

"No, Chris, it's fine."

"C'mon, take it."

"You'll freeze."

"You need it more than I do; just take it."

"Chris -"

"Just fuckin' take it will ya?" Chris laughs.

McKayla laughs too and rolls her eyes, "Fine." She says, taking it. She slips her bag off, puts the jacket on and zips it up, "Happy?"

"Yes." Chris grins.

She and Chris grab their bags, then look out at the rain and sigh. It looked like the rain was coming down even harder now.

"Alright, let's go." Chris says, taking McKayla's hand again -on purpose, this time -and they run out.


Chris and McKayla run into the school together, laughing and soaking wet. Once they were inside, they take a minute to catch their breath.

And they stayed like that for a good 30 seconds before they realized they were still holding hands.

They release each other and McKayla turns red slightly. She then looks at Chris and bursts out laughing.

"You look ridiculous!"

Chris laughs too, "I look ridiculous?! You should see yourself right now."

"You're super wet."

"That's what she -well actually what he said; er, I suppose it could be a she if there was another -"

"How much thought are you putting into this?"

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