Chapter 7

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The next day was a nice day, so Chris walked home from work in a decent mood. As he did so, he texted and called both Carlie and Angelo and asked each of them if they had seen or heard from McKayla since the night before. Neither of them had. So they decided to meet up at Chris' house to see if they could figure something out.

Now, the three of them were sitting in Chris' room, asking Carlie for more details on what had happened the night before.

"It was awful. He grabbed her, he touched her...And the things he said..."

"What all did he say to McKayla?" Angelo asks. Carlie had told them some of the details the night before right after McKayla left the party, but they were all still a bit fuzzy on the situation.

"Not just to or about McKayla, but the things he said about her brother..."

"How could some random drunk guy at a party possibly know anything about Kayla's brother?" Chris asks.

Carlie swallows. She hadn't gone into very deep detail about what the drunk guy had said about McKayla's brother; as it was probably something McKayla wouldn't want Carlie to be talking about all over creation. However, Carlie did feel she needed to now inform Angelo and Chris of what had really happened the night before.

"Well, that guy, he...he said that...he said McKayla's brother...killed people."

Angelo's eyes widen, "What?"

"Oh my God." Chris says, "And neither of you have heard from her?" Chris asks.

"Not a thing." Angelo says. Carlie just shakes her head.

Chris sighs, "Okay. We need to talk to her. Let's go over to her house and see if she'll see us."

"She didn't seem to even want to be near us last night. What makes you think she'll talk to us now?" Carlie asks.

"Look, it doesn't matter, okay? I need to - er, we need to see that she's okay." Chris says.


A few seconds after they knocked on the door, Sophie answers and gives them a sad smile.

"Hi, kids." She says.

"Can we see her?" Chris asks.

"Sure." Sophie says, inviting her daughter's friends inside. Sophie shuts the door.

"She's up in her room." Sophie continues, "Just follow the music."

Now that Sophie had mentioned it, they could very vaguely hear what sounded like 'Dr. Feelgood' by Mötley Crüe playing. As told, they follow the sound of the music until they find the bedroom, blocked by a closed door.

Chris knocks on it, "Kayla?"

"What?" She calls from inside, not sounding happy.

"It's us." Angelo says.

"We just want to make sure you're doing alright." Carlie says.

There's no response. Only music.

Chris sighs, "Come on, Kayla. Please...Let us in."

Those words had a lot more meaning than just 'let us into your room'.

The music abruptly stops.

"Come in." McKayla says, quietly; but just loud enough for her friends to hear.

Chris exhales, then opens the door. McKayla sat on her bed with her hair in a messy bun and her face was stained with tears. She wore an oversized Superman sweatshirt and her legs were under the covers.

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