Chapter 18

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The rest of the summer was great. Angelo and Kelly grew more serious, as did McKayla and Jamie. Jamie became an official part of the group of friends. He and McKayla were almost always together. Chris still wasn't too fond of Jamie; but he tried his best not to show it for McKayla's sake.

The first day back at school was sort of strange. The first day of school always kind of sucks, and for obvious reasons; but walking into that school knowing that it was their last year there was sort of sad. In the end, they knew they'd miss it when it was over.

It was also very intimidating. Now, they all had to really start thinking about what the future would hold for them once high school was over. This is why within the first couple months of the school year, Chris and Angelo tried to take their music more seriously.

On Chris' eighteenth birthday, the group of friends all went to an Eighteen Visions convert. At this concert, the song "Motionless and White" was played. And in that moment, something inside of Chris just...clicked. He knew then that he would definitely have to consider that song title for the band name. (A/N: I know that isn't how it happened, don't bitch at me. I actually read somewhere that teenage Chris actually asked the guitar player of 18V for 'permission' to use that song title for the band.)

Within the following weeks, Chris and Angelo had formed a full band of their own, though the name was still being decided on. The band became good friends with Carlie, Kelly, McKayla and Jamie as well.

Even as the months went by though, Chris' opinion of Jamie never changed. He never showed it because he didn't want to hurt McKayla, as she seemed happy with Jamie; but Chris still thought that McKayla could do better.

In other news, the black van made more and more appearances in the neighborhood. So much, in fact, that Chris insisted that McKayla let him give her a ride to school and all of her classes and back whenever her mom couldn't take her. Chris had become abnormally over-protective of her. McKayla, while she thought it was sweet of Chris, believed that this knew found protectiveness was because of what had happened on the bridge during the summer. While it was partially because of that, it was also because of Chris' suspicions of Jamie...

During these drives together though, Chris and McKayla got to have some pretty interesting conversations.

"You need to have like, a fake name ready for when you get all big and famous." McKayla says.

"I do. See, I'm kinda leaning towards doing Motionless for the band name so I'm gonna be 'Chris Motionless'."

McKayla laughs, "That's cool; but you need like an alias so that your groupies and stalkers can't find you in a hotel." She jokes.

Chris smiles, "Okay...Dorian Gray."

"Oh come on! That's so cheesy!"

"Hey, you said pick an alias. That's my alias."

"It's a lame alias."

"No, it's not. It's fuckin' badass."

"It's already been taken though! You need to have an original one."

"It's my alias, damn it!" Chris laughs, "If I wanna be Dorian Gray, I'll fuckin' be Dorian Gray."

Things were going well for everyone, it seemed.

After winter break though, pretty much everything changed.

The band's current guitar player wasn't working out, so they got this kid named TJ to play guitar for them. They also added keyboards to the band. However, the original keyboard player didn't work out either, so they ended up replacing him with one of their tech guys, Josh Balz. In other band news, they all finally decided on what to call this band of theirs: Motionless in White.

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