Chapter 4

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"I want Oreos. Anyone else?"

"Yes! Oreos are life!" McKayla exclaims.

Chris smiles, "I like you more and more every day."

Something about the way he said that seemed sort of...flirtatious.

Once again, Carlie didn't notice.

But Angelo did.

"Okay, I"ll go get the snacks." Chris says.

"I'll go with you." Angelo says, standing as well.

They walk out.

Carlie turns to McKayla, "So. Your new dance instructor. Is he cute?"

"She is adorable." McKayla says, "Dance isn't the only class I'm taking though. I'm gonna start taking acting and vocal lessons too. Hopefully I can go from where I left off in North Carolia."

"Wow. Looks like you're gonna be busy."

"Good. I'm hoping to use those skills and get into a good college and..."

"And what?"

"Well...I know I don't know you all that well, but can I tell you a secret?"

"Of course."

"It's always been a dream of mine to perform on Broadway. I've never told anyone because it's such a long shot..."

"That'd be so cool though! I totally bet you'll get there."

"It's gonna be hard..."

"So is Chris' music dream. But I believe in that too. And I'll stand by him every second of the way."

McKayla smiles, "You know, he's really lucky to have someone as supportive as you. You guys are good together."



Chris and Angelo walk out of Chris' room and down the stairs.

"Are you crazy?!" Angelo whisper-yells.

"Can you be a bit more specific?" Chris asks.

"You were totally eyeing McKayla."

"What? I was not."

"Dude, I could see it from a mile away. You're lucky I'm the one that noticed and not Carlie."

Once down the stairs, they walk through the livingroom and turn right and go into the kitchen.

"Kayla's a cool girl and she's pretty fun to be around, but I don't lke her like that. It took me a long time to get the balls to ask Carlie out; I am not gonna mess that up any time soon."

"Good. I just don't wanna see you or Carlie or McKayla get hurt."

"And no one will." Chris says, opening the cupboard and grabbing the Oreos.


A couple days later.

McKayla walked out of the building in a Batman shirt, jeans, and converse. Her hair was up in its usual ponytail as well. She held a folder and a mechanical pencil; which she just put behind her ear.

She flipped through her folder as she walked away, making sure she had everything she needed. Doing so, she wasn't really paying attention to where she was walking and she bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry I - Chris?"

"Hey." Chris greets with a smile.

"What are you doing?"

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