Prologue (Sort of)

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A/N: Goooooood morning western United States and elsewhere! It is 4:13 a.m. and I am publishing this in the back seat of an SUV on my way to the airport. Enjoy!

Chris strolled through the parking garage with a smile on his face. His footsteps echoed a bit. A couple of people walked past Chris and gave him strange looks. Chris didn't mind though. He was used to it. Besides, nothing could make him upset today. He'd been looking forward to this day for quite a while now.

Chris walks out of the parking garage. The sidewalks and roads were wet with rain. The smell of rain was in the air, and it reminded Chris of her. He could practically her her voice saying 'April showers bring May flowers'. Today was April 7th, 2014. Chris almost couldn't believe it.

Chris held a bouquet of fake white roses that smelled of plastic. They never let you bring real flowers into that part of the hospital out of fear of bringing in bacteria from outside. Chris didn't mind though. Fake flowers lasted longer and they were cheaper.

Chris made sure his little surprise for her was hidden in his pocket as well, then he approached the building after crossing the street. He was in a Stick to Your Guns T-shirt, black skinny jenas, a black leather jacket, and black combat boots. He wore a beanie that covered most of his synthetically black hair was well.

Chris pushes open the glass double doors and walks into the lobby. He ignores any and all looks thrown his way. Not all of the looks were bad though. Some of them were good, or of sympathy. However, if one of Chris' fans ever happened to come across him in the hospital, they almost always left him alone. They knew why he was there and they hardly ever disturbed him out of respect.

Chris goes to the elevators and waits for it to open. When it does, he steps in and presses the button for the fourth floor. The doors close and the elevator moves up.

The doors open and Chris walks down a couple of hallways until he finds the right wing. He reaches the double wooden doors and presses the button on the wall next to them. A minute later, someone answers the call.


"Yes, I'm here for my girlfriend." Chris says.

"What's her last name?"


A second later, the doors come unlocked and Chris pushes one of them open before proceeding down the hall. He could see the room.

An Indian woman, his girlfriend's nurse, walks out of the room and gives Chris a smile.

"Welcome back. She's waiting for you."

"How's she doing?" Chris asks.

"A lot better. She'll be happy you're here. I'm going to be back in there with her in a few minutes, I just need to get a few things. It's good to see you again." She says before walking off.

The nurses and doctors in this part of the hospital knew Chris well. He wished they didn't have to though...

Chris continues on to the room and peaks his head in. He smiles. She was watching 'The Green Lantern'. A stack of comic books stood on the night stand next to the bed. She was wearing the black hooded jacket that Chris had given her in high school, and her legs were covered with Batman pajama pants. She also had fuzzy slippers on her feet and a big quilt over her...And on her head, which no longer had any hair, was the beanie Chris had given her.

Chris clears his throat, then knocks on the open doorframe.

"Flower delivery for Kayla McClain."

She smiled at hearing the voice of the only person that referred to her as 'Kayla'. She turns and sees him.


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