Chapter 16 (Trigger Warning)

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A/N: This may be triggering if you have attempted suicide, thought of it, or have lost someone to it.

There's a knock on Chris' bedroom door.

"Come in." Chris calls.

Nick walks in.

"Hey. What's up?" Chris asks.

"Is McKayla doing okay?"

"What makes you ask that?"

"Well I was skateboarding with Jesse and I saw McKayla. At least, I think it was her. I saw her at a stop sign. She looked like she was crying."

"What? Did you see where she was headed?"

"Looked like she was going to the river."

"What? That can't be right. Kayla's afraid of water."

Nick shrugs, "That looked like it was where she was headed."

Chris sighs, "Thanks, kid." He says before walking out.


Chris drove near the bridge, since that was the only area by the river where you could actually park. There wasn't anyone else around. It was a pretty hot day, so most people were probably at the beach.

There was one person there though.


She stood there a moment, holding her skateboard. She faced the river. There was a strong current today. After a few more moments of just standing there, McKayla suddenly yells out angrily, and throws her skateboard into the water. It gets taken away by the current.

Chris rolls down his window.

"Kayla!" He calls.

McKayla turns around with tears running down her face. When she sees Chris, she only starts crying harder. She goes over and walks up to the bridge.

Chris hurriedly gets out of the car and follows her.

"Kayla!" He calls.

McKayla doesn't say anything.

"Kayla! Hey, what's wrong?"

She just keeps crying.

Chris approaches her, "Kayla - "

"Take one step closer to me and I swear to God I will run off this bridge."

Chris' eyes widen. He puts his hands up in surrender and doesn't go any closer to her.

"Kayla..." Chris starts, "Talk to me. What's going on?"

McKayla takes a few steps closer to the edge of the bridge. Chris didn't move any closer; but he was prepared to at any moment.

"Kayla, please." Chris begs.

McKayla swallows, "It's Matt's birthday."

Chris sighs, "Alright, Kayla, look, I don't know what you're going through, but - "

"No! You don't know what I'm going through! No one does!" McKayla yells, "My brother is a murderer, my dad left, my mom is never around, the guy I like doesn't want me back - "

"I don't understand this, Kayla."

"I've been miserable since the day I moved here. Who the fuck wouldn't be if they walked a mile in my shoes?! The bullying at school, leaving the only party I've ever been invited to, not going to Prom; it was all because of other people making me feel like I shouldn't be here!"

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