Chapter 11 (Trigger Warning)

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A/N: Warning: The very end of this chapter may be triggering to some people.

Lots of things happened over the next couple of weeks. Chris was applying for a register/desk job at a tattoo parlor and hoped to maybe apprentice as a piercer while there. He couldn't draw, so tattooing was out of the question; but he figured he might as well have something to fall back on if music didn't work out.

Carlie was still acting a bit odd.

Now, the students of West Scranton High School were preparing for Prom. Chris was getting ready in his room and was listening to a CD that McKayla had let him borrow. It was Within Temptations 'The Silent Force' album. So far, Chris liked it. The chick that sang for them had pipes and Chris was glad McKayla had recommended the band to him. He'd have to look into more of their stuff. He and McKayla had really been bonding over music lately...

Chris and Carlie didn't feel like doing the whole 'have a limo take us to Prom' thing. They just wanted it to be simple. So they agreed that Chris would just pick Carlie up and take her home afterword.

Chris walked downstairs, ready to go. His mom walked in and smiled.

"Ohh, Christopher. You look so handsome!" She says, "My oldest baby is going to his first Prom...You've grown up so fast."

Chris rolls his eyes, "Can I go now?"

"Have fun. Be safe."

"I will." Chris says before walking out.


Chris knocked on Carlie's door, and a second later she appeared wearing a deep red strapless dress. She had her hair curled and her makeup done and her nails painted to match her dress. She looked beautiful. After Chris gave her her corsage and her parents took a few pictures of them, they got into the car and headed out.

"Who's this?" Carlie asks, referring to the music playing.

"Within Temptation."

"That band McKayla likes? You actually started listening to them?"

"Yeah, and you should too. They're cool."

"McKayla sure seems to be having a big impact on you lately."

Chris shrugs, "She's my friend. All my friends have an impact on me."

"That's not what I meant." Carlie mutters under her breath.

"What's the matter? Are you...Are you like, jealous, or something?"

Carlie pauses, then sighs, "No." She says, "Let's just focus on us, on tonight. Let's have a good time tonight."


The gymnasium was filled with people dressed in formal attire attempting to dance to bad music. The walls were covered with a flimsy streamers and cheap balloons. There were tables set out with punch and small snacks. Chris and Carlie walked in hand-in-hand, searching for Angelo and Kelly and McKayla. Chris had offered to drive McKayla as well, but she declined, saying she'd come on her own.

They found Angelo and Kelly fairly quickly. Angelo was in a tux, and Kelly was in a long-sleeved floor-length navy blue dress.

"Hey, guys." Angelo greets.

"Kelly, you look gorgeous." Carlie says.

Kelly smiles, "Thank you. You look incredible."

"Is Kayla here yet?" Chris asks.

"We haven't seen her yet." Angelo says.

"Don't worry about McKayla right now. C'mon, let's go dance." Carlie says to Chris.


It was a good night...for the most part. They danced and talked and laughed. The slow dances were romantic and everyone really did enjoy themselves. However, the entire time it seemed Chris was looking around in search for McKayla, which Carlie didn't quite like. The fact that Chris spent most of the night with his focus on another girl that wasn't even here really hurt Carlie.

Eventually, the night came to an end.

McKayla never showed up.

When Chris took Carlie home, the car ride was silent for the most part with the exception of the music coming through the stereo.

"I had fun with you tonight." Chris says as they approach Carlie's hosue.

Carlie stays silent.

Chris pulls the car up in front of her house.

"I'll call you tomorrow. Maybe we can hang out?" Chris asks.

Carlie sighs, "Maybe." She says, quietly. She pauses, then quickly kisses Chris' cheek, "Bye." She says before getting out of the car.


Chris drove home, the Within Temptation album still playing. It'd been a long night. He was ready to go home, relax, and go to sleep. However, as Chris neared his house, he saw something strange...


She was in a formal, floor-length, black halter dress. Her hair had been curled, but it was currently covering her face in an absolutely mess as she sat on the front steps of her house with her face in her hands, crying.

Chris slammed on the breaks, causing a loud screeching sound to penetrate the air. McKayla jumps at this and looks up, surprised. Her makeup was smeared down to her cheekbones and black mascara tears ran down her face.

Chris gets out of the car quickly and runs over to McKayla.

"Kayla!" He says, "Hey, what happened?! We tried calling you. Are you okay?"

McKayla stares at Chris a moment, then her bottom lip quivers and she shakes her head 'no'.

Chris sits down next to her and wraps his arms around her. She lays her head on his shoulder, continuing to sob. Chris rubs her back and takes her hand, trying to comfort her.

"Kayla, what happened?" Chris asks.

McKayla takes a shaky breath and swallows. She reaches behind her and picks up a folded piece of paper. A note. She hands it to Chris so that he could see it.

"It's my dad." McKayla finally says.

"What about him?" Chris asks.

McKayla swallows and pauses once again before speaking.

"He left." She says, "He left us. He just...left. He's gone and I'm probably never going to see him again." McKayla says before beginning to cry again.

Chris just stares at her a moment, not sure how to respond. So he just takes her in his arms and continues to try to soothe her as she cries into his chest.

A/N: Oooh, what happened?! Why did Phil leave?! I know the answer and I can almost guarantee that none of you will get it at first tee hee hee.

So. Carlie is obviously very jealous. How do you guys feel about that? Do you guys think she has a right to be jealous or do you still see her as the bitchy Carlie that we read about in every other story where Carlie is a character? Tell me because I really do want to know.

xoxo, Scissorhands.

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