Chapter 8 (Trigger Warning)

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A/N: It occured to me that it might be a good idea to put a trigger warning in this chapter (no pun intended) as some of this content may be sensitive to someone that has experienced this kind of thing first hand or doesn't like violence. So, with that being said, TRIGGER WARNING.

Three months prior.

McKayla slowly and quietly creeps into her older brother's bedroom. He was still sleeping soundly on his side, his back to her. McKayla smirks, then goes over and rips open the curtains on the window, letting tons of sunlight into the previously dark room.

"Matty!" McKayla exclaims, "Wake up wake up!"

Matthew just groans.

"C'mon, we gotta get going. Mom and Dad told me to get you." McKayla says. She grabs her brother's arm and starts pulling on him.

"Come on, Matty, get off your lazy butt. Wait, you're not like, naked under those covers, are you?"

"Keep pulling on me and find out."

"Gross." McKayla says, releasing him, "Just be downstairs in ten. Mom made pancakes."



McKayla sat down at the kitchen table. She was in a black Mötley Crüe T-shirt, jeans, and converse. She normally wore her hair down, but today, she had it up in a ponytail on top of her head.

"Matt should be down in a few minutes." McKayla says.

"Thank you, sweetheart." Phil says.

"I think he's been acting up lately. Is everything okay at school?" Sophie asks.

Matt had very recently come out as bisexual. His parents, McKayla, and the rest of the family seemed to be okay with it. As for the students at their school, however, not so much. But Matt made McKayla swear not to tell anyone that. He didn't want their parents to worry...

"Everything is fine." McKayla lies.

"You sure?" Phil asks.


Matthew then walks down and sits next to McKayla.

"I like your hair like that, Kay." Matthew says, using the pet name he always used for his younger sister.

McKayla plays with her ponytail, "Thanks."

"Alright, kids, eat up." Sophie says, handing them each a plate of food.

"Thanks, Mom." McKayla says before digging in.

Matthew stays silent and eats his food very slowly.

"So, Matt, one of your teachers emailed us last night." Phil starts, "And you're failing geometry."

Matt stays silent.

"You've gotta step it up, son. You can't be failing in your senior year." Phil continues.

"I'm trying, okay?" Matthew asks, bitterly.

"Honey, we know things have been difficult for you lately," Sophie starts, "But that's no excuse for your grades to be -"

"I said I'm trying!" Matthew snaps.

Everyone just stares at him, wide eyed.

They eat the rest of their breakfast in silence.


"Okay, you guys have everything?" Phil asks.

"Yeah." McKayla says.

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