Chapter 5

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Chris and McKayla were walking to school together as they now usually did. Chris' snakebites looked great on him and his lips were luckily no longer swollen.

"So a buddy of mine at work works in the food department and snagged us some of these." Chris says, reaching into his backpack and pulling out a package of strawberry milkshake flavored Oreos.

"Fuck yes." McKayla says before taking one and biting into it, "Oh my God."

"I know, right? It's a lot better than I expected it to be."

"I wanna be an Oreo taste-tester when I grow up."

Chris' eyes widen, "That is the best idea I've ever heard." He says in all seriousness.

They laugh and walk into the school. They walk into the Junior hallway and are immediatley greeted by Carlie.

"Hey guys." She says, smiling. She looks to Chris, "Wow, they're really looking great." She says, referring to his new lip pericings. She quickly kisses him, "Mmm...They feel great too."

"Hey, who's Angelo talking to?" McKayla asks, "Isn't that Kelly?"

Everyone looks over and sees Angelo. Sure enough, he was talking to the pretty blonde girl, Kelly Sirak.

"Well I'll be damned. It's about time he worked up the balls to talk to her." Chris says.

"You're one to talk. It took you six months to grow a pair and talk to Carlie." McKayla says.

Chris turns red and Carlie tries not to laugh.

Angelo then walks over with a smile on his face.

"Oooh, how'd it go?" Carlie asks.

"She's officially my date to Sean's party." Angelo syas.

"That's awesome!" Chris says.

"Yeah it is! Are you going, McKayla?" Angelo asks.

"Yup. Chris invited me."

"Oh yay! You have to let me do your hair and makeup." Carlie says.

McKayla nods, "Yeah, okay."

They talk a bit longer, then go to their lockers and grab their things for class.

Once she has her things, McKayla turns around and is greeted by Chris who hands her another Oreo.

"To keep you stable around Stewart." He states.

McKayla sighs and takes it, "Why does Mr. Stewart have to be such a terrible teacher?" She asks before biting into the small cookie. They start walking to class.

"He wasn't always like that. He use to be pretty fun - as fun as an algebra teacher can be, anyway. I feel like he changed right after his nephew died, but no one really knows for sure...Although now that I think about it, he only really started acting weird after you showed up..."

And McKayla knew exactly the reason why.

Though of course, she wasn't going to say it.

Instead, she simply nodded, "Well, I know what it's like to change after you lose someone you love."

Chris hesitantly speaks, "With...your brother?"

McKayla nods, looking at the floor.

"He's the one that gave you that bracelet you always wear." Chris states, coming to the realization.

McKayla just nods again.

They walk the rest of the way in silence.


Chris sat down with Angelo and Carlie at lunch.

"Where's McKayla?" Carlie asks.

"She's still getting her food." Chris says.

"Have you noticed she's been acting kinda weird today?" Angelo asks.

Chris sighs, "Yeah, that's probably my fault. I brought up her brother earlier."

"Ohhh..." Carlie says.

As if on cue, McKayla walks over nad sits down. There's a small, awkward silence where no one says anything for a couple minutes.

The silence is finally broken by Chris.

"Are you okay?" He asks McKayla.

McKayla sighs, "I'm fine, really. It's just been a long day."

"You sure that's all?"

McKayla gives a small smile, "Yes Chris. And besides, it's a Monday; why shouldn't I be upset?"

"Excellent point." Angelo says.

"How's unpacking going?" Carlie asks.

"Good. We're almost finished. We're sort of in the process of moving a lot of things into brother's old stuff, mostly...We don't have the heart to throw it all away completely."

There's another pause.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Chris asks.

McKayla nods, "I'm fine."

A/N: So...that was pretty short. But the next chapter is going to be a good one and it's when the plot will really start to move forward. I have a feeling you guys are going to like it.


xoxo, Scissorhands.

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