Chapter 10

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It was a nice day, but there was a bit of a chill in the air. McKayla walked out of her house in a Within Temptation sweatshirt with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, faded jeans, and converse. Her hair was up in a ponytail, as usual. Despite the cool weather, there was another reason she was wearing a sweatshirt...

"Bye, Mom!"

"Bye, Sweetie!"

McKayla didn't say anything to her dad though; he wasn't there. He hardly ever was.

As soon as McKayla walked outside, she again sees the dark black van with tinted windows in front of her house. As soon as she sees it, it speeds off. McKayla decides to shrug it off for now and goes to the car where Chris, Carlie, and Angelo were waiting for her. McKayla gets into the car with a smile on her face.

"Hey." She greets.

"Dude. What up with the creepy van that's been hanging out in front of your house?" Angelo asks.

"I don't know...But I'm sure it's nothing." McKayla says, "You ready to get fired, Chris?"

"Fuck yeah I am." Chris says before driving off.


A few of the shoppers give the four teenagers some odd stares, though this was nothing new.

"Okay, you guys stay here. I gotta go punch myself in." Chris says before quickly walking off.

"Alright, ladies, the plan is simple: screw around, make a mess, cuss a lot, be loud, and have fun. Oh, and don't let security catch you."

"Half the security guards here are obese. I think we can outrun them." Carlie says.

"You ready, McKayla? You've never done this with us before." Angelo syas.

McKayla smiles, "I was born ready."

Chris walks back, buttoning up the blue vest with his name pinned on it with a tag.

McKayla laughs, "Aww, look how cute you are in your little vest." She teases.

Carlie wasn't sure she liked how McKayla said it though..

Chris just rolls his eyes, "Yeah, yeah, not for long. C'mon, my turf is this way."

Many people stared at them. Angelo was wearing a Slipknot shirt, Carlie was wearing a Manson one, and Chris went a little heavier on the eyeliner than usual. McKayla looked the most "normal" out of everyone on the group.

They turn, and then are faced with the shelves and isles of toys. They certainly had a lot to choose from.

Angelo cracks his knuckles, "What's first?"

"You can Carlie get the trikes. Kayla, get the helmets. I'll get the pool noodles."


(A/N: The following is based off of something I read on Chris' tumblr -yes, he actually did work the toy department at Walmart and he and his friends actually did used to screw around there -and has been exaggerated for your humor.)

They decided they were going to joust.

On tricycles.

With pool noodles.

"Kayla!" Chris calls.

McKayla runs out. She sets a bike helmet on Angelo's head, then does the same to Chris.

Chris quirks an eyebrow, "Did she just put a Hello Kitty helmet on my head?"


"Excellent." Chris says before looking to Angelo.

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