Chapter 14

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The morning after Chris and McKayla's evening of "fun", McKayla woke up alone. She hadn't seen or talked to Chris since it happened. McKayla wasn't hurt by any means, but she wasn't really sure what to feel either. What did all of this mean? Did she like Chris? Did Chris like her? What would happen between the two of them now? McKayla was over all just...confused. However, she was sure of one thing: no matter what happened now, last night, McKayla was simply Chris' rebound.

McKayla walked out of her house. It was a nice day, so she thought she'd walk to dance class today.

However, she walked out just as Chris did.

They see each other, then just sort of...stare at each other a minute.

"Hey." McKayla finally says.

"Hey." Chris repeats.

McKayla was about to just leave, when she saw Chris walking up to her. She decided to just stay put.

Chris stands in front of her house and pauses.

"Where you headed?" He finally asks.

"Dance class."

"Cool. Your studio is right across the street from the tattoo shop."

"You got the job?"


"Oh. Uh, congrats."

"Thanks...Mind if I walk with you?"

"Don't you have a car?"

"Yeah, but I wanna talk to you."

"You and Carlie got back together, didn't you?"

"How'd you know?" Chris asks as they start walking.

"Because you approached me nervously, and not in a good way. It was either to tell me you and Carlie got back together, or that you have some kind of terrible STD and I should get tested."

Chris gives a small laugh, "I'm clean, swear." He says, "So, look, Kayla -"

"It's okay, Chris. I get it. I'm not upset. I promise."


"Yes. I didn't expect us having sex one time was going to turn into anything. I knew the whole time that I was just your rebound. I knew it didn't mean anything."

Chris shoves his hands in his pockets and rocks back and fourth on his heels, "Yeah. It didn't mean anything. It was just a rebound." He says, "I'm sorry, Kayla. I never meant to hurt you or take advantage of you or -"

"Will you stop apologizing? If I was going to have my first kiss and first time having sex with anyone, I'm glad it was with a friend; someone I trust."

"You trust me?"

"Of course I do."

Chris isn't sure how to respond.

"Look, let's just pretend the whole thing never happened, okay? If you don't want Carlie to know anything, she won't hear a peep from me."

"I don't want her to know."

"Well okay then. So...friends?"

Chris smiles, "Friends." He says before hugging her, "Thank you so much for being so cool about this. You're one of my best friends and I don't want to lose you." He says before they break the embrace.

McKayla smiles, "You're the sweetest, you know that?" McKayla asks, "How did you and Carlie make up anyway?"

"Oh. She came over and we talked it out. She says she wants to apologize to you too for getting the wrong idea of you. If she asks, I was with Angelo."

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