Chapter 15

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Two weeks later.

Chris and McKayla had completely put aside what had happened between the two of them. Chris and Carlie were doing just fine. It honestly was just like the whole thing never even happened.

Now, they were all just chilling in McKayla's room, listening to The Cure.

"So my dad is having a barbeque on the 4th of July. You guys wanna come?" Chris asks, "Actually, let me rephrase that. Please come, I'll be so bored if you don't. It's gonna be so lame and I don't wanna be forced to socialize with people who I don't know but who apparently know me."

"Lame? Your dad's barbeque's are awesome!" Angelo says.

"Since when is my dad, my uncle, and their coworkers standing in the backyard over a grill talking about politics considered 'awesome'?"

"Well for starters your dad actually has a good taste in music and it's always playing, and he's got mad grilling skills."

"You do have a point there." Chris says.

"I should be able to come." Carlie says.

"Me too as long as my mom says it's okay." McKayla says.

"Ange, you should shoot Kelly a text and ask if she can come. The more people my age there, the better." Chris says.

Angelo nods and grabs his phone.

"Ooh. I should tell my mom to grab us some Oreos while she's out. One of you toss me my phone? It's in my purse." McKayla says.

The phone gets tossed at her by Chris, who's face had suddenly gone white.

"Babe, you okay?" Carlie asks.

"Uh, yeah, just...stood up too fast." Chris says before sitting back down again.


A few days later.

McKayla walked out of her house, looking at a script for her acting class. She walked out just as Chris was leaving for work. McKayla hadn't talked to him in a few days. She looks up at him and smiles.

"Hey." She calls.

Chris doesn't answer. He just goes to his car.

"Chris? Chris!" McKayla calls. He wasn't wearing headphones, so it wasn't like he couldn't hear her.

McKayla walks over to him, "Chris!"

Chris sighs, then turns around.

"Hey. What's wrong?" McKayla asks.

Chris' eyes darken, "You, McKayla."

McKayla takes a step back, "You've never called me by my full name before." She states, "What's wrong? Are you mad at me or something?"

Chris locks his jaw, then exhales, "Last week, when I opened your purse to get your phone for you, I found a box for an at-home pregnancy test."

McKayla mentally scolds herself and sighs, "Chris - "

"Why, McKayla? How could you just have - "

"It was negative, Chris."

"I would hope!"

"Then why are you being so paranoid? We used a condom, I went out and got a morning after pill the next day; we were smart, Chris."

"So then why the test?"

"Because my period was a few days late and I got scared, okay? I just wanted to be sure." McKayla says, "But I'll have you know that I am happily PMS-ing as we speak and because my hormones are making me angrier than usual, I can confidently say that you are a jackass, Christopher! You really think that if things were serious that I wouldn't have said anything to you?! I told you I trust you, didn't I?!"

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