Chapter 20

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A/N: Part of this chapter is dedicated to anyone out there who is self-harming or suicidal. When it gets to that part, I will probably just put an interrupting-author's-note because I actually have something to say about it.

The next day.

Well, I bet you're all quite confused.

Allow me to explain.

See, McKayla didn't try to commit suicide. Well, she did, but she didn't...

Let's go back a bit. Let's start with McKayla's father. He left his daughter and his wife, right? He's a horrible person, right?


Phillip McClain was murdered.

By Jamie and Nathan, who had, up until then, been watching the McClains in a black van, driving through the neighborhood.

Of course, McKayla and Sophie didn't know this at first.

Jamie came along months later, and for the first couple months that he and McKayla were together, things were perfectly normal. Jamie was good to her, they went on dates, they made love; everything was perfect...

And then it wasn't.

See, the whole 'perfect boyfriend' act that Jamie had been putting on until then was simply that: an act.

Then Jamie revealed his true self to McKayla. He was after the McClain family - he and his friend Nathan both were. Nathan was sort of the brains behind the operation and Jamie did the dirty work.


Because Matthew McClain killed Nathan's brother.

And so, vengeance was sought.

They started by snooping around McKayla's neighborhood in a dark black van. They studied McKayla, her life, her friends, her family; they found out who she was and wasn't the closest to. They found her weaknesses.

Then, they went into action.

They first killed McKayla's father and left a note, telling Sophie and McKayla that he was gone; but making it look like he'd left. They made it look like the note was from him and made him the bad guy.

And until now, Sophie thought that that was what happened.

McKayla, unfortunately, found out much sooner.

Once Jamie told McKayla who he really was and what his intentions really were, he immediately began to threaten her. He began to abuse her in every way. He told her that if she told anyone about what he was doing that he would kill her mother and her friends. Since he'd already killed her father, McKayla had no choice but to believe that what he was saying was true.

So she kept her mouth shut.

And that's how her life was for a while...

Jamie and Nathan are both obviously mentally unstable.

Then, as final revenge on the sister of the guy that killed his friend's brother, Jamie gave McKayla three options.

Option 1.) McKayla could kill herself.

Option 2.) He would kill her.

Option 3.) She could live, but he and Nathan would kill someone that she cared for very deeply, and she would forever have to live with the fact that she was basically responsible for their murder. There was a plan for this one too.

First, they would take McKayla and hold her in the back of the van. They'd tie her up and tape her mouth shut. Then they'd drive to the tattoo shop.

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