Chapter 1: Assignment (edited)

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The hallway was dark with a deathly silence this late at night. The walls seemed to creep closer together and squeeze away any life or hope from the wood and brick with a suffocating grip. Haunted shadows were cast at every glance from the small amount of moonlight that flooded through the window. Even here, in this offshoot of the building, it reeked of sadistic madness. There was no care for comfort, the walls bare and the floor splintered. Any chance of warmth was crushed and replaced with the grim reality that possessed every crevasse.

Despite what rang true to anyone who stepped foot into this territory, this building had been Izuku's home for over a decade. It wasn't anything like what was portrayed in movies or books. He remembered how in those stories that the Mafia headquarters were made to look cool and glamorous. Every inch of the hideouts decorated and cared for; but this was the real world. This building was always cold, smelled of mold and mildew, and rarely ever got cleaned. Each step one took was a constant reminder of that as the dirt that caked the floor crumbled under the weight. The weird stains that were speared on the walls acting as abstract art. Any attempt to warm up the spaces was abandoned.

Izuku sighed as he looked down at his watch. "Three minutes till we meet up," he sighed to himself in a soft voice. It was late, almost 11pm. Even for his sensei, this was out of the ordinary for him to call him to a meeting in the dead of night.

In fact, he had never gotten an assignment this late before. It was strange, that realization only drew more confusion as to why he was waiting at this hour to meet in a narrow hallway in the back of the building. Even with that question hanging like noose above Izuku, he didn't question it out loud. He learned years ago that doing something like that would only result in punishment. There was always someone lurking just out of sight, waiting to use someone's weakness to climb the ladder.

The green haired boy rested himself back into his chair, leaning his head against the wall while he closed his eyes in an attempt to rest. "One more assignment until I can see mom." he whispered with an earnest breath. A small smile spread across his face as he tried to remember her face. It had been 2 years since he had seen that loving smile and long green hair pulled back into a messy ponytail. He wondered how much she had changed since their last reunion. A ping of sadness hit him as the weight of his reality crushed his chest with a vice grip.

Izuku adjusted in his seatas he brought his hand up to his face in a desperate haste. He pressing his fingers over his eyes until he saw bursts of light and random color from the pressure. He needed to distract himself, anything to relieve what he knew was about to come if he didn't.

Yet, just like every other time, nothing deterred his ill mind as it refused to cooperate. All that pain he kept buried deep emerging with a black hand ready to take hold of every fiber that encased Izuku. Memories that he wished he could forget forced their way into his consciousness.

Every time he remembered, it was like he was forced back to when he was a child. Forced to relive the horrors he had witnessed the day men came into his home. The sobbed screams of his mother as she tried to reach for him echoed in his head, sounding like they weren't just a recollection.

Fear paralyzed his child sized body, his feet frozen in place as he watch two men turn to him, recognition of who he was on their faces before they grabbed him and carried him out of the house. The gasps and cries of his mother were so loud as he was slung over a shoulder with a painfully tight grip. His pleas landed on deaf ears as a man stopped his mother at the door, holding her back and demanding that she stay put.

He remembered the man reaching for his hip, his mom taking a step back as she screamed something at him. Izuku didn't understand what was happening, but now with all his knowlege and life experience he was able to fill in the gaps.

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