Chapter 28: Seduction

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Not long after, everyone decided it is time to head out. I was a little sad, but then realized that I would be riding with Kacchan back home. I turn to him as we walked out of the bar, "Are you sure you can drive?" I was a little concerned since I didn't know how much he drank.
He hands me my helmet and nods, "Ya, I stopped drinking a few hours ago. And I didn't drink as much as you." He says putting on his helmet. "Are you going to be able to ride?" He teases back. I laugh as I remember back to the bull and shrug my shoulders.
We climb on and I wrap my arms tightly around his abdomen, clasping my hands together. He slowly pulls out of the parking lot and starts heading down the street.

Bakago POV:
After a few minutes of riding I feel Izuku's grip loosen around me. I snapped my head around scared that he might be falling off the bike. But to my surprise he is leaning back slightly and looking at all the lights above us. I smile and return my gaze to the road. We rode along the city and I could see Deku's reflection along the store front windows. He lets go of me and spreads his arms out wide, his head looking up. I can't help but smile as he basks in the night air, it is beautiful to watch. I slow the bike as we turn the corner and Izuku quickly returns his arms around me.
I pull up to a small park, cutting the engine. It is quiet and the night air is crisp. "What are we doing here?" Deku asks while getting off the bike.
"I thought we could walk around before heading back." I say, removing my helmet. "It is always fun to walk around after a night of drinking."
Izuku pulls the helmet off his head and smiles. His air is sticking out everywhere, but I think it's cute. I grab his hand and intertwine our fingers as I pull him. We walk for a minute until we come across a playground. Izuku pulls us over to the swings and sits on one. I roll my eyes at his huge smile as I lean against one of the poles.
"Common Kacchan, it's just like when we were little." He teases, gesturing to the swing next to him. I shake my head and walk over to the swing and sit down, allowing myself to swing a little. "I remember when I thought I could swing over the bar." he says, kicking his legs back and forth trying to get as high as he can.
I laugh as I watch him. 'How can he be so free all the time, it's like nothing holds him back.' We sit there in silence as he slowly comes to a stop next to me. "Kacchan?" he says, keeping his eyes to the ground.
"Ya?" I reply, looking over to him. He is digging his feet into the wood chips and gripping the chains tightly.
"Umm... Did you want to kiss me that night?" he asks quietly. I can feel my cheeks flush and my hands become clammy as I think back to the night last month. Before I can answer he starts mumbling to himself. "It's okay if you didn't, I was the one to pull you in. You did hesitate and I shouldn't have forced it. I'm sorry if I crossed a line. I shouldn't have done that, that was kinda stu-"
"Hey!" I yell, interrupting his stammering. He glances over to me his eyes wide at my outburst. "Yes, I did." I say, looking at him. "I hesitated because I wasn't sure if you wanted me to continue." I sighed. "I mean it's not like I have a good track record with you." I turn my gaze away, tightening my grip around the chains with the memory of what I did to him in my head.
We sit there in silence, neither of us knowing what to say.

Midoriya POV:
I stare at him, my heart racing as I take in his words. 'He wanted to kiss me!' I can't help but feel butterflies, and a smile creeps onto my face. He gets up from the swing without looking at me. "Umm, we should head back. It's getting late." He starts walking away. I sat there watching him for a moment with confusion. What just happened? I thought... didn't he just say he wanted to kiss me???
I quickly get up from the swing and chase after him, grabbing his hand and pulling him to face me.
"What is wrong?" I asked. He keeps his eyes to the ground. "Kacchan! Look at me!" He finally lifts his head and meets my eyes. "I really like you Kacchan. If I didn't, do you think I would have been all over you tonight?"
I place a hand on his face and pull him in. Our lips meet and I can tell I startled him. After a moment he wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer. I can feel him starting to kiss me back and the butterflies start flying around. Our lips move together and I push my hand into his hair, and he grips my shirt in response. Our kiss starts to become more passionate until he pulls away, a huge blush on his face. I smile at him and kiss his cheek.
"I was not expecting that..." he drifts off as he meets my eyes. "I like you... I mean I really like you Deku." He says with a small smile. I intertwined our fingers and pulled him towards the bike. I notice the smile becoming bigger on his face and I can't help but laugh.
We rode back in silence, a happy silence. As we arrive, Kacchan doesn't pull to the front but rather the back where there are rows of cars. He parks in the garage and we get off and head inside, walking the maze of hallways, our hands still intertwined, until we get to my room.

Bakago POV:

We reach his room and before I can say goodbye Izuku pulls me in and closes the door behind me. I look back at him taken aback by his actions. He slowly walks past me and over to his bed while taking off his shirt. I look away when I realize what he is doing. My heart starts racing and I can feel my face heat up.
He sits on the side of his bed and pats the spot next to him. I don't move, I don't want to give the wrong impression. He finally stands up and walks over to me, a small grin on his face. He pushes his hands under my jacket as he meets my lips. I kiss him back, but don't move. He grabs and pulls me over to his bed, and takes off my jacket.
I can't think, I don't know what to do. My heart is racing, and I don't want to stop kissing him. I really like him, but I don't think this is appropriate. He tries to pull me down on top of him and I quickly pull out of his grip. He looks up at me, a small pout forming on his face.
"Deku, you're really drunk. We are not doing this tonight." I say firmly. A smile comes across his face as he sits up, not breaking my gaze.
"I'm not drunk, I think I would know if I was." He states, reaching up for me. God! Why is he so tempting right now. I really want to...
"I don't care." I say breaking eye contact. "If this is something you want to do, I would rather have you sober for it." I try to ignore him as he runs his hands up my chest.
"But Kacchan, don't you want me?" I can hear the hurt in his voice. I look back at him, not wanting him to be sad.
"I do, bu-" Before I can finish Izuku turns to the side and vomits all over the floor and the side of the bed. I froze as I tried to process what just happened. He leans more into the bed and puts his hands on his face.
I sigh after a moment and squat down next to him, trying to ignore the horrible smell coming from beside me. "Come here Izuku, we need to get you ready for bed."
I quickly helped him into the bathroom and sat him next to the toilet. I headed back into the room and tried to clean the mess up. I roll up the sheets and put them by the door next to the towels I used on the floor. I grab clothes from Izuku's dresser and walk into the bathroom. His head is on the toilet seat and I can see he is almost asleep. I change him into the clean clothes as best as I can, keeping his boxers on cause I am not ready for that with him in this state. I try to brush his teeth, convincing him that it will help him feel better.
After another vomit session and teeth brushing I pick him up and carry him to my room. I lay him on my bed, making sure he is okay before leaving him. I quickly change in the bathroom and head back into the room. I don't want to leave him here alone in case he vomits again, so I grab an extra blanket and lay on the ground.
"Kacchan, will you please hold me? I'm cold." I hear Izuku whisper. I sigh and sit up.
"Fine, but all we are going to do is cuddle okay." I say firmly. He nods and I climb in next to him. I pull him into my chest and within seconds he is fast asleep. I run my fingers through his hair as I lived back the memories of tonight, a smile forming on my face as I kiss the green hair under my chin.

Word count: 1696

Assigned Death (BakuDekuTodo)Where stories live. Discover now