Chapter 29: Good Soup

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Midoriya POV

I wake up to a quiet knock at the door. My first instinct is to try and sit up, but I lay back down as I feel a severe pain in my head. I groan, not trying to see who is at the door. I can barely open my eyes because the light makes the pain worse. Everything seems to be hurting.
"I brought you something that will help your hangover." I hear Kacchan say quietly. I feel the bed pull down next to me as I assume he sat on the side of the bed. I groan in response, not wanting to open my eyes.
After a minute, I slowly sit up and squint my eyes open. I grimace as I am handed some water and a few painkillers, gulping them fast. I hand the water back after making sure they will stay down and try to overcome the acks and pains to preoccupy my sore mind. I look around and notice I am not in my room, I look down and also notice I am not in the same clothes I wore last night.
I turn to Kacchan with wide eyes. "Did we...?" I can't get the full question out, panic engulfing me as we look at each other.
"No." He says and I let out a sigh of relief. "But you did throw up all over your room, so I brought you in here. I also changed your clothes, but I left your underwear on that you wore yesterday. I thought that you wouldn't have wanted me to change those." I can see pink lightly dusk his cheeks and I nod in response. I don't remember any of that, I can barely remember the ride home from the park...
"Umm, you should probably eat this. It will help you feel better." He hands me a bowl of miso with crackers. "You probably aren't hungry, but try to eat a little." I can see a smile on his face and I can't help but smile back.
I slowly eat the soup as Kacchan turns on the TV hanging on the other wall. He turns on an action movie that I have never seen before and settles next to me on the bed. He turns on the subtitles and keeps the volume low for the sake of my hangover. We sit there in silence as the movie plays until I finish the bowl. Kacchan grabs it from me as I make my way out of the bed and walk towards the bathroom.
When I am done with my business, I walk into an empty room. The movie is paused and Kacchan is nowhere in sight. I sigh and climb back into the bed, my body wanting to do nothing but becoming one with the bed. I hear a soft knock on the door and groan as I turn my head, seeing Shoto walk in.
He pauses for a moment when he sees me, his eyebrows furrowing, but quickly walks in and closes the door. He walks over and sits on the side of the bed, giving me a gentle kiss on my lips before laying next to me and giving me a hug. We lay there for a moment enjoying each other's embrasse before he pulls away and brings a hand to my cheek. I lean into it and place my hand on top of his, a smile forming on my face.
"How is my boyfriend feeling?" he asks me gently.
"I am doing great." Says a low voice from behind Shoto. We turn toward the voice to reveal Kacchan at the door with some of my clothes in his hand. Shoto laughs and turns back to me.
"How is my boyfriend, Izuku, doing?" He says, clarifying who he was addressing. Kacchan chuckles as he walks to the other side of the bed.
"I have a hangover, but nothing serious." I say with a laugh. "Kacchan was kind enough to let me sleep here since I made a mess in my room." I say glancing at the said blond. He leans over me and places a kiss on Shoto's forehead, before laying behind me and resting his head on my back.
"That was kind." Shoto smiles. "Are you sure there is no other pain?" he says, a slight tease in his voice. I blush as Kacchan shoots his head up, a glare on his face as he punches Shoto's arm.
"Mind your own business." He yells.
"No, Kacchan was more than a gentleman last night." I say, a smile on my face. Shoto rubs his arm before standing up and fixes his suit.
"I have a meeting I must attend. Katsuki, will you walk me to the car?" He asks with a gentle smile. Kacchan stands with a nod. Shoto kisses me again before both walk out the door.

Todoroki POV:
    Katsuki follows me out of his room and starts walking beside me down the hall. I reach out a hand and intertwine our fingers.
    "So you are the glorious Kacchan." I said to him. I was shocked when I first heard Izuku say that name, but it makes me happy non the less. Izuku had already shared a little about his childhood friend, but not that Katsuki was said Kacchan.
"Ya, we figured it out that night you saw us kissing." he says while running his free hand through his hair. "I guess I forgot to tell you."
"That is okay." I say while turning to him. "That is a special realization for Izuku. From what he has told me, he has very few people in his life he considers close." We continue down the hall, both of us lost in thought.
    "It seems Izuku has become very comfortable with you." I say with a smile on my face, breaking the silence. Katsuki nods, trying to hide the small blush on his face. "Did you kiss Izuku last night?" I am a little hesitant to ask, but I am dying to know.
    "Ummm. He kissed me first." He says, the blush on his face deepening. I let out a chuckle as I squeezed his hand. "I'm happy for you Katsuki. I know you were nervous going on a date with him, but it seems that it went better than you thought it would." He nods again, a large smile coming across his face. "Especially if it ended with him in your bed." I tease.
    He turns to me and glares. "I wish you didn't question my character in front of Deku." He states, anger in his voice. "I wouldn't take advantage of him in that state."
I furrow my brow at his sudden anger, I hadn't realized I had hit a nerve.
    "You are right. I am sorry for my lack of awareness." I say, stopping us so I can look him in the eye. "I admire your character and the moral drive you have. It's what drew me to you all those years ago." I cup his cheek with my other hand, hoping he knows I am sincere in my apology.
    "Thank you." He says, leaning in and placing a gentle kiss on my lips. I love the way he takes initiative in our relationship, I am not very good at physical touch or reading people when they aren't being obvious.
    We continue our way to the car. The sun is out and the weather is finally tempting us with the warmer season of spring. We stop a few feet away from the car and I turn to him.
    "I expect you to take care of Izuku until his hangover subsides." I say, pulling Katsuki into a hug.
    "Of course, you think I would abandon him?" Katsuki says, pulling away to give me one last kiss. It is slow and soft the way I like them. How I love this man, he is so thoughtful and caring. I really had luck on my side when the fates decided to make me his.
    "Let's meet up tomorrow when I am back, in my room?" I say, once we pull away. He nods with realization of what I imply. A smirk forms on his face.
    "Yes, I am already missing your touch." He says just soft enough for me to hear. I smile as I we pull away, a smirk prevalent on my boyfriend.
    I walk over to the car and allow Denki to open my door. 'I am already counting down the hours until I can see Katsuki again'.

Word count: 1423

Assigned Death (BakuDekuTodo)Where stories live. Discover now