Chapter 26: Vodka Shots

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I grip Kacchan's hand tighter as we made our way through the crowded bar. He looks back at me and smirks before pulling me closer to him, I must have a panicked look on my face.
I haven't been in a place like this ever, this is an entirely different environment that I am not prepared for. The LOV never allowed lower ranked members to leave without a reason, and going to a bar wasn't a good enough reason for me to leave. In fact, I don't think I have been in a room with this many people in it. It gives me anxiety as I tried to memorize and track all the faces around me with no success. 
We stop in front of a counter, bartenders running around taking orders and mixing drinks. Kacchan moves his arm around me, resting his hand on the edge of the counter. I hesitate, shocked that he has caged me against the counter and his body so casually. There is little to no room between us, I can feel his jacket brushing up against my back.
  I quickly look away, as the bartender finally comes over to us and Kacchan orders a Dirty Coke. The man looks over to me expecting me to order. I pause as try to come up with a drink. Yes, I have drank before, but only when the LOV members would 'graciously' give us their leftovers. So this was completely foriegn to me. I try to look around the bar for a menu or something, but there is nothing. 
    "Umm, Kacchan... I have only taken vodka shots." I say apprehensively.
    The blond smirks and turns to the bartender. "He will have a Lemon Drop Martini." He confidently shouts.
The man nods and starts getting out glasses. I am fascinated by his quick movements as he makes it look easy.
"Have you never been to a bar before?" Kacchan asks, leaning closer so I can hear him over the music, his face right next to my ear. I shake my head slightly, not sure how to answer as I am suddenly consumed with the tingles that run through my body. "Tonight is going to be fun then." He says smiling at me. I blush a little and turn to him, my back now resting against the counter as I look up at him. Despite our height difference our faces are extremely close, green and red eyes meeting with interest.
    "It better be. I have high expectations, Kacchan." I say smiling up at him. He narrows his eyes slightly before a hint of a smile shows, his cheeks turning a slight pink.
"Here you go!" The bartender shouts, gathering our attention. We grab our drinks from the bar and Kacchan grabs my hand leading me over to where all the tables are. We weave through the crowd, making our way to the back of the bar.
    "Bakago! Over here."  A red head yells, waving his hand above his head. Kirishima, Uraraka and some of the other guards are sitting around a large booth. "Took you guys long enough." Kirishima says as Kacchan pushes me into the booth next to the red head then sits next to me.
    "Careful shitty hair, or I'll make sure you get shit faced tonight." Kacchan retorts back with a large grin on his face. They laugh before Kacchan turns to me, "Do you know everyone here?"
    "Umm," I look around the table as I stop sipping my drink."Kirishima," I point to him with a smile before continuing. "And Uraraka." I hesitantly looked at everyone else, realizing I don't know any of their names. They all obviously know who I am, so it's a bit intimidating for them all to look at me.
    Kacchan nods and starts gesturing to each person. "Mina, Jirou, Denki, Sero, and Asui." They give quick waves as each of their names are called and I nod, sucking down my drink faster.
    "So Midoriya, what kind of drinks do you like?" Denki asks after a bit of silence between everyone.
"Umm... I-I have only drank vodka shots before this... s-so I am not sure." I reply, keeping my eyes on my drink. I twirl the straw in the yellow liquid, trying to calm my nerves.
"By the way he is sucking that down, I would say he doesn't know how to handle his alcohol yet." Asui says in a flat voice. I blush harder at the comment, and try to play it off with a small laugh.
     "I will buy his next one!" Uraraka yells, raising her hand. "If you are new, I want you to taste all the ones I like." She continues, a huge grin on her face. I nod, a small smile forming on my face. I am really happy she is here, I don't know if I would have been able to relax if it was all Kacchan's friends.
"Wait, I want him to try mine!" A girl with pink hair yells as she shoves her drink to me. I think her name was Mina.
1 1/2 Hours later  Bakago POV
    I am laughing as I watch Deku, Mina and Uraraka dance on the floor. As much as I wanted to be the one dancing with him, this was a sight to see. Deku has a huge grin on his face and is laughing his ass off as Uraraka tries to teach him dance moves, all the while cheering on Mina as she shows off her superior skills.
Uraraka and Deku are both clearly drunk as they move around bumping into other people. Deku has already downed 4 drinks, but only because I interfered on the other 5. I am a little worried that he has already gone over his limit.
    "So, have you guys done the dirty yet?" Kirishima says, throwing an arm over my shoulders and leaning close to me. I elbow him in the stomach. "Ouch, that hurt you dick. Why can't you just give me words as a response."
I turn to him with a smirk on my face. "Cuz we both know that you don't fucken deserve an answer to that dumb ass question." I say with a sneer.
    He nods looking back to Deku. "So you guys are definitely doing it tonight then." He says with a mischievous look on his face. I glare at him, then look back at Deku. "Common, you know you want to, you haven't stopped watching the little guy all night." He continues, a small laugh in his voice. I shake my head in response.
    As I watch the trio dance, a man approaches Deku grabbing his hand and pulling him into him while wrapping his arms around his waist. I can't tell what he said, but Deku stiffened, putting his arms on the man's biceps trying to push away. Uraraka tries to push her way between them, but the man pushes her to the ground yelling "Get away bitch!"
    Before I can think I am already heading towards them. I can see Deku yelling for the man to leave him alone, but the man just pulls him closer and tries to kiss him. I can feel my blood boil and I grind my teeth. I am feet away and I can barely handle the rage going through me. This man is going to die!
    As I reach out to grab the man, I pause in shock at what unfolds before me. Izuku punches the man across the face then knees him in the groin. The man pulls away, hunching over. A loud groan leaving him, but that didn't stop what Izuku proceeded to do.
He grabs the man by the back of the hair and brought his knee up to connect with a loud crack. The man falls to the ground and Izuku kicks him in the stomach before crouching down. He grabs the man's cheeks with one hand, his grip so tight I see blood pooling around his nails. The drops mix with the blood coming from the broken nose. Izuku glares daggers into the man's soul, forcing the other to look him in the eye.
"Don't you ever lay a hand on my friend or I will slit your throat and hang you by your feet!" He threatens, every word dripping with venom. The man nods as he registers what just happened. Izuku throws the man's head back, the action causing it to smack against the wood floor, and turns towards Uraraka.
    I sit there, not knowing what to do. Did that really just happen, did this small male just take down a man 2 heads taller than him with ease? I look at the man laying on the ground as one of his friends comes over to help him up. It's a pitiful sight, but the whole interaction was impressive.
    "Holy Shit! That was amazing!" I hear Kirishima yell behind me. The red head walks around me and stands next to Izuku, a huge smile on his face.

Word Count: 1537
— I can't make Izuku a damsel in distress with his background. Common he is a bad ass bitch! Don't forget to comment and Vote :) See you next chapter—

Assigned Death (BakuDekuTodo)Where stories live. Discover now