Chapter 31: Panic

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Midoriya POV:
    I spent the night with Kacchan again, this one was a bit more heated than the night before. Which I enjoyed a lot. I feel so happy that we have gotten past that weird avoidant stage. I was nervous that I was being to forward yesterday, I wanted him to feel comfortable around me and not fear to be close, and I think he finally is.
I awoke wrapped in his arms, my head on his chest. The motions of his breathing bringing a peaceful feeling to the morning. I slowly got up, wanting to do something for him since he had taken care of me yesterday. I slipped out of bed as quietly as possible as to not to wake him up. I quickly put on clothes and head out of the room to go get us some breakfast. I wanted to repay Kacchan and since I'm not a good cook, I might as well bring him breakfast in bed.
I make my way through the halls until I get to the cafeteria. The tile cold against my bare feet as I quicken my pace. Kirishima, Mina and Denki are there and they wave, I smile and give a quick hello while I start serving food on two plates. Once I have them prepared, I walk over to their table.
The four of us small talk for a couple of minutes, discussing the bar and how recovery was going. I am about to turn I feel a hand on my waist. I smile at the touch.
"Kacchan, I was going to bring you break-" I cut myself off as I see who is behind me. My face flushes as I see Shoto, his smile amused as we meet gazes. I can hear giggles from the three sitting at the table, but I ignore them. My heart abruptly coming to a stop, and I don't know how to process what is happening.
Shoto smirks at me. "Ah, so that isn't for me then." His tone hinting with a small laugh. I stand there with my mouth open and my eyes wide, my mind not knowing what to say or do. I feel embarrassed and guilty, I should have thought about my boyfriend. How could he have slipped my mind so easily. I am such an awful partner!
Shoto laughs and starts guiding me out of the cafeteria. "It's okay Izuku, I was just teasing." He says trying to comfort me, taking one of the plates out of my hand.
I nod, but I still don't know what to do. I feel like I have been caught in the act, even though I have done nothing wrong. He couldn't possibly know that Kacchan and I had sex right? At the very least not the second time, Kacchan fell asleep right after.
We walk through the halls in silence until we hear a door open. It is the door to Kacchan's room. He steps out and stops once he sees us walking towards him. I can see he is forcing a smile as I walk next to Shoto.
"Common guys, It's not like you two did anything wrong." Shoto laughs, noticing both of us becoming uncomfortable. "Why are you two acting so weird? It's just sex." Both Kacchan and I look at him, shock written on our faces.
"How did you know?" Kacchan asks a little hesitantly. I nod in agreement to his question. A part of me is relieved that Kacchan didn't go blab to Shoto about having sex with me, but that was quickly replaced with anxiety with how Shoto figured it out without either of us telling him.
"Please, Izuku is covered in fresh hickies and you have a huge bite mark on your neck, Katsuki." He shakes his head as he laughs more. "It is obvious to anyone who looks at either of you that their was sexual interaction to some extent."
I can feel my face become bright red at his words. My mind starts racing as my breathing starts becoming more rapid. I reach a hand up to my neck trying to feel the hickies with no success. Is it that obvious? Does that mean everyone that saw me this morning saw them and knows? I can't handle this, I wasn't ready for Shoto to find out so quickly, let alone everyone else in the damn building. I take a step back, my head starting to feel light as the walls start becoming too small.
"Izuku are you okay?" Shoto asks, now looking at me. I can see both of them with concern on their faces. Just their attention makes everything worse.  I... I ... I feel dizzy, I need to get out of here.
I shove the plate that I was holding into Kacchan's arms and sprint down the hall. I need to get outside, I need space, I need air. I run out the main door, but I don't stop. I run along the path and then into the trees. I don't stop until I get to one of the bigger ones. I put my hands on it to steady myself, my throat burning as my chest heaves for air. I squat down putting my head between my legs and try taking deep breaths.
I know I am having a panic attack. I used to get them all the time and Stain would help me through them. I haven't had one in a long time, and I've never worked through one alone. I could feel tears running down my face and I suddenly vomited up bile.
I struggle getting a hold on myself, my body refusing every chance I try to ground myself. I shouldn't have ran off, I needed someone to talk me through this. I sob to myself, my thoughts dragging me further down into my self deprivation.
I flinch as I hear crunching leaves and rocks close by. My brain assuming it is either Sho or Kacchan until I hear that dry , cold voice.

"So you're the same brat you were a year ago then."

Word count: 1008
— get ready for some action!—

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