Chapter 16: Coffee and apologies

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We make our way under the night lights of the city, looking into store windows and enjoying the twinkle lights that decorated the streets. People were bustling around us as we made our way down the street, we were walking slow in comparison as we talked and laughed with one another. Shoto had an arm around my waist and would kiss me every so often, causing me to giggle as pink hinted at my cheeks. I was really enjoying myself, until I caught a glance of Katsuki.

He and Kirishima were walking behind us, keeping close to us in the crowded street. I couldn't seem to forget about the blonde's presence no matter how hard I would try to ignore him. I might have been able to if I wasn't catching him staring at me when I would look behind us. He would quickly look away when our gaze would meet, acting like he wasn't watching me.

Shoto pulled me to a small café on the corner of the street. It had a seating area outside with a few empty tables. Shoto guided me to one of the tables before going into the café with Kirishima, leaving Katsuki with me. I sat down and acted as normal as possible. I couldn't help my anxiety increase as I tried not to meet the other's eyes as he sat at the table next to me. 

We sat there in silence neither really knowing what to do. It was awkward. I tried to distract myself with some people watching, but it wasn't really working.

After a couple minutes I heard him clear his throat a little. I glanced at him but quickly looked away when I saw him looking at me. "So... ummm. My name is Katsuki Bakugou." He said, stumbling over his words.

I nodded my head in response. He must already know mine, how could he not after I started dating his soulmate. I just sat there, not sure what to say, I was nervous. Shoto said Katsuki felt bad for what he did, but that didn't help my nerves. I mean, this guy is a complete stranger. The only thing I know about him is how he tried to kill me because I almost slept with Shoto.

"So, umm. You and Shoto seem to be getting close..." his sentence wandered off. I'm sure he didn't know how to continue.

I sigh and turn my body, facing him a little more, but not looking at him. "Yes, we are. He has been very hospitable towards me despite how we met." I say. I can't help giggling slightly at the memory. "Who knew trying to kill your soul mate would be the best way to get to know them." I said with another laugh. 

Katsuki met my gaze, his mouth a little open in shock. I pause realizing who I was talking to. I blush a little, fixing my scarf again. "I didn't... mean... that wasn't... Umm." I stumbled over my words as I tried to regain my composure. I grab the hem of my coat and stare at it as I try to calm myself down.

"I wanted to talk to you about that." Katsuki says leaning forward placing his elbows on his knees. "I shouldn't have reacted the way I didn't." He lets out a heavy sigh as he rubs his face with his hands.

"When I saw the damn flowers and clothes on the ground I thought Shoto had cheated on me, even though he has never shown signs of doing that." I glanced at him, not sure what he was going to say. He furrowed his eyebrows, looking down. "I know sorry isn't going to fucking changing anything. I still did what I did," He paused looking up, meeting my eyes. "But... I am sorry for hurting you, I'm sorry for trying to kill you, and I'm fucking sorry for what I did."

I was speechless, I expected him to not address what happened. I didn't expect him to be so... apologetic. I couldn't help but look up at him as he stared at the ground. Tears were forming in his eyes and one slipped down his cheek. I leaned forward and brushed the tear away with my thumb, cupping his face. He looks up at me, his face showing a bit of shock. We sat there for a moment staring at each other, neither of us looking away or saying anything.

I wonder what would have happened if we had met under other circumstances. Would we be like Shot and I, or would he had still acted the same way? I wish things would have happened differently. I don't think Katsuki is a bad person, just someone that act on his emotions.  

"You two okay?" Shoto's voice came from behind me. I pulled my hand away and jolted up, turning to him. He had two cups of coffee and Kirishima was behind him, with a plate with 2 muffins. I smiled slightly and quickly nodded, reaching out to grab one of the drinks. He sat down across from me, looking concerned as I didn't meet his gaze.

"We are fine." I say. "Just talking..." I trail off and sit back down. I'm not really sure what had happened, I didn't really know what to say. Shoto looks over my shoulder at Katsuki, then nods his head returning his attention to me.

"This is one of my favorite coffee shops." He says while I sip on the hot coffee. I nod as I look around. 

"It is beautiful. I don't think I have ever been here." I say. I rarely went on missions that would involve me walking in very public areas. I usually would take alley's or the sewer until I got to my destination.

We eat our muffins and talk for a while more before walking hand in hand back to the car. A cold wind had settled into the city, causing our outing to be cut short. As we walked, I was still thinking about what had happened with Katsuki. I was confused and wondered if I had overstepped by putting my hand on his face. 

I glanced back at him, trying to not catch anyone's attention. He was looking down, his face expressionless. I frown, looking forward. I shouldn't have done what I did. I mean, he only apologized. Any decent person would do that, it doesn't mean anything more.

 We make it back to the car and Shoto opens the door for me. Katsuki walks around to the other side of the car, toward the passenger seat. I look at him again hoping he looks back at me, but he doesn't and climbs into the car.

As I am turning my head forward, I realize Shoto is looking at me. He meets my eyes and has a small smile on his face, I blush at being caught and give back a weak smile. I divert my gaze and climbing into the car. Shoto climbs in on the other side, this time pulling me closer to him, wrapping his arms around me. I lay my head on his chest as the car pulls forward.

Word count: 1195 

Assigned Death (BakuDekuTodo)Where stories live. Discover now