Chapter 19: Little time

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The drive was quiet, Izuku was just looking out the window lost in thought, his head leaning against the glass. He wasn't wearing a scarf today, so I could see his neck. The bruising was mostly healed. My heart quickened as I stared at the orange handprint... my hand print.

Izuku begins hunching over slightly and tilting his head in a way that starts covering the mark. I look away from his neck and make eye contact with him. I quickly looked down at my hands, trying to hide the blush on my face.

How long was I staring? It couldn't have been that long... God damnit, but long enough for him to notice and get uncomfortable. What should I do... think of something Katsuki!

"Your neck has healed nicely..." I say before wincing at myself. Why would I bring up the worst thing I have done to him?! I'm a fucking moron...

"Uh, ya... I guess it has..." He says bring his hand to his neck. "It has been a couple weeks, sooo..." He trails off and I notice a slight pink coming to his cheeks. God... he is adorable when his face gets that way. I feel a small smile come to my face and I quickly look down again hoping he doesn't see.

Izuku turns back to the window, but doesn't remove his hand from his neck. We sat in silence the rest of the way, but this silence wasn't uncomfortable this time.

We arrived at a small hospital about 20 minutes from the mansion. I open Izuku's door for him but he doesn't get out. I look down and see him visibly nervous, he is playing with his fingers and his breathing has increased. I stand there for a moment unsure of what to do.

I reach out a hand hoping he will take it, but he just stares at it. I begin pulling away not wanting to feel like an idiot, but before I can pull too far he takes my hand and gets out. I smile at myself, a warm feeling coming over me at his touch.

I close the door and I turn to walk ahead of him, but feel the pressure from his hand increase. I turn back around and see him staring at the hospital not moving, his eyes are big and tears are about to spill over.

I move back to him and lightly squeeze his hand to direct his attention to me. He meets my eyes and I give him a soft smile hoping it will help with his nerves. He closes his eyes for a moment trying to collect himself, before nodding his head. We walk to the front doors, his hand still in mine.

Midoriya POV    TW: Cancer

The room was a standard hospital room, white and plain, but there were so many monitors. I see my mom laying in the bed, wires and IVs trailing from her. She turns her head at the sound of the door closing behind me and our eyes meet. Her eyes widen and tears come to her eyes as I walk to her, kneeling at the side of the bed.

"Izuku?" Her voice is so small, barely over a whisper. I can hear the plea in her voice, almost like she doesn't believe that I am here. I grab her hand and pull it to my face, tears flowing down my cheeks. All I want is to touch her, to hold her.

"It's me mom, I'm sorry it took me so long." My voice cracks. I can't believe how long it has been. I have lost so much time with her, and it seems like I don't have much left.

I watch her as she tries to sit herself up, but all she manages to do is shift a little. She looks so tired, so fragile. "They told me you had died... I thought you were dead." Her voice is hoarse and raspy now that I am closer. I shake my head not knowing what to say.

"What is wrong, mom? Why are you here?" I squeeze her hand, keeping it on my face. I don't want to let her go, I want to feel her warmth for as long as I can.

"Come here." She holds out both arms. I climb onto the bed next to her like I had when I was a child. But this time I am the one to cradle her. I rest my chin on top of her head, my arms wrapped around her. She grabs my hands and starts tracing designs onto my palms.

"I have been sick for a long time, Izuku. It has finally caught up to me." She says, a small cough stopping her. She pats my arm and continues. "I have Esophageal cancer, honey. There isn't anything they can do for me, I waited too long to come in." She squeezes my arm. More tears are running from my eyes as I try to hold back my sobs.

We lay there for hours, just holding each other. We have talked about her life and what has happened in the two years I have been away. I can feel her rubbing her thumb in circles on my arm like she would to comfort me as a child. I kiss her head, and pull her close.

When has she gotten so small? I remember feeling so tiny in her arms back then. I don't know if it is because I have grown, or because of her sickness. The thought makes my throat tighten, tears threatening to return.

"So, are you going to tell me about your soulmates, Izuku?" She says as she rubs the mark on my wrist. Her voice is more direct than it was before. I am happy she can't see the deep blush forming on my face. How do I tell her? I should start with Shoto and hope that it pacifies her for the time being.

"His name is Shoto. I met him on one of my assignments..." I trail off not wanting to go into details. "He is taller than me, and very handsome. I am sure I was the one to fall first." I smile at myself. "He is an amazing fighter, better than me. That is how we found out, he grabbed my wrist before I could take a hit." I hear her hum in approval.

"How long ago?" She questions, I can tell she is enjoying this and wants all the details.

"Only a couple of months."

"Is he in the same mafia with you?" I can hear the anxiety in her voice.

"No, mom. He helped me get out. I am not in the mafia anymore." I say, I feel her hold me tighter at my response.

"He is a good man then, that he would do that for you despite the danger." Her voice is shaking, I assume trying to hold back tears.

I smile at her response. "He is a good man. He is kind and cares so much about me. He makes me feel so special, mom. I am so happy."

"I am so happy for you, Izuku." I hear her voice catch as she starts to cry. I wait for her, not wanting to cause more stress.

"Now, what about the soulmate that touched your neck?" She states after a few minutes. "I have been worried about that one since it appeared." She turns her head and slowly runs a finger over my neck.

I gulp trying to wrack my brain for an answer. I should have known she wouldn't drop it, it is a very prominent color. "Umm. His name is Katsuki. I met him a couple days after Shoto... He is actually Shoto's other soulmate." I hear my mother gasp at the remark.

"Izuku... I... that is so rare. You are so special, my child." I stay quiet, not knowing how to respond to her. I know what she is trying to say. Yes it is rare to have two soulmates, but it is even more rare for your partner to have two as well. So the fact that both my soulmates also have two marks and they are each other's soulmates as well is unheard of.

"So how did he come to touch you, Izuku?"

I am caught off guard, how can she ask the very questions I want to avoid? "Mom, he... I umm.." before I can find a way to answer her question there is a knock at the door.

A nurse comes in and explains that visiting hours are over for the day and that my mother needs rest. I can see the nurses' disapproving look at me laying with my mother in bed. I slowly get up as the nurse leaves.

"You will come visit me again won't you, and bring your soulmates?" I can hear the plea in her voice and her eyes filling with tears. I lean down and kiss her on the forehead.

"Of course, I will come as often as I am allowed." I pull away and see a concerned expression on her face. The door opens again, but this time it is Katsuki.

"I love you mom, I will see you soon." 

Word count: 1527

Assigned Death (BakuDekuTodo)Where stories live. Discover now