Chapter 14: Hurting

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The news to Izuku went as good as it could have. As we lay in his bed, I could tell that his mind was busy trying to process what had happened. This is a lot to accept, and I didn't want to force him in any direction. I wanted him to be able to make the choices that best suited his desires.

We spent hours cuddling, not saying much before Miss. Uraraka came back in to check neurological responses. After a few minutes she insisted that I leave so she could help Izuku wash and change. I reluctantly left, not wanting to leave Izuku alone, but I could see that he needed some time alone with his thoughts.

Now that I knew he was physically okay, I shifted my thoughts to Katsuki. I needed to check on him. Kirishima had told me earlier this morning that he has refused to leave his room since the incident and was refusing anyone who wanted to come in. He had even refused any food that Kirishima tried to bring him.

As I walked to Katsuki's room I stopped at the kitchen and grabbed a tray of the dinner that was being served. I walked up to Katsuki's room and listened for a moment and heard nothing. I knocked softly hoping I would hear a reply, but there was no answer. I open the door to a dark, messy room, the shades closed and there is clutter everywhere. The bed is unmade with blankets falling off the side, and tissues strewn across the floor with random things strewn about like they have been thrown and forgotten.

I found Katsuki sitting at his desk, a small lamp showing him staring at his hand. "Katsuki?" I ask gently, not wanting to startle him. He doesn't move.

I walk up to him, set the tray on the desk and squat down so I can see his face better. He has dark rings under his eyes, and they are swollen and red. I carefully place a hand on his knee, squeezing lightly. He closes his eyes then slowly looks at me. I can see so much sadness and pain in his face as he takes a deep breath.

"What the fuck have I done?" He begs through his teeth. He suddenly breaks into tears and leans forward onto my shoulder.

"Katsuki, Izuku is going to be okay. He woke up today." I say trying to be optimistic. He continues crying, his breath becoming uneven and quickening. I pull him away so I can see him. His face is red and I can tell he is having a panic attack. "Hey!" I say trying to break his attention.

"I tried to k-kill my soulmate." He stutters out. " DAMN IT ! I hurt my soul mate. His cries become louder. "I destroyed something before it even started!" His face is a combination of pain and anger, as he avoids eye contact.

I pull him into a hug and start rubbing his back. "I know." I say. "I'm here Katsuki, I'm not going anywhere." I continue, trying to sooth him. I can feel him shaking, and I squeeze harder. I try to hold back my tears, I can't help but hurt for him and Izuku.

After some time, I can feel his breathing become more regular and his shaking has stopped. I kiss the side of his head and run my fingers to the nape of his neck. "What am I going to do?" he whispers into my shoulder.

I sit there for a moment trying to figure out what should happen next. "First, we are going to eat some food and cuddle on your bed. Then we will clean this room and you will return to work by my side tomorrow morning." I pull him away from my shoulders and place my hands on both sides of his face, forcing him to look at me. "Katsuki, we have no control over what will happen next. We are going to take this at Izuku's speed. Once I feel he is healthy enough, you will apologize. Then the rest is up to him." He nods but I can still see the sadness in his eyes.

I pull him up and guide him to his bed, and we climb in. He curls up into my chest and we hold each other tightly. "I am not going to leave you Katsuki, I love you." I say kissing the top of his head. "But I need you to try to fix your mistake. Do you understand?" I ask as softly as I can. He nods his head in agreement.

I rub his back, soothing my broken Katsuki. He leans his head up and we kiss lightly. I slid my fingers into his hair, "I missed you." I say pulling away from our kiss. He smiles slightly and kisses my cheek.

"I missed you too, Shoto." He says closing the distance between our lips, slowly connecting them. I smile at his careful kiss and pull him closer to me. I can tell he is tired and so I break our kiss, resting my head back onto the pillow. I start playing with his hair the way I always do, and we lay there quietly as both of us drift to sleep. 

(881 Words)

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