Chapter 10: Wishes and Kisses

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The night air is cool and there is a slight breeze that gently tosses my hair as we walk. We are in the front of the building, walking on a gravel trail that leads through some trees. I take a deep breath of the night air, a smile on my face. It has been too long since I have been outside, I didn't realize how constricted I felt in that room until now.

"The sky is so much prettier here than in the city." I say looking up. Shoto is beside me, watching me with a smile. I hear him chuckle and I turn to look at him. "What?" I say.

"Nothing, I just like seeing you smile." He says holding out his hand for me, I blush a little but grasp his hand, our fingers intertwine. I close my eyes, taking in another breath.

"It has been so long since I could be outside and enjoy myself." I say, thinking back to the years I spent with the mafia. "I wasn't allowed outside without my Lieutenant, so when I was allowed to leave, it was for training or an assignment only." I say.

I feel Shoto squeeze my hand and I look up at him, he has a soft smile of understanding on his face. "My father used to be the same way." He says, looking out into the trees. "It wasn't till I was sent off to school that I was finally allowed to do as I wished... To an extent." He chuckles a little at his last statement.

"What kind of school?" I ask, overcome with curiosity.

"It was for kids like me. Very few people are in the know about what that private school really is. It is a training institute for kids that have association with the underground." I can see he was in another world, looking back into his past. "We had regular classes of course, but also very brutal training. Some kids never made it out, but that was the point. It was meant to weed out the weak minded." He finishes, shaking his head back to reality.

I look to the ground, taking in what he said. "So does this school train kids to become mafia members?" I couldn't help but ask for further info. It was fascinating to me.

"Not necessarily. There were some rich kids that only attended the regular classes. We never were allow to befriend one another. We had fake names and backgrounds, we even wore masks to prevent any kind of bond forming between each other. Though that didn't stop some of us." I can hear the smile in his voice.

"What do you mean?"

"You see, a lot of the kids there had some connection to the underground. So to prevent any interaction we were heavily monitored, but it was a school full of teenagers. Horny ones at that..." He laughs, and I can't help but join him. "So sneaking into each others dorms or finding hiding spots was a rush and a past time hobby for most."

"Did you ever sneak around with someone?" I ask. The way he was talking about this seemed to be some of the happiest memories he has.

"Ya, I actually met Katsuki in a poison resistance class. We were sticking each other with syringes full of some poison and he got sick all over the floor. His mask fell off in the process and I couldn't help but stare." He lets out a loud laugh as pink crosses his cheeks. I couldn't help but smile with him.

"He got embarrass and ripped my mask off, threatening me. I'll be honest, he scared the shit out of me, but I couldn't help but like him. After that we would sneak off and get into trouble. We slowly got to know each other, and one thing lead to another and here we are." He says, rushing the last part.

I think he was scared to bring up Katsuki. I mean I didn't react very well earlier, but I couldn't help but feel happy for him. This kind of life isn't easy, so to have moments that bring such joy is important. I smile up at him, trying to reassure him that it was okay to talk about his other soulmate. We fall into a comfortable silence as we continue to walk.

As we walk hand in hand, the only sound is the gravel under our feet, until we come to a fountain through the trees. "I didn't see this from the window." I say as we walk up to it. I dip my hand into the cold water, drifting it around making patterns in the water. I keep my hand in it until I can't feel my fingers anymore.

"Here." Shoto says, pulling a coin out of his pocket. "Make a wish." I stand up, my fingers bright red and grab the coin. I hold it in both hands for a second thinking of a wish, my mother comes to my mind. I smile lightly knowing what to wish for and throw the coin into the water.

"What is your wish?" Shoto asks into my ear, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me against him. He rests his chin on the top of my head and we start swaying slowly back and forth.

"If I tell you it won't come true." I say, a smile on my face. I close my eyes, taking in the feeling of his body against mine. The way his arms hold me close with the slight pressure of his kisses through my hair makes me feel safe. I open my eyes again and stare at the fountain. I don't want to forget this night.

We stand there for a moment longer until I feel Shoto lean down and kiss my neck, his breath is hot compared to the night air. I can feel his lips brush along my neck and I lean my head to the side, giving him more room. He runs his mouth up and down as he leaves kisses and soft bites.

I tighten my grip on his arms in response, forgetting the world around me. It was almost like I was hypnotized. He pulls me harder against his body and runs one of his hands under my shirt. I can feel him caressing my lower abdomen lightly, my head falls backwards slightly in pleasure. My heart is beating quicker and I can't seem to keep my breathing normal. I reach my hand up, pushing it into Shoto's hair, a small moan coming from him as I grip a handful.

He pulls his head away from my neck "You are driving me crazy." He whispers into my ear. I smile in response. "Can we head back to my room?" He asks gently as he starts kissing the side of my jaw. I nod my head and we pull apart. He grabs my hand, a large smile on his face, and we start running. I let out a giggle as I look up into the night sky, this has been the best night.

(1179 Words)

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