Chapter 22: Shower

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Midoriya POV:

Shoto had come in the next morning, the sun had barely peaked over the horizon as he kissed me softly to wake me up. He explained that he was called on an urgent matter for his father and he would be gone for a couple of days. It has been 4 days since then and I am not very thrilled.

Shoto had taken Kacchan with him unfortunately. It made sense, Kacchan is his best bodyguard, but a part of me despises the decision. I wanted to talk to Kacchan to at least figure out what happened the other night.

I have a lot of mixed emotions towards him now. He is someone that I have immense fear for and try to avoid, but on the other hand he is my childhood friend that had stirred up some feelings I didn't know I had. Feeling very similar to the ones I feel with Shoto if that is possible. I feel so confused, I need to talk this out, but I feel like I can only do that with Kacchan.

The past few days have been hell, I couldn't get my mind off either Kacchan or Shoto. I wandered the mansion, meeting new people; most of them nice, but a few were just plain rude. I visited Uraraka and my mother everyday, but that only did so much to distract me. Hell, I even started a few video games in desperation.

I walk out of the front of the mansion, the air is so cold even with the sun beating down. My breath forming little clouds as I crunch the gravel under my boots. I walk along the path to the fountain trying to kill some time. The fountain is drained now for the coming winter, making me a little sad. I sat on a bench reminiscing about all the amazing moments I have here.

I smile to myself, leaning my head back, looking at the sky. The birds were chirping and flying about, while the clouds slowly flouted by. They seemed so free up in the sky doing what they do best. I wonder what it would be like to roam free, or have a purpose.

If I was being honest a part of me missed my old life. Yes, it was hell and I thought I would die everyday, but there was a need for me. I was given a job because they needed it done, I missed that feeling. I missed that kind of freedom, to take control of a situation and be the one to solve it. I missed the rush of adrenaline, the push to become better. I never had to question my purpose.

I have loved my life here, but it is boring. I just sit around, not really having any sense of purpose, and it is draining me. Yes, I could leave when I wanted and practically do whatever, but it didn't seem like that was enough for me anymore. I could feel time becoming bland, my self worth being narrowed down to only one thing. I wanted the wild part of me back, the part of me that desired more than just love.

I must have fallen asleep because I was startled by someone's kiss. I open my eyes and see an upside down Shoto above me, his smile big as he looks down at me. "You're back!" I shout standing up and embracing him over the bench.

"I missed you." He says, tightening our hug. "I have been gone far too long."

"I agree." I say, quickly jumping over the bench and pulling him into a kiss. He gently grabs my hands from around his neck and pulls them together.

"Izuku, your hands are freezing. How long have you been out here?" He questions, a concerned look on his face as he brings my hands up to his mouth, breathing on them to warm them up.

"Probably a couple hours." I say realizing it is late afternoon now. I smile, trying to hide my embarrassment.

"Common, let's go get you warm." He intertwined our fingers and leads the way back to the mansion.

Todoroki POV:

We ate some dinner in the common area with some of the personnel before coming to my room. I wanted to spend some time with Izuku without everyone gawking at us. Izuku walks over to my bed, wrapping one of the extra blankets around him. He must still be a little cold from his nap outside.

Assigned Death (BakuDekuTodo)Where stories live. Discover now