Chapter 27: Drunk and I don't want to go home!

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I can feel adrenaline running through me as I help Uraraka off the ground. "Are you okay?" I ask, hoping she didn't get hurt. She nods her head with a huge smile on her face.
    "Izuku, that was amazing!" She yells giving me a hug. "You are my hero!" I smile and turn to the other voice behind me as I feel a hand pat my back.
"Damn Izuku, remind me not to get on your bad side!" Kirishima says while giving me a high five. I laugh and turn to take in the man on the ground. He is struggling to get up as his nose gushes blood. His friend gives me a dirty look but I just roll my eyes, too irritated to give a rat's ass.
    I see Kacchan a few feet away staring at the bloody man, he has a weird expression on his face. I start feeling self conscious about what I did, shouldn't have I protected myself or is acting this way in public not okay? I slowly walk up to him, unsure of what is wrong.
"Kacchan, are you okay?" I touch his upper arm gently. He shakes his head and looks down at me, pulling me into a hug and rests his cheek against the side of my head. Relief falls over me at his embrace. I wrap my arms around him and smile.
    "I... I'm fine. You're a badass, Izuku." He says into my ear. I laugh at his remark. "It was hot to witness now that I think about it."
I feel a heavy blush come over my face and pull away to look at him. He has a smile on his face and a hint of pink on his cheeks. We stood there for a moment staring at each other.
    "Common, Izuku!" I feel someone pull the back of my shirt, pulling me out of Kacchan's arms. I turn to see Denki, "I need to see you ride the bull."
I nod in answer and follow him over to the mechanical bull that is on the other side of the bar.
I turn and see Kacchan right behind me, his hands in pockets. "You have to take off your shoes." he says, a small smirk on his face.
"Here, take this first." Mina says handing me a shot glass of dark liquid. "It's a whiskey shot." She says to me, I nod and throw it back. I cringe at the horrendous taste and the burn it leaves behind. I bend down to take off my shoes, hoping no one saw my face.
"Your turn sir." The man running the bull yells. I climb up to the bull and sit there for a moment as I try to figure out how to get on. The bull is as tall as my shoulders. I finally managed to get on after a few failed attempts at jumping. I grab the rope and squeeze my legs, nerves suddenly taking over me. "Raise your hand when you're ready." Yells the man.
I slowly raised my hand, unsure if I actually want to do this. The bull starts going and that is when I realise how drunk I am. I can't keep up with the sudden movement very well. I squeeze my legs tighter and lean down trying to keep my balance. The bulls jerked around and I know I am slipping off the side, I try to pull myself up but over correct and fall off the other side.
I look up and see my group laughing at me and cheering. I crawl off and am met with a hug from Denki.
"You stayed on for at least 5 seconds,'' he says. I laugh at his obvious exasperation. There was no way I was on there for more than 2.  I turn to see Kacchan taking off his shoes.
"Are you going?" I ask, walking up to him. He gives me a smirk.
"I have to show you up, don't I?" He says with a laugh. He leans down and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before walking past me. I stand there, my heart racing as I raise my hand to touch the place he kissed.
Uraraka grabs my arm and turns me around so I am facing the bull. Kacchan is already on top of it, and gives me a smile before raising his arm. The bull starts off slow, then starts going fast. Kacchan has to be a master at this, he barely seems fazed as the bull jerks under him. It isn't until the bull makes a sudden jerk forward that he loses his balance and falls over the head of the bull. He gets up and walks off the ballooned floor and is met with high fives from Kirishima and Denki. He walks over to his shoes and sits to pull them on.
I walk over to him and sit next to him. "You were riding for forever, are you sure you have been drinking?" I tease. He turns to me with a smirk on his face.
"Na, I just wanted to impress you." He grabs my hand and stands both of us up.
"Well, it worked,'' I replied, laughing at his honesty.
He puts an arm around my neck and kisses the top of my head. I quickly wrap my arm around his waist and let him lead me to the bar. He orders us another round, this time letting me choose what to get. I really like the fruity drinks that Uraraka keeps giving me, but I kinda want to try a beer. I order the first one I see in the mini fridge behind the bartender. I take a sip and try to hide my face, it is so bitter. Kacchan laughs at my reaction as he grabs his drink.
"Izuku." Mina calls me. "We are going to do some karaoke, come with us." I nod my head and grab Kacchan's hand pulling him after Mina. We walk into a room that is a lot quieter from the rest of the bar. There is a small stage in front and small couches and stools everywhere. Our whole group is already here, I lead us to one of the couches as Jirou and Mina pick a song. Kacchan puts his arm around my shoulders and I lean against him, taking another sip of my nasty beer. (Drunk : Miranda Lambert & Elle King)
The girls are singing and I can't help but laugh. Jirou is a fantastic singer, but Mina cannot stay on tune. I can't tell if it's because she is drunk or... but, the mix of their voices is hilarious. We all start clapping along with the beat as they jam out together. Everyone cheers them on as they perform, Mina being more dramatic while Jirou just vibes.
Once they are done, Uraraka shouts at me to go. I blush and feel Kacchan push me off the couch and I slowly get on the small stage. I don't really know any music, it's not like I was allowed to have a phone that could access the internet. I scroll through the list and see one that my mom and I sang when I was little.
'I hope I can still remember all the words.' I think to myself as I select it. The music starts playing and I close my eyes to concentrate. I can see my mom and I dancing in the kitchen as we scream at the top of our lungs, dancing to the music that blasts from the speaker. I nod my head, letting the music consume me.  (Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!: Abba)
As I finish, I allow myself to open my eyes and see everyone clapping, Asui whistling from one of the stools. I quickly leave the stage and sit back next to Kacchan. He leans down to my ear, "I didn't know you could sing." I laugh at his complement,
"Ya, that is my mom's favorite song." I say, while Uraraka take the stage. Kacchan pulls me in tighter, burying his face into my hair. The song starts and I am taken aback by the song.   (Bust Your Knee Caps- Johnny Don't leave me" Pomplamoose)
    Everyone is laughing and cheering as she sings and seduces people around the room. It is nothing I have ever heard before. What kind of Mafia shit is this? The lyrics are not something that a traditional song would have.
"It is a tradition that we sing this song everytime we come out." Kirishima says, leaning over to me. "Usually it's Todoroki singing it to Bakago as he sarentates him." I can hear Bakago chuckling next to me. I try to imagine Shoto singing this song to Kacchan and I can't help but laugh. "Maybe next time he will do it to you." He says while winking. Kacchan punches his shoulder and turns back to Uraraka.
    I look at Kacchan with a small smile on my face. I take in his features, and rest my eyes on the mark on his chin. I don't know if it is the alcohol, but he is so attractive. I lean in and kiss him on the cheek, putting my hand on his chest. I pull away and rest my head on his shoulder.
    "Bakubro, it's your turn!" yells Jirou once the song is over. He sighs next to me before getting up. Uraraka immediately taking his place.
    "So... you two are getting close." She whispers to me. I nod, a little blush hitting my cheeks. "Do you think he will kiss you tonight?" She asks. I shrug my shoulders.
    "I hope so, but I won't push my luck." I say back as the music starts, everyone one starts laughing and clapping as they recognize the song.    (Everywhere I go: Hollywood Undead)
Bakago is going all out as he sings about getting drunk and having sex with women. I can't help but lean over to Kirishima. "Is Bakugo bi?" I ask hesitantly.
    He laughs before answering. "No, Bakugo is a raging homosexual, but no preference can deny the classics." I nod in response, and smile at Bakugo going crazy on the small stage.
    "He didn't bat an eye when Raka was all over him trying to steal a kiss, he just walked away even though she was leaning all over him." He says it loud enough for Uraraka to hear. She looks over to us, astonished that Kiri would say something like that.
    "Hey, that was years ago and I was drunk." She says with a pout, glaring at Kiri. He laughs and tries to avoid a smack from Mina without success.
    Once Kacchan is done, Uraraka gets up to allow him to sit by me. "I didn't know you liked women that much." I tease leaning into him.
    "Trust me, no woman can shine a light to you." He says kissing my forehead.
    We all have a round on the stage before Mina hands me another whiskey shot and drink, this one is purple with a little straw sticking out. I take the shot and we get up and Kacchan leads us outside. There are 4 fire pits with chairs circling around them. Bakago walks us over to a chair with our fingers intertwined, I pause as there is only one open seat.
"Umm, I'll go grab a chair." I say trying to break our hands apart. He pulls back on my hand and shakes his head, while sitting down in the chair before pulling me onto his lap. I blush, not exactly sure what to do. I try to put most of my weight on my feet, nervous that I might be too heavy.
    "Relax Deku, you barely weigh anything." he says into my ear. I nodded and slowly relax onto his lap. He pulls me in so I am resting my back against him, his arms wrapped around my waist. Everyone is laughing and joking around the fire. Kirishima is holding Mina's hand while teasing Denki while he tries to light a blunt. I can see Sero trying to convince Jirou to buy him a drink with no success. Uraraka and Asui are sitting next to each other and laughing at something on their phone.
'This is nice.' I think to myself, it has been so long since I have felt this comfortable. I can feel a large smile spread across my face.

Word Count: 2096

Assigned Death (BakuDekuTodo)Where stories live. Discover now