Chapter 20: Deku?

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I'm trying to be patient as I hold the back door open and watch Izuku. He is standing with his back towards me, staring at the hospital. I don't want to disturb his thoughts, but I am concerned that they may not be good. Shoto told me his mother's condition and we knew she didn't have long. I couldn't imagine the pain Izuku must be feeling.

After a few minutes he finally turns, keeping his head down. I helped him in before walking to my side, and joining him in the back seat. I look at Izuku hoping I can at least give him an encouraging smile, but he is looking down, staring into some unknown place far from here. I reach a hand up and touch his cheek not really thinking, I just wanted to sooth him, to help him.

He turns his face and pushes into my hand, meets my eyes. They are red and puffy, tears start flowing and his breathing hitches. I can tell he is trying too hard to hold back the pain, but his walls are breaking down.

I open my arms, and he slides over and lays his head on my chest. I hold him tightly, feeling his back shake with the sobs that softly follow. I run my hand up and down his back trying to comfort him.

I can feel my eyes starting to sting, and my throat tighten. Seeing him like this was painful, it hurt me. I wanted to take it away and see his small smile again, the slight blush coloring his cheeks... even his shy demeanor was better than this.

I cradled him on the ride back to the mansion, not wanting to let go. By the time we arrived, Izuku had stopped crying. Only small sniffles came from him, but neither of us had pulled away. After some time the driver got out and opened the door next to me.

"Common Bakago, I have other things to do." Monoma said dryly. I turned my head and glared at him. I never have liked this guy, and right now he was pissing me off.

I feel Izuku pull away and I slide out of the car, not breaking eye contact. "You better be fucking careful how you talk around Izuku!" I growl, I could feel the anger in me boiling.

"Why? He tried to kill Todoroki. Just because he is a pet now doesn't mean he deserves respect." He spits out.

That was it, I had hit my limit. I reached my hand up, intending to grab this guy by the throat when I felt a tug on my suit coat. I turn and see Izuku, his head down and a hand brought up to his face as if trying to hide.

"Please don't Katsuki. Can we walk around for a minute? I am not ready to go in." His voice was quiet, but firm. I dropped my hand, suddenly not interested in what I was about to do. Izuku grabs my upper arm and I guide him away.

I glance behind me and see Monoma smirk at his victory, I grind my teeth in response. I'll kick his ass later.

We start walking along the gravel path in silence, I can see he is lost in his head again. I guide us over to a bench in front of the fountain, Izuku lets go of my arm and sits down. The sudden cold on my arm makes me sad, but I will deal with it. I sat down next to him, waiting patiently for him to come back.

I look down at my watch, it has been 15 minutes of sitting here in total silence. The sun has already gone down and it is just the fountain lighting the area around us. I sigh, leaning deeper into the bench, trying to get comfy.

Izuku glances towards me, blinking back to reality. "I'm sorry Katuski, I spaced out there for a minute." He says, with an apologetic smile. I wave his apology off, not wanting to make him feel bad. He looks back at the fountain and takes a deep breath.

"Thank you, for earlier. I... really needed... you didn't have to comfort me like you did, but I am very grateful for it." He stutters out.

I glance at him, my cheeks starting to heat up. He meets my gaze, his cheeks slightly pink as well. I feel that warm feeling come over my body again and my heart starts to race. I clear my throat and glance away.

"Ya, no problem..." I run my hand through my hair trying to calm myself down.

"You know, I have only had 3 other people ever show me this much kindness." He says, bringing his focus to the fountain. He doesn't wait for me to respond before continuing. "My mother, Shoto..." I can see a small smile grow onto his face.

"And a boy that I used to play with at the park when I was young. He would cradle me when I got hurt and not let go until I had stopped crying." His eyes softened, looking into a memory. "He was my only friend. I miss my Kacchan."

I snap my head towards him at his last word. "What?!" I yell, my voice shaky. No, this can't be real... that is mine. My mind is racing. I remember a boy giving me that name, a small boy... with green hair and green eyes.

My eyes widen as Izuku turns to me, he looks confused from my sudden outburst. This can't be the same boy... I stare at him for too long trying to decipher my thoughts. My heart is racing and I feel overwhelmed, could this be him?

"Deku?" I finally whisper. His eyes grew wide and his mouth opened slightly in shock, but that was answer enough. I grab his arm pulling him into a hug, I feel tears streaming down my face. "I waited for you every day... I went back every day for so long." I say between sobs.

I can feel his grip tighten around me at my words. "Where did you go?" I push my hand into his hair, cradling his neck as he looks up at me. I see tears running down his face.

"I'm so sorry, Kacchan." He whispers, putting a hand on my cheek, trying to brushing away the tears. "I am so sorry." He buries his face into my chest, sobbing.

We both clung to each other, desperation holding us together. After a few minutes our breathing synced together, our tears slowing.

Izuku pulls away, but stays leaning against me intertwining our fingers. "I was sold into my old mafia when I got home from our last playdate." He says, his voice full of sadness. "I was forced to join or I was going to be killed in exchange for my fathers debt."

I stared at him, trying to process what he was saying. I knew he was an assassin, but not that he was sold. My breath caught in my throat at the thought of my childhood friend being forced to become a killer.

He turns to me, lifting up his hand and wiping a tear that fell down my cheek. He had a light smile on his face. How was he being so strong? I should be the one comforting him... why am I the one crying?

"It's okay Kacchan. We are together again." I feel the warmth come back to my chest and a smile grows on my face. I pulled him back into a hug. I found my Deku. 

Word count: 1270

Assigned Death (BakuDekuTodo)Where stories live. Discover now