Chapter 12: Blood and Glass

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TW: Detailed violence and harm

I feel the sun on my face as I slowly start waking up, the cool air sending a chill over me. I stretch out hoping to feel Shoto's warmth, but I only feel the cold sheets next to me. I open my eyes, and frown at the empty bed, "Gone again." I say out loud. I moan sitting up, taking a look around.

A small blush crosses my cheeks seeing the clothes strewn on the ground, memories of last night coming back. I turn my head and see a large vase of flowers on the nightstand and a large smile stretches on my face. I grab the card stuck in the flowers,

For my Izuku, I'm sorry I couldn't stay this morning. I will be back in time for breakfast. Love your Shoto.

I bend over to smell the flowers, pressing the card to my chest. I stayed there for a moment, enjoying the happy feelings that rose through me. I have never felt like this before, it made me feel giddy all over. This feeling is strange to me, I have felt something similar when around my mother, but this was different. Shoto seemed to create these feelings in me a lot. It courses through me like a drug, and all I want is more... more of Shoto.

"I should take a shower and be ready for when he comes back." I tell myself, setting the card down.

Bakugo POV:

Something isn't sitting right with me. The past few days Shoto has been distant and very vague within our conversations, our phone calls were short and he wasn't answering my texts. I had a pit in my stomach that was just getting bigger. I knew it was my insecurities, but I needed to see, hold him and make sure everything was okay.

I pull into the back of the large manion and park next to all the other black cars. It is early morning, the sun is barely past the horizon. My father encouraged me to leave once he saw how anxious I was. 'I have kept you long enough, go to your Shoto.'

I make my way through the building quickly, hoping Shoto hasn't left for any meetings yet. I knock on his door and there is no answer. I test the handle and it is unlocked, so I open it slowly and walk in. I smile when I hear the shower going, 'I haven't missed him'. 

I make my way to the bed and freeze, there are two sets of clothes on the floor. I hesitate for a moment and walk to a large vase of flowers sits on the nightstand with a small card. I sit on the bed trying to straighten my thoughts as I read the paper, my heart is racing and I feel my body turning numb.

I am brought back by the shower turn off and I make my way over to the door desperately hoping that this is all a dream. I raise my hand to knock as it opens. My heart stops as I look at the short guy in front of me, his green hair wetted down to his face and a towel around his waist. His presence confirms my worst fear. My heart starts racing and rage fills my body as it acts on it's own.

I grab this tiny guy by the throat and forcibly push him into the bathroom, my actions too quick for him to react. I slam him into the mirror above the sink causing the glass to shatter. I push my hand harder into his throat, a yell coming from deep inside me. His eyes widen, clawing my wrist trying to break my hold. I can feel him trying to kick me but it is no use, I am too close for him to get a good hit.

His eyes are starting to water as his face progresses to a purple and red shade. I sneer at him angrily, my rage screaming in delight. His struggles are starting to weaken and I smirk as his eyes roll back.

"Let him go." I hear someone yell from behind me. I feel hands grab me but I push them away with my free hand, I am not letting this guy go. I turn my head and see Shoto trying to pull my arm from this green haired guy. "YOU FUCKEN CHEATED ON ME!" I scream, a feeling of pain hitting my heart.

Shoto glares, his eyes meeting mine. I can see he is furious. "LET HIM GO!" He demands, punching me in the face. I stumble to the side letting go. I look over as Shoto is catching the other guy's limp body.

"Izuku! Breath, please breathe." he says, as he places a hand on the guy's throat checking for a pulse. I look away, tears streaming down my face as my heart throbs. There is blood and glass everywhere. Suddenly there is a gasp and I look back. I see tears in Shoto's eyes as relief fills his face. "I got you, you are going to be okay." He says pulling out his phone.

I can't handle this! How can he hold another man, I can't believe he has done this. I get up and run out the room, tears falling down my face. "Why!" I scream as I turn down the hall allowing the rest of my anger to take my voice.

I finally end up in my room, and I slam the door behind me. I walk around trying to calm myself, my breathing becoming hard to control as my chest tightens. I can't seem to think as I feel every emotion take hold. I drag my hand through my hair as my head starts getting dizzy and my vision blurs. I squat down gripping my hands in my hair, tears falling quickly. 'This hurts, it hurts too much' I lift my head and scream as loud as I can, trying to relieve the pressure in my chest, but the pain doesn't move. "What has he done?" I whisper to myself. "This can't be happening."

I don't know how long I stayed there, but I have finally calmed down a little. My throat is hurting and my eyes throb. I stand up and walk over to my desk. I freeze, as I reach out my hand for a tissue. Did I see that right? I bring my hand in front of my face, holding my breath. The mark on my right hand isn't black, but a deep green with orange swirls. 

(1101 Words)

Assigned Death (BakuDekuTodo)Where stories live. Discover now