Chapter 25: Is This A Date?

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The afternoon has passed slowly, too slowly for my liking. I haven't seen anyone for a couple hours. Shoto had taken me to see my mom this morning and she is improving as much as one can with cancer. She has been transferred to a long term facility since she doesn't have anyone with medical knowledge who can care for her full time at home.
She has her good and bad days, but weirdly enough, it seems her good days are when Shoto comes to visit with me. It's obvious that she adores him as much as I do and she is already calling him her son. She is always pulling him into hugs, kissing his forehead or making him sit by the bed as she combs his hair.
Shoto seemed very uncomfortable with this the first visit, but now he happily accepts all the love and even teases her about it. It makes me happy that we both can experience some normalcy for once in our lives.
My mother has already shown Shoto all my baby photos and told many embarrassing stories she could remember, but I don't really mind. We sit and laugh for hours as we play games and catch up with one another. Though it has started getting hard to ignore her requests to see my other soulmate. She knows that Katsuki is also Shoto's soulmate, and she fangirled so hard when Shoto showed her a picture of him. Making bold statements like, 'Of course my Izuku has 2 of the handsomest men in Japan as his mates. I would expect nothing less for my son!'
It hurts to know that I may never be able to bring Kacchan to meet my mom, and I don't want to put that kind of stress on her. It would break her heart to learn that my soulmate avoids me and had even hurt me. So, I told her that we are together but he is always traveling for his job. I would rather lie than have her stress about what is actually happening. Shoto plays along, though I know it bothers him. I hope one day Kacchan will come, even if we are only friends.

Shoto had to leave for a meeting with his father, so I have been left on my own. I am in my room trying to pass the time by playing a game. I'm not sure why, but first shooter games now bring me comfort and ease to my nerves. It kinda reminds me of my life a year ago, but without the fear of getting punished if I do a bad job.
I feel a buzz in my pocket and pull it out as I pause my game. My heart stutters and begins to race when I see who texted me. I look around my room, shocked at the fact that the one person who has been avoiding me as texted me.
Kacchan: 'I am going out tonight with a few of my buddies, would you like to come?"
Me: 'Where are you going?'
Kacchan: 'We are going to a bar that isn't too far from here.'
Me: 'I would love to, but I will have to get permission from Shoto first."
Kacchan: 'I already asked him. Meet me out front at 8.'
A large smile forms over my face as I read the last message. Was I just asked on a date by Kacchan? I pull the phone to my chest trying to hold onto the moment. I lay back on my bed and allow myself to feel the happiness surging through me. Are things finally turning around, will they get better?
After a moment I sigh. No, we are going with his buddies, that's not a date. 'Why would you get your hopes up like that, Izuku?' I scold myself. There is no way that he would ask me on a date after a month of avoiding me. I need to stay realistic.
I look at my phone to check the time. 6:43. 'Crap, I need to start getting ready.'

I am dashing through the hall as I tighten my belt. I am late! Not by much, only a couple of minutes, but my mother always said that 'if you aren't early then you are late'. Unfortunately I have taken that to heart.
I should just went with my gut the first time I got dressed instead of second guessing every decision. I knew I was overthinking it like I always do. So, 7 outfit changes later, I was finally ready and rushing out the main doors of the manor. I saw Kacchan at the end of the driveway, leaning on an orange motorcycle. He looked hot! He wasn't wearing his normal suit but rather black jeans with a fitted v neck shirt, and a leather jacket hanging loosely open. He was looking down at his phone as I walked up.
"Hey, K-Kacchan." I say, lifting my hand for a weak hello. He snaps his head up at my voice. He stands up quickly, a small smile on his face as he puts away his phone.
"Hey Deku, let's get going." He hands me a helmet and turns to get on the motorcycle. I stand there just holding the helmet, slight fear filling me. He turns his head toward me after a moment.
"Umm... I haven't ridden a motorcycle before." I say, my nerves getting the best of me. He smirks but nods, getting off to face me. He grabs the helmet from me and gently puts it over my head. The visor is up so we can still see each other.
"Just hold on to me and I will keep you safe." He says, then grabbing his helmet. I nod my head. He makes eye contact with me and smiles. "You look good by the way. Are you ready?" I feel a blush form on my face and I hope he can't see it through the helmet. I nod again, and turn towards the bike.
Kacchan gets on, closes his visor and starts the bike. He pulls out his phone for a second, music fills my helmet to my surprise. I hear his voice in my helmet as he shoves his phone in his pocket. "We can talk through our helmets." He states, glancing back at me.
I say a quick okay and try to gulp down my fear, 'common Izuku, you have killed people before. Why are you scared of a bike?'

Bakago POV:
I couldn't stop my hands from shaking. Shoto was texting me trying to calm me down and hype me up, but it wasn't working. I was freaking out, and could barely contain my excitement when Deku said he would come. But it was immediately replaced with butterflies to the point of making me sick.
"Hey, K-Kacchan." I snap my head up to see Deku right in front of me. How did I not hear him walking on the gravel? I felt my heart start to race as I looked at him. He was wearing blue jeans with holes in them, with a skin tight shirt and a flannel as a jacket. He looked amazing, and it was hard not to stare.
"Hey, Deku." I could feel my face starting to heat up. "Let's get going." I say shoving a helmet at him and turning to get on my bike. I didn't want him to see the blush on my face. I turned after a moment when he didn't move.
"Umm... I haven't ridden a motorcycle before." He says nervously, his grip tightening around the helmet. I smile and get off the bike. I help put on his helmet and look at him through the open visor. He looked so cute in it, it was hard to concentrate. I noticed he was fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. What should I say to calm his nerves?
"Just hold onto me and I will keep you safe." I say, giving him an encouraging smile. "You look good by the way. Are you ready?" I can't help but look into his eyes, they are so mesmerizing. I can see a hint of pink forming on the tops of his cheeks as he nods, his eyes averting from mine. I smile at his blush and climb onto the bike.
It took Deku a moment to get on behind me. I start my music, keeping it on a genre that he might like before leaning forward. I hear him say okay and I smirk as I feel him hesitate to put his arms around me. I accelerate the gas, and I feel his arms quickly grab me as the bike moves forward. I chuckle and we head off.
I can feel his arms gripping me tightly and his head resting on my back. It feels amazing. I have been so nervous over the past month and this made everything feel better. I don't want to freak him out, so I keep to the speed limit and take the turns slower than I usually would.
We stopped at a red light and I looked back at him. He looks at me and I see a huge smile on his face. His eyes are wide with excitement and it melts my heart. I haven't seen this much joy on his face before, and I really liked it. I hear him humming to the song as we accelerate through the light, and I can't help but join him.

I park my bike in front of the bar. Deku slides off the back, and takes off his helmet. His already untamable hair is even more messy. I smile as he tries to pat it into place. I run my hand through his curls until they look good before taking off mine. I don't really care how my hair looks so I shake my hands through it just to get them from laying down. I gently grab Izuku's hand and lead him into the bar.
The bar isn't that old, so it is still a hot spot for a weekend night out. There are pool tables, a riding bull, a dance floor, a karaoke room and plenty of booths and tables. Outside are fire pits and with a few outdoor activities. We hand over our IDs and my credit card and head to the bar.

-I'm so excited for the next few chapters. Are you guys ready?
Leave a vote and comment what you think will happen?-

Assigned Death (BakuDekuTodo)Where stories live. Discover now