Chapter 32: Unexpected Visitor

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"So you're the same brat you were a year ago then." I hear a low voice say. I look around but can't see anyone. "You have gotten weak, Midoriya. You can't even detect my presence with me this close?!"
I turn my head and see a man standing a few feet away. I shake my head, this has to be a dream. There is no way. I stand, still holding onto the tree for support.
"S-stain?" I ask breathlessly.
"Of course, you fucking bitch." He says a bit too calmly. He has a grin on his face that makes me uncomfortable.
"H-how?" I can barely make out the words. I am still in my panic attack, and part of me doesn't know if this is real.
"Ah, well I saw you visiting your mother at the hospital." He says, taking a few steps closer. "You had a certain target wrapped around your shoulder, and I thought that was a bit strange. Especially since you are supposed to be dead." I can hear the venom as he says the last sentence.
He reaches behind him and pulls out a long dagger. I freeze, not knowing what to do.
"Now, we can't have you being an informant for Endeavor, can we?" He sighs dramatically. "But I also can't just kill you. You were my favorite partner." He then pulls out another long dagger from the inside of his jacket.
"So how about we settle this with a fight. If you win, I will leave and say that I completed my assignment. If I win... Well, you will be dead." He throws the blade at me and it lands right in front of my feet.
Before I can even register what he is saying, he lunges at me, slashing the air with the dagger. My instincts kick in and I dodge away just in time. Stain doesn't slow down and spins towards me, aiming at my neck. I move to the side and punch him in the gut, he grunts but doesn't allow it to phase him.
I quickly pick up the offered blade from the ground and raise my hands in a defensive state. He smirks at me and proceeds to throw his knife at me, I lean to the right as it flies past, sticking into the tree behind me. I try to resteady myself, but I wasn't ready for the next knife to slash my left thigh. I wince in pain as I slash my blade down just missing Stain as he moves in front of me.
He laughs and I start to back up, I can't beat him on my own. He was the one to train me, he can predict all my movements. He approaches slowly, pulling 3 short throwing knives out. The first two miss, but the third sticks into my left shoulder. I let out a scream of pain and try to prepare myself as he runs at me. He allows our blades to collide so he can bring his knee up into my stomach. I hunch forward and he quickly slides his knife down my back. I fall to my knees as I feel blood stream down my back as the pain feels like fire.
I haven't made one wound on him, I have to get out of here. I look behind me as I see Stain standing with a frown on his face. "You know I thought that this would have been a funner fight. Maybe I'll involve the person who turned your neck orange, I'm sure their blood will make you take this seriously." I grinned my teeth together as I stood up.
I can feel anger consume me, I am taking down this mother fucker.
I reposition myself and take a breath. Stain smiles, "So you are finally ready." He doesn't wait for a reply as he attacks. He is trying to go for my right shoulder, so I drop it down and slide to the left. I bring my left elbow down to connect with his lower back as he moves past me. I don't stop as I aim my knife and slice the back of his right shoulder.
Stain turns, still crouching low, anger in his face as he tries to connect his dagger into the back of my right leg. I step toward him, siding my foot in front of his leg and stick my blade straight into his upper arm and let go. He screams in pain, stumbling to the ground. I quickly make some distance between us, not knowing what would happen next.
He stands after a moment and laughs, his arm dangling with my blade still in it. "It looks like it's game over, I still have a blade." He moves his long dagger into his left hand and takes a stance. I know that stance, he is going to throw the blade.
"Izuku!" "Deku!" I hear from not far from away. Stain furrows his brow and growls, before sprinting towards me.

Bakugo POV:
    Shoto and I tried to run after Izuku once we realized what had happened, leaving our plates abandoned on the hall floor. We have been searching for him outside for 5 minutes now. He isn't anywhere. Shoto called out a few of his men to start searching the trees and perimeter as we walked along the paths hoping to stumble upon him.
    We made it to the fountain when we heard a painful scream. My blood runs cold as we recognize it as Deku. We start running towards it, hoping nothing has happened. As we run through the trees we can hear another scream, this one a lot closer. "Deku!" I scream out at the same time Shoto yells "Izuku!"
As we run around a large tree we stop in our tracks. Deku is a few feet away, with another man I don't recognize, both bleeding badly. The larger of the two sprints towards the other, throwing a knife at him. Deku dodges as he pulls a small blade from his shoulder and throws it back, connecting into the man's chest. Within moments, the man tackled Izuku to the ground, Izuku let out a scream upon impact. The man sits up and starts pulling one of the long swords off his back. I can feel panic rise in me as I predict what is about to happen.
A gunshot goes off. Shoto has a gun held up into the air, shooting it again. The larger man quickly gets up and runs into the tree line. Shoto starts shouting for his men to capture the intruder and we make our way towards Deku.
He is slowly sitting up, his face consumed in pain. I kneel down beside him, pulling his head to my chest, guilt consuming me for not being here for him. Shoto places a hand on Deku's back causing him to hiss in pain. Shoto pulls away, his hand covered in blood.
"Guys, I'm fine." Izuku says between clenched teeth. Anger crosses Shoto's face as he looks at the smaller.
"Izuku! You are not fine. I watched you pull a knife out of your shoulder." He takes a breath to steady himself. Then turns to me. "Katsuki, will you get him inside? I need to go after my men and make sure they apprehended this hitman." I can hear the venom in his voice.
I nod my head and watch him head after his men. I look down at my small partner. He is now putting all his weight on me, and his breathing has become ragged. "Deku?" I can't help the panic in my voice. I carefully picked him up. His legs wrapped around my waist and good arm around my neck. He rests his head onto my shoulder before he whispers a quiet thank you to me.
"You scared me so badly." I say, kissing the side of his head, I can't help but let a few tears fall as the panic subsides

Word count: 1336

Assigned Death (BakuDekuTodo)Where stories live. Discover now