Chapter 24: Bro Talk

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Midoriya POV:
Life around here has gotten so boring. I become so desperate for a change of pace that I've started my old workout routine back up. I hated it before, but now it gives me something to do everyday while bringing nostalgia. Even if the nostalgia was Stain threatening to do better or he would put a knife in my pack or sometimes beat up for the fun of it, it still brings comfort for some reason.
I run the perimeter of the compound every morning, which I assume is about 5 miles. I use the bigger trees to climb and improve my balance, while the smaller trees are best for targeting different parts of my body during basic workouts. I have gotten rusty and slow over my time here and I don't like it. Even my balance is not as good as it was before, but I think that may be because of the 2 injuries I received within a 3 day span.
I have tried to climb the side of the mansion a couple times in hopes of getting to the roof, but that uptight bodyguard keeps yelling at every time I try. I have taken it as a challenge to see if I can sneak past him effectively. Man is it hard, that man has super human speed and I swear he can see me from a mile away. He must have a sixth sense for zeroing in on mischief.
It has been almost a month now since I last had a conversation with Kacchan. I am beginning to think that what happened that night was just a fluke. He has been obviously avoiding me, and when I try to talk to him, he gives short answers then quickly walks away. He must be mad at what I did. In some ways it hurts, I must have misunderstood the meaning behind our kiss. I was the one to pull him in.
It is early in the morning, just after sunrise. The sky gradually fading from dark blue to yellow. I just finished my workout a few minutes ago and am heading in to change. As I walk through the hallways I notice a certain blonde in one of the sitting rooms of the main hall. I decided to postpone my journey to the shower and see if I can talk to the evasive blonde.
As I walk closer I can hear him laughing with someone. As I reach the door I see the familiar read hair of  Kirishima sitting next to Kacchan, while another blonde is on the other side of him holding a cup with steam coming out the top.
I pause as I try to decide if I should disturb them, they seem like they are enjoying their conversation. Before I can fully decide I hear Kirishima yell towards me. "Hey Midoriya! Why are you awake this early?" I look over and see him smiling as he does a small wave. I smile in return and walk closer.
"Hey Kirishima, I just got done with my workout. I was just heading in to take a shower." I say, trying not to look at Kacchan. I can see him glaring at me out of my peripheral, almost like he didn't want me here.
"Cool, you will have to show me your routine sometime. I am sure an assassin has a different workout than what we bodyguards do. Huh, Bakugo." Kirishima says while he nudges Katsuki next to him. Bakugo nods and quickly looks to the ground, a slight blush on his cheeks. I am not sure why, so I ignore it.
"Y-ya, a lot more balance training and isolating certain muscles. My old Lieutenant would take me to acrobatic classes to help with my range of motion and reflexes." I say nonchalantly, shrugging my shoulders.
"Oh so you are super flexible." Says the other blonde. He subtly winks at me as he continues. "That must be nice when doing dirty work." My eyes widen when I realize what he is implying. I feel my cheeks grow warm as I look away from him.
"Why the fuck would you say that you dip shit." Katsuki yells, while punching the other in the shoulder. Kirishima lets out a howl of a laugh while trying to settle Kacchan back in his seat. The blonde yelps and whines to the explosive blonde in return.
"I mean, I am open to almost anything in bed if that is what you are asking." I retort back with a sly smile. I can't help but laugh at this guy's reaction. He stares at me and slowly smiles with a satisfied look on his face, but after a second I notice Kacchan is staring at me with bright red cheeks. I quickly look away regretting my comment.
"Shots fired." Kirishima says, looking at his frozen friends. "And kind of kinky." He continues with a smirk on his face. "What do you think Bakugo?" he asks with a mischievous smile on his face.
"I ah... think it was smart of his lieutenant to take him to those kinds of classes." Bakugo says, ignore the true question. "How long did you train as an assassin?" He asks me, meeting my eyes for the first time.
I sat there for a moment. "Technically 8 years, but the first 2 I didn't get any assignments." I say, reflecting back. "The LOV leader didn't really trust me that much. I don't think he wanted me to become a solo assassin, so I always had myLieutenant with me." I concluded.
"Oh why do you think that?" The other blonde asked.
"Well, it was probably because I only listened to my lieutenant. I guess I was a wild card that he didn't want in the first place. My first solo assignment was a set up, I am sure he was the one to leak info to Todoroki." I finish, I can fell a tiny bit of anger form in me, but I push it down. The other's nod with me in agreement as they think about what I said.
"Do you wish you could be an assassin again?" Kirishima hesitantly asks. I nod slowly as I look to the ground, my convoluted feelings becoming more prominent.
"If I am being honest, ya. At first I was relieved when Todoroki didn't force me to work, but now I desire to be back out in the field." I sigh. "But I have gotten rusty, I haven't held a gun, sword or any throwing knives since I got here. I don't even know what happened to my old gear."
"Wow, so you're more of an old style assassin?" Kacchan asks. I hadn't noticed how attentive he had become as I talked. He is leaving forward, his elbows resting on his knees as he watches me.
"Ya, I follow after my lieutenant. He is a master with any blade, so I kinda just followed suit." I rub my neck, a little uncomfortable from his direct attention. This is the most I have gotten out of him in the past month. I wasn't actually expecting to be successful when I came in here. "Kinda fits the whole 'become invisible' thing when you don't have to use a loud weapon."
Kacchan looks down in thought, I watch him for a moment, curious of what he is thinking. He looks calm right now, his face isn't scrunched in its usual scowl. Like this he doesn't look threatening, but rather stoic. I wonder if he is like this more often around his friends and Shoto.
But after an awkward span of time I decided to end the conversation. "Well, I should get going. Thanks for talking with me." I say turning to the hall, lifting my hand in a goodbye sorta way. I hear a few replies behind me as I leave towards my room.

Word count: 1318

Another chapter complete.
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