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@WynterAsher calling for duty #PopularTable

I never thought there would be any sort of aftermath following Saturdays party, however word seemed to get round school that the Asher family were the newest and coolest party throwers in school and the surrounding areas. Nothing and I mean nothing ever occurs in Savannah really so when people found out about my party I was automatically the most talked about student in school... For today anyway... Tommorow is a new story because somehow the QUEEN BEE GOT A COPY OF THE VIDEO from Saturday night.

I could have died finding out that Dakota Messeli had watched me dance to Soulja Boy. However... This seemed to score me on a place at the popular lunch table...

Meaning finally outcast Wynter Asher manages to score the opportunity for everyone to gain equal rights in the high school environment.... I'm such a pathetic person... I really don't know why I can't just follow the cliques of high school sometimes...

"Thanks again for the party!" Keiran smiles at me as we enter the biology lab second period. I grin at him.

"No problem"

We walk passed the front benches and I'm not looking where I was going as I pass Kai's seat to notice his purposely stretched out legs, I fall straight to my knees and flush pink before bursting into laughter... I have such an irritatingly 'dirty' sounding laugh as Finn calls it anyway, he says I sound like one of those babies on the YouTube videos that go viral plainly just for their really funny laughs. I stand up and everybody in the class is laughing or sniggering. I laugh alongside them to show that it doesn't bother me if people laugh at me and they soon stop.

"Soz bae" Kai teases and I stick my middle finger up at him before following Keiran to our desks.


At lunch time I order my usual burger and fries before being waved over by Dakota and her posse.

I walk towards them and they all give me the strangest of looks, "oh is that for Kai?" Dakota raises her eyebrow and purrs out her speech before pouting her lips and shaking out her straight blonde hair behind her shoulders.

"The food?" I frown.

She doesn't speak but her face gives me the impression of "durhh"

"Nah, its mine." I say casually with a smile before plopping beside Codie, the football teams star quarterback. "Dude, can you pass me the ketchup" I nudge him in the side.

The girls stare at me with their jaws dropped. I can't help but laugh a little, "by the way there's a kinda bug infestation in the kitchen, I'd close your mouths if I were you... Don't want any loose strays finding there way down your windpipes.." I say with a few sniggers and chuckles coming from the jocks.

"You know Burgers and fries give you the worst skin right? But... I guess some people choose brains over beauty... Obviously the ones who don't get the guys, ooooo imagine being a big in at 30 because they wanted to wait to prevent getting STD's?" A girl named Tiffany, Dakota's best friend comments outloud... Well I know who that was aimed at...

"At least the intelligent ones have a successful career lined up for them... There's a limit of just how far being a slut can get you.." I mutter louder than intentioned.

The girls jaws drop again and the boys snigger and laugh again. 'Nice meeting y'all!" I smile happily, stand up from the table with my empty plate and try, "toodles!" I beam over exaggeratedly.

"She's good..." Britney, another of Dakota's best friends says just loud enough for me to hear as I walk away, I can basically feel the laser beams shooting out of Dakota's glaring eyes on my back right now...

Life's good.. All good...


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