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@WynterAsher Why am I taking Biology this semester? #OMG #schoolsucks

"... Which therefore produces oxygen and...?" Mr Mogelli the biology tutor announces to the class practically begging for an arm to raise or someone to call out.. Ha, I think not Mr I-look-like-a-sloth just tell us the answer you silly old man.

I hear a few girls whom I've assumed to be either the gossips or the popular cliques. And yes there is a fine line between 'popular girl' and 'gossip girl.' For one - gossips are purely gossips the not unpopular group there known by a lot of people but nobody tends to hang out with them because... They gossip obviously. Then the popular girls they're not the Queen Bee's, they're party goers and one step down in the hierarchy of the school environment.

I think if I chose to be involved into these cliques I'd most likely be a nerdy, dramatic, popular girl... That's not how it works in high school though.

You're not allowed to spread your wings and be who you want to be because these cliques determine your fate from Day One. How you dress, act, or are in general determines what group you will be in for the rest of your days.

I'm certainly not going to be a gossip or popular because I, Wynter Asher, does not conform to Stereotypical High School Clique's.

I'm not a loser.. No way.

I make myself known. People don't walk over me, they don't dare to try and gossip about me, they don't insult me, they don't force me into stuff, they tend to move out of the lunch queue for me..

I'm not scary.

I'm not a bully.

I'm just me.

People don't understand me...

"Why doesn't she just fit in?" "Why can't she just join a club?" "What have we done to change her?" "I wonder who she hangs around with?" "Does she have friends?"

Were all the questions my parents and teachers used to ask behind my back not understanding why someone like me would try to change the ways of the stereotypical world..

People don't like change. I do.

Which is why I don't understand the Mr Bad Boy cliche.

He sits on a stool at the front if the room his iPhone under the table, his posture slumped over with his leather jacket tightened around his torso his foot taps against the steel foot rest of the laboratory stool playing out that Linkin Park song I was drumming to earlier.

This makes me smile a bit to myself.

"He's so hot isn't he?" Someone whispers in my ear from behind me.

I turn around to see a guy with spikey black hair, a white polo shirt, knee length shorts, and sneakers stood behind me checking out Mr Bad Boy.

"Urm.. He's alright... He's definitely no Taylor Lautner though." I say with a smirk.

With the mention of Taylor the God Lautner, the guy behind me's mouth drops open. "Don't get me started on Taylor Bae!" He grins then quickly pull out the stall behind me. "I'm Keiran by the way, you're the new chick? I'm loving your skirt... Topshop right?"

I smile. I love this guy! "Yeah it is! So he is?" I ask pointing to Mr Bad Boy.

"Ohhh he's Kai Ryder. Number One Bad Ass... I'd say player as well but he's never seen with girls in that way... Or with a girlfriend it's weird. He's stalked by every girl here but they don't get anywhere close to being with him. Even Dakota Messeli, Queen Bee hasn't been out with him!"

Kai Ryder the mysterious bad boy, and girlfriend-less.

And the stereotyping was correct..

"You seem interested? If I can give you any advice.. Don't be! He changes for nobody."

I nod my head, still smiling. "Thanks Keiran. Anything else I need to know?"

....So we spend the rest of biology discussing the Cliques of the school. Keiran tells me of all the people I "need to stay away from" but in reality these are the people I need to see more of.

Until the bell goes..


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